Holy crap, I'm making an index page cause I'm just that effing fantastic and organized. Someone get me a gold star for my efforts.
I'm going to attempt to organize (primarily for my peace of mind) this into arcs of some form or something even vaguely logical apart from the religious clusterfuck it currently is. There are HUGE gaps in here, in which many pieces should go to explain all this crap, but they aren't there. There are also lots of pieces that aren't included because I didn't feel like it or whatever. But it's a start. Also I am currently aware that the sizes of fonts are messed, and I cannot be bothered to fix it right now.
Kings Among Runaways
This is NEW. It is going to be more manageable than Abaddon, I promise. To myself.
Dreaming of Something That Does Not Exist Abaddon
For Thine Is The Kingdom
Cassiel moves back home, Michael moves in with him. Cassiel sings and occasionally dances, Michael rules corrupt bureaucracy and plots war. Hiijinks generally don't ensure, but sometimes pop up.
Seriously Do Not Cry Over Spilt Eggs Wishing Only Wounds The End Justifies---
Breaking The Rules Don't Go
The Risks and Benefits of Musical Illiteracy ---
The Whore Is Their Mother The Worst Game Just No Crack My Brother, Your Mistake Prayers or Songs or Other Forms of Bullshit Hands of Snow, Eyes of Ghosts
Sayuri moves home and Ryou is a lot crazier than she remembered. Kaito keeps sleeping in the alley and no one can figure what the hell is wrong with him or where he even came from.
Control Your Hags
Feeding Fish Lighting Fires pt 1 Choices We Don't Get I Don't Know About Water But Winter Will Drown You Bones Are For Breaking So Are Patterns Quellazaire Punching Bag Is That What You Call A Getaway? Crushing Snow---
When You're 15 Taylor Swift Gives You Really Great Advice Sicut Erat In Principio
Keziah never planned to be on the run with the kid she's fairly certain is the anti-christ, but now there's not much she can do about it.
For Twenty Eleus Hello, Dear Fishing Trip The Roots of Evil A First Time For Everything Still and Quiet What The Fuck Brands Leap of Faith Judge a Man Drowning In Shallow Waters This Is A School For Ants Sruthàn (And Louder Sing)
Aiobhe ends wars, burns castles, fucks kings, and is possibly a crackwhore. I don't even know.
Lighting Fires Pt II Path of Greatest Madness Other
Character/background stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.
Alex Scott:
I Am That He Liveth,
I Am Alive For Evermore,
And Have The Keys Of Hell And Death. (Three pieces showing three parts of Alex's childhood).
Keziah Abbey Colton:
The Fairy Hunt (Keziah is five, I meant to make this into a three-part thing like Alex's but have yet to get around to it).
Fall Back Down (Cassiel's -GASP- pocky chain).
1,439 Minutes Nakahara Kaito:
To Burn Ancient Blood