Standard-Issue Update:

Mar 28, 2009 22:22

Life has equaled madness of late, I'm afraid. Some of the stuff that's been going on, in five sentences or less:

1. I've been waging war against realtors, who, thanks to the impending move and the fact that the house is now on the market, have felt the need to rearrange all my stuff and 'de-personalize' my home, something that I DO NOT APPROVE.
2. My ( Read more... )

lists, england, photgraphy, trips, move

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Comments 13

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starfoozle March 29 2009, 20:01:17 UTC
It is awfully rediculous. *glares* But apparently it's standard practice -- things have to be rearranged to make the house seem as big and clean as possible, and 'personal touches' like photographs have to be placed less conspicuously. They say it makes the house more appealing to potential buyers. I say it sucks the soul out of it and pisses me off to boot. *bristles*

Both the trip and the camera are muy excellante, though. :D


captain_elessar March 29 2009, 03:35:15 UTC
....realtors. What do they know.

Nine hours isn't bad if you sleep through most of it. Or if you have lots of entertaining material. I think I wrote like three chapters of my current story on the twelve hour flight.

Yay Bob! :D


starfoozle March 29 2009, 20:00:08 UTC
Eh, see, I can't sleep in planes or cars. There's just too much going on, and I can't shut my mind down... we'll see though. Exhaustion may win out in the end -- it's a red-eye flight. Worst comes to worst, I'll curl up with a book and read through the night, and get extra tea when we land. :P


captain_elessar March 29 2009, 20:11:25 UTC
Yeah, they're sort of all red-eye flights because it's so long. Hopefully you'll manage something. I know when I got there, the jet-lag all that killed me, but I'm really sensative to it and I have a super sensative stomach. If the jet-lag gets to you, check out the candy section in the store and try a Crunchie :D It did wonders for me, the only time I felt good during the entire first day. It's still my tummy calming candy bar.


oh yayz, she's coming to England! albumsontheside March 29 2009, 09:03:22 UTC
God, those realtors sound like complete wankers. Sorry about that :/

And yay, you're coming here! Well, maybe not /here/. Where exactly are you going?


Re: oh yayz, she's coming to England! starfoozle March 29 2009, 20:26:53 UTC
Actually, from looking at your info, I am coming /here/, meaning London, at least for a while! I'll be staying at one of the American Community Schools with about a dozen other people from the States, and we'll be trekking all over England and Wales. We're even going to France via the Chunnel for a day. :D I'm so thrilled -- I've never been to Europe before. I really don't know what to expect, but it should be awesome. *gleeful*


Re: oh yayz, she's coming to England! albumsontheside March 29 2009, 20:29:28 UTC
Aah yay! Well, when you do come, give me a ring. We can rave. Watch out with Wales, you'll get attacked by sheep. Careful with your wallets in Liverpool, ditto Manchester. Avoid Hull at all costs. Newcastle has nice Chinese food. You'll get stuck in traffic on the way to France. Um, what else? *racks brains*

So happy for you -- the amount of people I know who have NEVER been to England, I can't fathom it! :D :D


Re: oh yayz, she's coming to England! starfoozle March 29 2009, 20:48:31 UTC
*jots down those tips, amused* I've heard about the armies of sheep in Wales from a buddy of mine. I've also heard about Liverpool from him, though it may be slightly skewed since his family's from there originally. :P

Haha, I expect my inane, excited rambles will increase as the date approaches. I'm headed over there for two weeks, starting the last week of June or so. Summer can't get here soon enough!


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