Final Fantasy 7: Reeve/Vincent, 'attraction'

May 21, 2007 10:33

Title: Inward Spiral
Author/Artist: liltigre
Theme: Five Stages of Love: Stage 1 (attraction)
Rating: G
Author's Notes: I hope I'm doing this right. And I don't usually get this philosophical, either, but it seemed to call for it.

It's odd, how they seem to flow against each other even as they move together, two living, breathing examples of yin and yang. Vincent all cloaked in red, the color of fire, yet with a temperament cold as ice; and Reeve, sheathed in ocean blue, yet warm and passionate like flames in the hearth. On the outside, the two seem polar opposites in every conceivable way.

Inside, it's a different matter.

Below the surface they fit together like a puzzle, each one filling in the gaps of the other. Vincent speaks in body language, saying volumes in a look or a twitch of his head; when it comes to spoken language he is awkward, not always able to distinguish mood and intent. Reeve is fluent when it comes to speaking, using words and vocal pitch to weave a verbal tapestry; however, he's often blind to the small movements and gestures that say something totally different than what he hears. Vincent is often too restrained, letting opportunity slide by because he does not know how to grasp it; Reeve knows how to loosen those restraints, and how to salvage opportunity before it's too late. Likewise, Reeve is impulsive and too easily swayed by his emotions; Vincent knows how to temper the emotional flames and redirect them for maximum effect. Apart, they tend to sway to the extremes; together, they balance each other out.

In the end, though, it's their similarities that spark the first attractions. From the loves that both saw die and were unable to save, to the inner demons (literal and figurative) that keeps them up at night, to how they take their coffee- they seem to slowly spiral closer as time moves on, each seeking the other pieces to complete the puzzle of their life.


"They're at it again."

Cid glanced up to see the WRO commissioner leaning up against the wall, balancing a cup of coffee in one hand as he explained some grand new plan; sitting in front of him was Vincent, looking politely bored by the conversation. "At what? Reeve boring th' hell outta Vince?"

Shera laughed and leaned forward. "You're not looking closely enough. Try again."

Rolling his eyes, he lit up another cigarette and looked back. Yes, Vincent looked bored with the conversation- but behind the curtain of hair and the edge of his cloak, his eyes kept darting up to Reeve's face, lingering for a few seconds before lowering his gaze to the wall or the steam rising from his mug of coffee. Reeve was talking calmly- when, that is, he wasn't shifting from one foot to the other or sneaking glances of his own at his quiet companion. Cid couldn't help a smirk as the two actually looked each other in the eye on accident. "Gaia, they're like a couple of teenagers," he grunted, rolling his eyes. "They're adults. You'd think they'd come out an' say somethin'."

Across the room, the two were clearing their throats and looking everywhere but at each other, clearly a bit unnerved. Reeve finally broke a smile; Vincent said something in a quietly amused voice, making Reeve throw his head back and laugh. In that moment, Cid caught the faintest hint of a smile on Vincent's lips- one that was open and unrestrained. "They don't have to," Shera said, covering Cid's hand with her own and squeezing. "I think they know."

x-posted to reeve_and_cait and my own LJ.

reeve tuesti/vincent valentine, final fantasy 7, stages of love: attraction

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