Who watches the Watchmen? ...a rather put-off Starrie, apparently.

Mar 06, 2009 22:55

Went to see Watchmen tonight with a bunch of friends. I now feel like I need to scrub my brain a bit with a mild bleach solution.

Note to self: Just because you're now actually old enough to see R-rated movies unaccompanied, it doesn't mean they're actually worth seeing.

(The movie wasn't bad, exactly, and was in fact very true to the comic. However ( Read more... )

recs, movies

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charmisjess March 10 2009, 17:26:46 UTC
Hmm...happy movies, or happy books? Oh both, I see. Well, this is a little silly, but recently I've been watching 30 Rock, that show with Tina Fey, which I always thought looked stupid (I don't care much for Fey) but is super hilarious and mindless in a cleansing sort of way. It's also nice cause you can jump right in just about anywhere and still enjoy the show.

As for Watchmen, I really, really liked it. I mean, I totally hid behind my hands for most of the violence, and in parts I thought it was amped up unnecessarily (When R. chops the guy in the head? I wish they had kept to the book on that, but I understand why they didn't, with the Saw movies ripping that scene off already) ---but the thing is, the book is just chock full of incredibly, incredibly graphic violence. I think I would be disappointed if they didn't follow through with that. I mean, part of the theme of the story is the utter degeneration of humankind's morality. So at least it wasn't just mindless violence.

Although guh, the sex scene was SO AWKWARD. I mean, I know it was *supposed* to be awkward, and I thought the music for it was terrible, but ughhh.

Having said all this, I could understand not liking it for the reasons I gave. I hated Sin City--partially, I think, because I hadn't read the comic/wasn't attached to the story. But being so attached to the story of Watchmen, I liked that they kept that horrible sick feeling of too much violence. It was perfect for the story.


starfoozle March 10 2009, 19:00:13 UTC
I know, I know. I've read the comic, so I kind of knew what to expect, but it was still a bit of a shock to my system. I'm so not into gore -- hell, I can't even watch violent war movies without getting stressed out -- and some of the prison stuff was just horrifying. Especially the chopping-off of the hands with the buzz saw. My poor buddy Sam and I babbled quietly to each other to distract ourselves from the most brutal bits. We are such wimps. :P

The sex scene was the most awkward thing ever. Like, I was facepalming the entire time, and it just would never end! Oy vey.

The movie was actually really good. I just didn't like it personally. I can appreciate things aesthetically without actually enjoying them, and this sort of fell into that category. That horrible, sick, my-hope-for-humanity-meter-just-dropped-like-the-stock-market feeling is necessary sometimes, but it's not pleasant.

....Somehow I find your icon very appropriate and also disturbingly hilarious.


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