Nov 23, 2009 08:53

Title: Mr. Mom
Author: stamatina_rae
Challenge: drabble123
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Table: Directions
Prompt: #12, Detour
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: Through Season 2, my previous three drabble123 series. Specifically Chapter 61.
Summary: Chapter 62. “Lemon, this isn’t the first time I’ve taken care of a sick child. I can handle it."

Feedback/comments always appreciated.
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. Don't sue.

“Does she have a fever? When’s the last time you took her temperature?”

“Lemon, this isn’t the first time I’ve taken care of a sick child. I can handle it.”

“I know you can, but...Can I talk to her?"

“No,” he laughs. “She's sleeping. You should be sleeping, too. What time is it there?"

“I don’t know,” Liz sighs. “How much Tylenol did you give her? Did you buy the grape Tylenol? She likes the -”

“Liz,” he growls into the phone. “You need to calm down and get some sleep. You’re supposed to be having fun with Julia.”

“We are. I just hate being so far away when she’s sick.”

It’s another ten minutes before they finally hang up. And only after he promises to call with updates every hour the next day.

He drifts towards the balcony, chuckling to himself, thinking about Liz and her incessant worrying.

Darkness obscures the waves of the Pacific Ocean below, but he can still hear their peaceful cadence. Last night he and Isabelle relaxed on the balcony together, enjoying the sights and sounds, talking late into the evening. Tonight it’s not as enjoyable by himself.


He darts back inside, thankful to find her forehead much cooler to the touch. “I'm here, sweetheart. What is it?"

He gets her some juice - OJ with no pulp, in the little cartons she likes - and tucks her back into bed.

“I’m sorry I ruined our road trip, Dad.”

He rubs her back, trying to soothe her to sleep. "You didn't ruin anything, sweetie."

"What if I'm still sick tomorrow?"

"Then we stay in and watch movies all day."




“Get some sleep, baby. I’m here if you need anything.” He pulls the blankets up, kisses her cheek. “Goodnight. I love you.”

“Love you, too, Dad.”


Chapter 63 here...

drabble123, jack/liz

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