Nov 25, 2009 08:19

Title: Inquisition
Author: stamatina_rae
Challenge: drabble123
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Table: Directions
Prompt: #5, South
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: Through Season 2, my previous three drabble123 series.
Summary: Chapter 63. Jack didn't anticipate this conversation.

Feedback/comments always appreciated.Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. Don't sue.

Driving south on Hwy 101, just entering northern California, they pass by a late summer wedding. The seaside nuptials elicit a very curious inquiry.

“Hey, Dad...what was your first wedding like?”

He’s never really discussed Bianca with any of the girls. They know of her existence, obviously, but she’s never been a topic of conversation. Until today.

“It was a big church wedding, big reception. Very nice.”

“Did you love her?”

The inquisitive question from his youngest baby girl floors him.

She senses, gives him an out. “If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s okay.”

“No, it’s okay, sweetie. You just caught me by surprise...” He chooses his words carefully. “At the time, yes of course, I loved her. But when you’re young...it’s easy to mistake lust for love.”

“You didn’t lust for Mom?”

“No, I did - I do - very much. But -” He glances over at her. “This is kind of weird to talk about with your dad, isn’t it?”

“Kind of,” she chuckles. “But I’ve always kind of wondered about her. About what happened between the two of you.”

“Well, with your mother, it’s much more than physical attraction. That’s all there was with Bianca. The trust and companionship, the true friendship part was never there. If you truly love someone, you bring out the best in each other. Bianca and I...we brought out the absolute worst.”

Isabelle cogitates in silence for several minutes, really digesting his words before asking, “So Mom’s the only woman you’ve ever really loved, isn’t she?” Then correctly predicting his rejoinder, further specifies, “I mean romantic, relationshipy love. Not loving your kids love.”

Totally mystified by the amazing 12 year old next to him, he just smiles. She doesn’t really need him to respond. She already knows the answer.


Chapter 64 here...

drabble123, jack/liz

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