Title: Privacy in Public Author: liltigre Theme: Five Stages of Love: Stage 3 (passion) Rating: R Author's notes: I think this one's been the hardest of them all to do. Not that I don't enjoy smut, but... well, sometimes it's hard to work in.
Title: Subtle Gestures Author/Artist: liltigre Theme: Five Stages of Love: Stage 2 (romance) Rating: G Author's Notes: Eeek. If I'm late on this one, sorry. X_x Anime North and the stomach flu afterwards kinda killed me.
Title: Inward Spiral Author/Artist: liltigre Theme: Five Stages of Love: Stage 1 (attraction) Rating: G Author's Notes: I hope I'm doing this right. And I don't usually get this philosophical, either, but it seemed to call for it.