Who watches the Watchmen? ...a rather put-off Starrie, apparently.

Mar 06, 2009 22:55

Went to see Watchmen tonight with a bunch of friends. I now feel like I need to scrub my brain a bit with a mild bleach solution.

Note to self: Just because you're now actually old enough to see R-rated movies unaccompanied, it doesn't mean they're actually worth seeing.

(The movie wasn't bad, exactly, and was in fact very true to the comic. However ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

captain_elessar March 7 2009, 04:32:28 UTC
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. That's my feel good movie. Or you know.. Serenity. Good fall back.

My dad wants to see it. I'm if-y about it. I mean obviously.. aside from the Sin City/300ish stuff, what're your thoughts? I'm trying to collect info from friends.

Also, lemme tell you my main concern. I have a random (it's really random, I dunno where it came from) and intense fear of nuclear power/radiation. So yeah... Dr. Manhattan. And the clip of the kissing people in front of atomic explosion. Indiana Jones freaked me out. Is this going to freak me out?


starfoozle March 7 2009, 04:52:01 UTC
First off, if you're freaked-out by nuclear/cataclysmic explosion stuff, then yes, this will have you very frazzled. The whole storyline is Cold War-centric, if that tells you anything. As for me, I've got a strange, almost perverse fascination with nuclear things. I blame my Physics teacher entirely (he tells us all kinds of stories, and has a faintly radioactive lead brick from Los Alamos sitting on his desk as a paperweight) so this was kind of thrilling from that standpoint.

I adore Dr. Manhattan, though. He's definitely my favorite, despite running around naked most of the time. The glowy man-bits were kind of a shock at first. My thoughts? It's dark, dark, dark as can be, and left me with a sort of metaphorical oily feeling in my stomach that made me go "ew, this needs to get washed off with something pleasant." I'm still a naieve pup at heart, I suppose -- graphic sex and graphic violence make me uncomfortable, and this contained both. All the characters are badly damaged in one way or another, and the ending's far from happy ( ... )


captain_elessar March 7 2009, 04:54:30 UTC
Dr. Manhattan as a person seems pretty cool, and I can handle that part if he's just wandering around and doing his thing, but yeah... I'm not so cool with random sex. I just don't see a need for it. By this point in our lives, we all know what happens. It's not like we need to see it. Over and over. It's kind of the same. Take a high school health class....

Anyway, thanks for the info. I know that oilly gross feeling. That's not a fun one.

Here's something fun though:


starfoozle March 7 2009, 05:07:20 UTC
*giggles helplessly* Dear lord, that fellow is hilarious. I keep snickering at random intervals now, and it just escalates. You just made my night. :D

Dr. Manhattan's a neat dude, and after the first little while you're just like "okay, naked blue guy, whatever." I'm with you on the gratuitous sex, though, totally. I mean, yes, there's a time and place, but not while I'm trying to watch an action flick, damnit! Pff, high school health class. Sooooo glad that's behind me now. *shudders vaguely* It's just like, can we please, as a cultural whole, grow up?


(The comment has been removed)

starfoozle March 8 2009, 18:57:39 UTC
I have concluded that Watchmen was something I would have been better off not seeing. Ew.

That comic is a brilliant, brilliant thing. I think coffee-chugging wild-haired Hades might be my new BFF. Poor guy. *laughs* Also, Darths and Droids? Endless lulz there -- my Physics class is slowly being educated in the ways of Dungeons and Dragons, seeing as my teacher is a raging geek. We will all learn to actually play it after AP exams while we're killing time until the end of the year. *laughs*


charmisjess March 10 2009, 17:26:46 UTC
Hmm...happy movies, or happy books? Oh both, I see. Well, this is a little silly, but recently I've been watching 30 Rock, that show with Tina Fey, which I always thought looked stupid (I don't care much for Fey) but is super hilarious and mindless in a cleansing sort of way. It's also nice cause you can jump right in just about anywhere and still enjoy the show ( ... )


starfoozle March 10 2009, 19:00:13 UTC
I know, I know. I've read the comic, so I kind of knew what to expect, but it was still a bit of a shock to my system. I'm so not into gore -- hell, I can't even watch violent war movies without getting stressed out -- and some of the prison stuff was just horrifying. Especially the chopping-off of the hands with the buzz saw. My poor buddy Sam and I babbled quietly to each other to distract ourselves from the most brutal bits. We are such wimps. :P

The sex scene was the most awkward thing ever. Like, I was facepalming the entire time, and it just would never end! Oy vey.

The movie was actually really good. I just didn't like it personally. I can appreciate things aesthetically without actually enjoying them, and this sort of fell into that category. That horrible, sick, my-hope-for-humanity-meter-just-dropped-like-the-stock-market feeling is necessary sometimes, but it's not pleasant.

....Somehow I find your icon very appropriate and also disturbingly hilarious.


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