Title: Enchanted Author: Reddwarfer Rating: G Fandom/Pairing: TeniPuri: Tezuka/Fuji Theme: #12: Stages of Love: Commitment Word Count: 100 Disclaimer: The owners of PoT owns PoT Weakness- Incredulousness- Seriousness- Fearlessness
You know I'm going to be stalking you for the next part, right? *laughs*
My god, that was HOT! There is positively nothing hotter than 'up against the wall' sex! When I saw Tezuka 'pressed him again the bricks'... I literally squealed. ^___^ *sighs*
While I don't write minors having sex... I'm not averse to reading it. *coughs* ^____^ So... DON'T WAIT! Have sex now!!! *nudges you to write more* ^__^
Thank you for the heads up on this. I really appreciate it. ^______^
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You know I'm going to be stalking you for the next part, right? *laughs*
My god, that was HOT! There is positively nothing hotter than 'up against the wall' sex! When I saw Tezuka 'pressed him again the bricks'... I literally squealed. ^___^ *sighs*
While I don't write minors having sex... I'm not averse to reading it. *coughs* ^____^ So... DON'T WAIT! Have sex now!!! *nudges you to write more* ^__^
Thank you for the heads up on this. I really appreciate it. ^______^
*goes back up to drool over them again*
Gah! It was the water bottle, now they've moved up to chopsticks! I want them to get to the real thing already! ^___^
Very seductive. Me likes.
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