Notes from a Midwest Wasteland

Mar 09, 2011 01:18

Okay, I'm being unfair, but between the dormant trees, brown grass and constant overcast, the view from my sofa is pretty bleak at the moment.

It's strange being back at home for spring break, mostly because VT's break is a different week than all my other friends' and I don't have many people to hang out with right now. I've spent all my time ( Read more... )

job, ohio

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Comments 3

layrenelement March 9 2011, 17:35:41 UTC
Wait you have a tumblr? How did I not know about this? :p

I am lmorbison on there. After Lent you should friend me. ;) At least you know I won't cause you any drama. ;)

Growing up is tough. You're at that in between stage and it's not just hard on you, it's hard on your parents too because they're not sure what to do either. So cut them some slack, cut yourself some slack. Try and enjoy the time you have at home because some day, you might not be able to go home and you'll want to.

I know that sounds a bit morbid, but just some food for thought.


lostsailors March 10 2011, 04:04:35 UTC
Speaking from the future, your mom will yell at you to clean your room, or whatever, for the rest of your life. That's just what moms do. She'll do it in your own place and you're practically 30!

Moving far out from home, to some uncertain place is the scariest ever. I think about how stressed I was moving to L.A. and even to Chicago, even though both of those were for school- and I honestly don't even think I could do it now. I was so scared and so lonely- even though it always worked out in the end. Just keep your eye on the prize- yes there IS more to life than licking envelopes! - and take life as it comes. The whole, inch by inch, life is a cinch- yard by yard life is hard idea. Don't think so far out you freak yourself out!


captain_elessar March 12 2011, 01:56:32 UTC
Tumblr is kind of terrible that way. I'm glad I've got work so that I don't sit on it all day like I might if I was in school.

Also.. I sympathize with the wasteland. Feb, March and April are about the only time that we have green in California. The rest of the time, everything is brown and ready to burn at a moment's notice.


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