Prince of Tennis: Tezuka Kunimitsu/Fuji Syusuke, Stages of Love: Passion

Jun 04, 2006 03:32

Title: Seriousness
Author: Reddwarfer
Rating: G
Fandom/Pairing: TeniPuri: Tezuka/Fuji
Theme: #12: Stages of Love: Passion
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: The owners of PoT owns PoT
Weakness- Incredulousness

Fuji lobbed the ball across the court, to the other side, to him.

The sweat was dripping off of his face, down his body, making every thing slick, wet.

The blood pumping in his veins was as loud in his ears as the thunk of ball against taut string.

Running to the net, he could see the faint smile curving his Captain's lips;
the urge to both kiss it and wipe it off of his beautiful face warred equally inside of him.

His eyes wide open.
Fuji played.

Fuji didn't see anything but his Captain, his Tezuka Kunimitsu.

stages of love: passion, prince of tennis, kunimitsu tezuka/shuusuke fuji

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