Stargate SG1; Sam & Jack; Stages of Day

May 21, 2007 13:35

Title: Dawn
Author: sjhw_tolerance
Theme:Stages of Day: Dawn
Rating: All ages


Jack stood on the dock in his bare feet; jeans slung low on his hips and a cup of hot coffee steaming in his hands. Dawn was always his favorite time of day at the lake, the sun just peeking through the pines, the shadows fading away as the lake and its inhabitants woke up. The dew was heavy in the grass and a slight mist hung over the lake, waiting to melt away in the bright summer sun. The birds sang madly, greeting the new day, and he could hear the occasional plop and splash as one of the supposedly non-existent fish found its breakfast.

He heard the back door to the cabin slam; he smiled, but didn’t turn around. Instead he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, the clean scents of the lake and trees mingling with the coffee and reminding him what it was like to live on the surface instead of buried beneath tons of concrete and breathing recycled air. Jack took a sip of his coffee, savoring the smooth taste, when he heard footsteps behind him.

“Good morning.” A warm body pressed up against his back, sweatshirt clad arms wrapping around him. “Aren’t you cold?” she asked, her cheek nuzzling against his bare shoulder blade.

“Not any more,” he rumbled. He felt her smile against his skin and then the warm press of her lips. Her arms slid from around him in a slow caress, her left hand trailing delicately across his ribs, resting comfortably at his waist as she moved to stand at his side.

“Beautiful morning.”

Jack glanced at her; the sun had just broken over the trees, sunlight spilling over them, casting her features in an almost ethereal glow; the sun glinting off the golden highlights in her hair. “Beautiful,” he agreed.

Sam looked at him, her lips curved in a tender smile and eyes as blue as the calm morning water of the lake. And then she sighed, her eyes changing from clear blue to the darker hues of the lake during a storm. “I wish we didn’t have to go.”

Shifting his coffee cup to his left hand, Jack wrapped his right arm around her, pressing a soft kiss to her hair. “We’ll be back.”

She sighed again, a wealth of emotion conveyed in that one simple acted and leaned further into his embrace; her body warm and soft and molding perfectly against him. “I know,” she murmured. “But when we leave, you go to DC and I go to Area 51….”

Jack recognized the melancholy in her voice, it matched the ache in his gut when he thought about the drive to Minneapolis/Saint Paul and watching her board a plane that would take her over two thousand miles from him. “Have you changed your mind?”
He felt her head move against his shoulder. “No,” she said, her voice sad but firm. “It’s what we have to do.” She was right, no matter how many times they did the math-and they had done it plenty during the month they’d been at the cabin-it always came out the same way.

“It won’t be forever,” he reminded her, rubbing his cheek against her hair. “And besides we still have today.” He felt the heavy breath that rippled through her and his arm tightened around her, but then before he could react, she slipped out of his embrace and with a sassy smile, grabbed his coffee mug.

“Hey!” he protested.

Sam grinned at him, apparently totally unrepentant, and took a sip of his coffee. “You’re right, we do have today.” She finished off the coffee in the mug and handed it back to him. “And if I remember correctly,” she said, turning on her heel and leaving him standing on the dock, her voice carrying back to him, “it’s your turn to make breakfast and you promised me pancakes.”

times of day: dawn, samantha carter/jack o'neill, stargate: sg-1

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