Mission 056: Titanic Ambush (part 1)

Feb 12, 2012 12:59

wyverncakes 10:14 pm
(10:14:02 PM):     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w
wyverncakes 10:14 pm
(10:14:40 PM):     It's been about a day since the White Chalice flotilla has arrived at Anaheim Electronic's headquarters on the moon
(10:15:10 PM):     In that time, you've been stocked up with supplies meant for Karaba resistance cells, and there's been some repairs being done to some of your machines as well
(10:15:24 PM):     At any rate, what's everyone doing right now?
Joseph Fischer 10:16 pm
(10:16:01 PM):     Kamille is conspicuously absent from the Chalice at the moment...
Mister Giggles 10:16 pm
(10:16:05 PM):     Char: "We're not asking for a public support of Zeon. The fact remains that neither of us will be able to defeat the Titans without some measure of cooperation."
HyprKnux 1 10:16 pm
(10:16:25 PM):     Since Roux's part of Karaba and she agreed to it, she's with Char at the moment in the meeting.
wyverncakes 10:16 pm
(10:16:35 PM):     (Char, just double-checking, you're with Haman and Blex, talking to Anaheim about supporting Zeon, yes?)
Mister Giggles 10:16 pm
(10:16:40 PM):     (Yes.)
wyverncakes 10:16 pm
(10:16:45 PM):     (Alright)
(10:16:50 PM):     (Is anyone else with them?)
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:16 pm
(10:16:52 PM):     Roads is enjoying looking over his fancy new guns! They are very, very nice guns.
wyverncakes 10:17 pm
(10:17:04 PM):     Ah yes... those fancy new guns, Roads!
(10:17:46 PM):     Anaheim turned out to be the location of Dr. Reinhardt's second weapons cache.  Kinda funny though, how Reinhardt entrusted them to Anaheim and not Nicolai, his closest friend in the whole world, while he was on the run from those mysterious individuals hunting after him
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:18 pm
(10:18:08 PM):     Yes, that is rather odd. On the other hand, christmas in february!
HyprKnux 1 10:18 pm
(10:18:23 PM):     (Roux was, since she said she'd join in)
Tengusaur 10:18 pm
(10:18:29 PM):     Lily Rain wanders into the hangar, reading a cookbook, the chapter on how to make chocolate. Surely nothing bad will come out of that!
Atrament Corel 10:18 pm
(10:18:33 PM):     Azrad's just wandering around the hallways. His mind's on Rovdy as usual, and he's still at a dead end when it comes to that.
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:18 pm
(10:18:45 PM):     Roads definitely isn't drooling on them. That would be wrong.
howmuchineedyou 10:19 pm
(10:19:03 PM):     Haman is with Char, stone faced she listens to everything, letting Char do the talking this time.
Spirit of Justice 10:19 pm
(10:19:17 PM):     Gai is just running checkups on the Blue Frame
Tengusaur 10:19 pm
(10:19:21 PM):     Lily: "Um, Mr Roads, what are you doing? Are you hungry?"
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:19 pm
(10:19:42 PM):     "Wha?! Ah! Lily!"
(10:19:50 PM):     "This, uh…Nothing!"
wyverncakes 10:19 pm
(10:19:53 PM):     Blex is pulling his own weight in the discussions as well, explaining how Axis Zeon had resources, but not many experienced pilots.  It needed every edge it could get, which included cutting-edge tech
(10:20:07 PM):     However though!!!
wyverncakes 10:20 pm
(10:20:55 PM):     At once, alarms begin to seemingly blare, and people begin to run through the halls, expressing confusion and disbelief as to what's happening before one officer enters the meeting room where the discussion's being held
(10:21:15 PM):     Anaheim officer: "S-sirs!"  He bows nervously.  "W-we have a crisis on our hands!"
(10:21:30 PM):     Blex and the Anaheim people immediately turn to him.
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:21 pm
(10:21:31 PM):     Roads sighs. "It just keeps happening…"
wyverncakes 10:22 pm
(10:22:05 PM):     Blex: "What's happened.  I wouldn't be surprised it if was the Federation launching an assault or-"
Atrament Corel 10:22 pm
(10:22:06 PM):     This isn't the first time Azrad's heard alarms, so he's not all that surprised either...
Tengusaur 10:22 pm
(10:22:09 PM):     Lily: "Oh no! Did you do something that caused this alarm?"
wyverncakes 10:22 pm
(10:22:09 PM):     Officer: "It's a colony drop!"
Mister Giggles 10:22 pm
(10:22:19 PM):     Char: What!?
HyprKnux 1 10:22 pm
(10:22:21 PM):     Roux: "What!?"
howmuchineedyou 10:22 pm
(10:22:47 PM):     Haman: "No..."
Mister Giggles 10:22 pm
(10:22:47 PM):     Char: Thinking: A colony drop? That's insane, even for the Titans.
wyverncakes 10:22 pm
(10:22:50 PM):     The man shakes his head in disbelief.  "I-I just can't understand!  We should have picked it up by sensors or SOMETHING but it just snuck up on us!  Even now, we're only picking it up on visual!"
howmuchineedyou 10:23 pm
(10:23:18 PM):     Haman puts a tentative hand on the back of Char's elbow.
wyverncakes 10:23 pm
(10:23:44 PM):     At that, Blex stands up, turning to the Chalice members in the room.  "The discussions will have to wait.  Federation or some other force involved... we have to stop or at least divert the colony.  I'll leave that into your hands, and help here with getting thing evacuated if worse comes to worse."
Mister Giggles 10:24 pm
(10:24:40 PM):     Char swallows the lump forming in his throat. "This doesn't even sound like something the Titans would do. Even so, it only proves our point. We need to work together." He then stands up. "Blex is right. Let's go."
wyverncakes 10:24 pm
(10:24:52 PM):     Immediately, the Anaheim members begin going to work, broadcasting warnings and stating that evacuations have to begin, with only the most critical and irreplaceable of hardware not being left behind as you're all cleared for launch
wyverncakes 10:25 pm
(10:25:56 PM):     For anyone looking up into the sky as you're priming for launch, you can definitely see it.
HyprKnux 1 10:26 pm
(10:26:20 PM):     Roux: "Great, great, great...! A colony drop on the Moon, what are they THINKING?!"
wyverncakes 10:26 pm
(10:26:25 PM):     It's HUGE, already bearing the scars of battle, and with a strange, sizeable lump on one side, though it's still too far away you can't quite tell what it is
Mister Giggles 10:26 pm
(10:26:41 PM):     Char: "Haman... I need you to contact the Axis fleet. We'll need more firepower to break this up."
Spirit of Justice 10:26 pm
(10:26:46 PM):     Gai: Pretty daring to drop a colony on the moon.
Tengusaur 10:26 pm
(10:26:53 PM):     Lily looks at the dropped colony in fear. "How are we supposed to stop something so huge...?"
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:27 pm
(10:27:06 PM):     Thankfully the Zweilicht is the kind of thing that you can launch pretty quickly in, though Roads does take the time out to hop into a normal suit. He's still adjusting it as he climbs into the cockpit. "…Well, I suppose a peaceful life is out of the question by now..."
wyverncakes 10:27 pm
(10:27:10 PM):     At that point, Blex opens a channel to you however.
Atrament Corel 10:27 pm
(10:27:16 PM):     Azrad, instead of running, is simply walking past all those people and towards the hangar.
wyverncakes 10:27 pm
(10:27:56 PM):     "We have a chance of completely averting this... the eggheads here did some number crunching based on visuals... and if it's not entered the point of no return yet we can access its thrusters and stop its descent."
(10:28:13 PM):     "Otherwise, best we can do is alter its course and try to get it to crash harmlessly elsewhere on the moon."
howmuchineedyou 10:28 pm
(10:28:34 PM):     Haman: "Already on it." She keeps quiet, deadly quiet for the most part, her stomach churning with anger at the sight.
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:29 pm
(10:29:09 PM):     "Time limit to climb aboard a falling city and activate some computer…man, I hate this kind of mission."
Tengusaur 10:29 pm
(10:29:33 PM):     Lily: "The thrusters have to be accessed from the inside, right?"
wyverncakes 10:29 pm
(10:29:51 PM):     Blex: "Yes."
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:30 pm
(10:30:02 PM):     "Well, you heard the man."
Mister Giggles 10:30 pm
(10:30:06 PM):     Char: Damn it... first Delaz, now they're forcing our hand early.
wyverncakes 10:30 pm
(10:30:12 PM):     (I take it you're all en-route to the colony?)
Mister Giggles 10:30 pm
(10:30:19 PM):     Yep.
(10:30:22 PM):     ( )
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:30 pm
(10:30:23 PM):     (Sure.)
HyprKnux 1 10:30 pm
(10:30:26 PM):     (Yus)
Spirit of Justice 10:30 pm
(10:30:28 PM):     (sure why not)
howmuchineedyou 10:30 pm
(10:30:32 PM):     (werks fer me)
Joseph Fischer 10:30 pm
(10:30:52 PM):     (whistles innocently)
Tengusaur 10:30 pm
(10:30:52 PM):     Lily: "Good that I'm smaller than most of the local robots, it will be easier to squeeze through any hole to get inside!" She's still kinda nervous though.
(10:30:54 PM):     (yeah)
HyprKnux 1 10:30 pm
(10:30:59 PM):     Roux: "I still don't know how anyone can sit here and still support people who'd pull this kind of bulls--"
Atrament Corel 10:31 pm
(10:31:12 PM):     (Fine with that. No Aeon yet though)
wyverncakes 10:31 pm
(10:31:18 PM):     As you near the colony, you can finally make out the massive lump on the side of the colony
Atrament Corel 10:31 pm
(10:31:19 PM):     (Just Magius for Azrad)
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:31 pm
(10:31:25 PM):     Roads gives his equipment a brief check over; it's just the base Zweilicht frame and his shiny new guns for this one. Stupid stealth colonies, not giving him the time to prepare properly...
wyverncakes 10:31 pm
(10:31:36 PM):     It's definitely something that should not normally be there
(10:31:45 PM):     Spiny lump: http://www.craftster.org/pictures/data/500/medium/lavos_spawn_small_.jpg
wyverncakes 10:32 pm
(10:32:05 PM):     (And no, this is not Lavos, this is an Id Beast from And Though I Walk.  They are completely different, so shutuporyou'llbebanned)
(10:32:50 PM):     In fact, you can see a whole multitude of quills lining the walls of the colony, along with wreckage from various mobile suits that were pinned down into it.
(10:32:52 PM):     HOWEVER!
(10:33:21 PM):     Before you can get too close, suddenly a flurry of beam rifle shots come out of fucking nowhere, all at you!
(10:33:41 PM):     ???: "Attention, White Chalice machines!  You are to stand down and retreat!"
(10:33:45 PM):     (React: Everyone)
HyprKnux 1 10:34 pm
(10:34:14 PM):     *Roux pulls the Mk-III back as the beam rifles fly by+
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:34 pm
(10:34:28 PM):     *Roads starts dodging like a boss. Hooray for light equipment load outs!. "…Really man? You're really going to try to stop us from stopping a colony drop?"+
HyprKnux 1 10:34 pm
(10:34:33 PM):     Roux: "And what? Let innocents die because of that?!"
Mister Giggles 10:34 pm
(10:34:47 PM):     Char jerks the the Hyakku Shiki's controls, attempting to dodge the beam rifle shots with his Newtype-senses. Any sort of grazing shot would be completely mitigated by the anti-beam coating.
Atrament Corel 10:35 pm
(10:35:07 PM):     Azrad erects the Elder sign in front of him to defend against the beam rifle shots...or well, any that are about to hit him, since he's SS-sized.
Mister Giggles 10:35 pm
(10:35:18 PM):     Char: "Haman, we need an ETA on the Axis Fleet. This is make or break for any sort of allies we're gonna get."
Spirit of Justice 10:35 pm
(10:35:18 PM):     *Gai pulls away from the beams as he looks towards where the shots came from+
Atrament Corel 10:35 pm
(10:35:33 PM):     (Missed the * and +, sorry)
Tengusaur 10:36 pm
(10:36:39 PM):     * "W...what?!" Lily stops her jetpack, but since this is space she still gets some inertia going on, so she quickly reactivates it and flies to the side, away from whatever beam might come her way! Hopefully.+
wyverncakes 10:37 pm
(10:37:23 PM):     [Everyone] The beams are more to ward you off than attack you directly, and finally, on the opposite end of the falling colony, you can see them
(10:37:24 PM):     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8fvEo5PHGY
howmuchineedyou 10:37 pm
(10:37:30 PM):     Haman: "There's not time Char, they couldn't get here in time even if they wanted to. Damn! Looks like it's just us."+
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:37 pm
(10:37:48 PM):     "Gotta love Zeonic efficiency…"
wyverncakes 10:38 pm
(10:38:00 PM):     Flanked by a number of Titans-paintjob Advents are a number of familiar Titans mobile suits
Spirit of Justice 10:38 pm
(10:38:00 PM):     Gai: Titans....
wyverncakes 10:38 pm
(10:38:17 PM):     That giant Gundam (http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/z/mrx-009.jpg)
(10:38:25 PM):     The Messala (http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/z/pmx-000.jpg)
Mister Giggles 10:38 pm
(10:38:29 PM):     Char: The Titans are out of their mind!
howmuchineedyou 10:38 pm
(10:38:35 PM):     Haman: "I'll show Zeonic efficiency!!" Haman Charges ahead.
wyverncakes 10:38 pm
(10:38:41 PM):     That mobile suit from the desert (http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/z/rx-139.jpg)
(10:38:55 PM):     And something new, leading the Advents personally (http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/z/rx-110.jpg)
HyprKnux 1 10:38 pm
(10:38:59 PM):     Roux: "...a giant Gundam..."
wyverncakes 10:39 pm
(10:39:03 PM):     And it's then that Scirroco appears on all of your screens
(10:39:36 PM):     Scirroco: "We meet again, Red Comet... and this time you've brought along the Zeon leader as well..."
Mister Giggles 10:40 pm
(10:40:00 PM):     Char: "Scirocco... I see you're taking pages out of Gihren Zabi's playbook now."
wyverncakes 10:40 pm
(10:40:01 PM):     But as the Quebely moves forward, the Messala levels its beam rifle at the machine
(10:40:36 PM):     "I'll have you all know that a previous detachment of Titans were destroyed, trying to dispose of this... thing..." the machine gestures at the giant spine monster
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:40 pm
(10:40:38 PM):     "…Who dyes their hair purple..."
wyverncakes 10:41 pm
(10:41:01 PM):     "Imagine our surprise that when we were called in for reinforcements, they'd all be dead but you'd also be here."
Tengusaur 10:41 pm
(10:41:10 PM):     Lily: "Purple is not a natural hair color?"
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:41 pm
(10:41:39 PM):     "Not usually, no."
wyverncakes 10:41 pm
(10:41:50 PM):     Scirroco's gaze narrows.  "Your options are simple.  Either surrender and leave this creature and the colony drop to us and be treated fairly, or resist and most likely throw away your lives."
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:42 pm
(10:42:12 PM):     "Yeah, how about fuck you."
wyverncakes 10:42 pm
(10:42:26 PM):     (Do you want to punctuate that with an attack, Haman?)
howmuchineedyou 10:42 pm
(10:42:53 PM):     (I can!)
vertigojockey@gmail.com has entered the room. 10:42 pm
wyverncakes 10:43 pm
(10:43:05 PM):     (Then describe it and we can get the mission going!)
howmuchineedyou 10:44 pm
(10:44:40 PM):     Haman: "Request Denied!" Dashing forward, she deplys her funnels, and then leaps back ward, setting all her funnels on the Messala that was pointing a weapon at her. As she dashed back she pulled a bead saber, she was ready to fight. Every nerve on end with power.+
wyverncakes 10:44 pm
(10:44:40 PM):     (Incidentally, Titans paintjob Advents: http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/1856/titangrunts.png)
wyverncakes 10:46 pm
(10:46:45 PM):     [Haman] "Careful, Chancellor Karn!  A hair-trigger like that will only lead your band of soldiers to ruin!"  The Messala is fast, and Scirroco's piloting is sharp enough that the machine pulls away... but at the same time suddenly the creature on the colony howls out in anger... suddenly firing a stream of spines at the Quebely!
(10:46:48 PM):     (React: Haman)
(10:47:17 PM):     Scirroco: "They're resisting!  All units, move in!  Capture any you can, but only at your own convenience!"
(10:47:29 PM):     And with that, the various machines charge forward into the battle!
HyprKnux 1 10:47 pm
(10:47:29 PM):     Roux: "...trap, figures."
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:47 pm
(10:47:42 PM):     "…I have to wonder why a colony drop, of all things…"
Mister Giggles 10:47 pm
(10:47:42 PM):     Char: Kamille, which one do you want?
wyverncakes 10:48 pm
(10:48:00 PM):     (Kamille's kinda-sorta not present, Char)
Spirit of Justice 10:48 pm
(10:48:02 PM):     Gai: Just another day with the Chalice
Mister Giggles 10:48 pm
(10:48:07 PM):     (Strike that, then.)
Atrament Corel 10:48 pm
(10:48:19 PM):     Azrad: I must agree...
HyprKnux 1 10:48 pm
(10:48:24 PM):     Roux: "Well, at least I'm not trying to squash Kamen Riders this time."
Atrament Corel 10:48 pm
(10:48:40 PM):     Yes, even mister Arabian wizard has noticed this pattern by now.
wyverncakes 10:48 pm
(10:48:51 PM):     (Roads, Lily, Roux, Azrad, Gai, Char, Haman)
howmuchineedyou 10:48 pm
(10:48:55 PM):     Haman turns half her funnels to intercept incoming spines, dashing way from their projected course. "Hair Trigger? You should have known I wouldn't take this lying down!"
wyverncakes 10:49 pm
(10:49:11 PM):     (Roads and Lily)
(10:49:17 PM):     INCIDENTALLY ROADS!
Tengusaur 10:49 pm
(10:49:28 PM):     Lily Rain: "There are so many of them... Shouldn't we call for reinforcements...?"
wyverncakes 10:49 pm
(10:49:30 PM):     As soon as the creature seemed to stir, a light came on in your cockpit...!
(10:49:36 PM):     That's an Id Beast alright!
(10:49:49 PM):     (Red: Advents x 12, Messala, Psyco Gundam, Gapthley, Hambrabi)
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:49 pm
(10:49:54 PM):     "Oh. That light. Yeah, everyone, we've got a real space monster on our hands…"
wyverncakes 10:49 pm
(10:49:57 PM):     (Yellow: Spine Id Beast)
Mister Giggles 10:50 pm
(10:50:11 PM):     Char: Try to lure the Titans into that creature's range. It will help cut down their numbers.
Tengusaur 10:50 pm
(10:50:37 PM):     Lily: "That's a good idea!"
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:51 pm
(10:51:20 PM):     *Roads opens fire with his shotguns on the assorted Titan mooks, as he keeps moving forward towards the colony.+
wyverncakes 10:51 pm
(10:51:21 PM):     [Haman] "Then it's no wonder you cannot even control those in your own faction!" Scirroco laughs.  In the meantime, Haman, your funnels open fire on those spines, hammering them with countless beam blasts... and though you escape unharmed, the amount of damage the spines can take before breaking is TREMENDOUS... obviously attacking them is not a tremendously sound option!
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:51 pm
(10:51:38 PM):     "Not sure we've got the time for that sort of thing…Lily, you any good with operating nuclear pulse engines?"
wyverncakes 10:52 pm
(10:52:00 PM):     (Current objectives: Divert the colony, defeat the Titans)
Tengusaur 10:52 pm
(10:52:23 PM):     Lily Rain takes a deep breath (there's no air in space but it's not like she breathes normally anyway) and activates Trance. "I'm not sure... But I'll give it a try!"
wyverncakes 10:53 pm
(10:53:07 PM):     [Roads] The Zweilicht's shots do keep the Advents away, even managing to blow off a stray hand or food here or there, but the machines have good pilots at the helm, and the machines themselves are top-notch too!
Tengusaur 10:53 pm
(10:53:13 PM):     *The tiny robot flies between enemy mecha towards the colony, trying not to gather attention to herself. She also tries to shoot one of the Advents in the back with dual bazookas, aiming for the cockpit!+
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:53 pm
(10:53:28 PM):     "It's just gonna be one of those days, huh..."
HyprKnux 1 10:54 pm
(10:54:35 PM):     Roux: She lets out a sigh "Yes, it is..."
wyverncakes 10:55 pm
(10:55:12 PM):     [Lily] Now, a much smaller target, going for a cheap shot?  Well, that's a lot more effective for the most part, and the Advent goes down in flames!  But as you turn back, you can see that the Hambrabi's charging towards you, switching from Mobile Armor to Mobile Suit mode and slashing down at you!
wyverncakes 10:55 pm
(10:55:32 PM):     Yazan: "Another chance at you guys after that asspull of an escape in the desert... NO WAY I COULD RESIST!"
(10:55:36 PM):     (React: Lily)
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:55 pm
(10:55:43 PM):     #?
wyverncakes 10:55 pm
(10:55:47 PM):     (Roux, Azrad)
(10:55:52 PM):     (Support: Roads)
Tengusaur 10:56 pm
(10:56:04 PM):     Lily: "Ahhh!" Melee attacks are an artillery robot's natural weakness!
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:56 pm
(10:56:38 PM):     *"Oi. Hands off the kid." Covering fire, for the small robot girl!+
(10:57:27 PM):     "Lily, I'll cover your approach towards the colony. If you have trouble with the computers, just give me a call."
HyprKnux 1 10:57 pm
(10:57:35 PM):     Roux: "Guess it's time to help the others get through!" *Roux raises the shield of the Mk-III, taking aim at the Gabthley, firing its beam cannon as it did+
Atrament Corel 10:57 pm
(10:57:47 PM):     *Responding to Al's constant nagging about the 'space monster', Azrad decides to follow Roads and Lily. On the way, he summons a few Barzar Scimitars to deter any approaching Advents.+
wyverncakes 10:58 pm
(10:58:36 PM):     [Roads] The Hambrabi slams on the breaks, swerving around the shots with ease.  Christ, can you believe this guy's an Oldtype?  And as he spins around, a hand-mounted shocking wire shoots out at you!
(10:58:40 PM):     (React: Roads)
Atrament Corel 10:58 pm
(10:58:54 PM):     #
wyverncakes 10:59 pm
(10:59:00 PM):     (Support: Corel)
wyverncakes 10:59 pm
(10:59:49 PM):     [Roux] The Gapthley also tries to bank around the shots... but unfortunately its pilot isn't Yazan or Scirroco-tier, and one of the shots grazes the machine as it charges forward.  "Tch... a Gundam derived from what you all stole from the Titans...!  I'll atone for my mistake here!"
Tengusaur 11:00 pm
(11:00:03 PM):     Lily: "O... okay! Please don't get into more danger than we already are!" She keeps going towards the colony!
wyverncakes 11:00 pm
(11:00:46 PM):     [Azrad (your action)] The Scimitars do dissuade the various enemies... but that's unfortunately about all they do, and a few are hammered with enough beam fire that they're outright destroyed.
HyprKnux 1 11:00 pm
(11:00:48 PM):     Roux: "Well, looks like we got someone who isn't too happy... or too good..."
Atrament Corel 11:00 pm
(11:00:52 PM):     *A quick wave of Azrad's hand, and the partially summoned arm of Deus Machina Aeon launches a red web of energy, intended to entangle the Hambrabi and prevent it from striking the Zweilicht.+
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:02 pm
(11:02:02 PM):     *Roads, for his part, is hardly going to take a shot to the face sitting down, and kicks his speed towards the Colony up a bit.+
wyverncakes 11:02 pm
(11:02:10 PM):     [Azrad] Giant freaky materializing arm?  Oh Yazan has a fairly good idea that those aren't anything cool, and he tries to fall back... only for his machine's leg to get caught in the net.  "FUCK THAT!" he roars though, slashing down with his beam rifle and amputating it off so he can flee!
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:02 pm
(11:02:53 PM):     "Oh, he's that kind of pilot…Interesting."
wyverncakes 11:03 pm
(11:03:50 PM):     [Roads] As you get closer though, the Id Beast seems to grow... bigger and bigger... before suddenly it just fucking BURSTS!  The entire front chunk of the colony shatters, reavealing the creature's full size, as well as a spiny tail that swings up, trying to slash at the Zweilicht!
(11:03:55 PM):     And not only that...
wyverncakes 11:04 pm
(11:04:19 PM):     Blex: "... No!  It took out the colony thruster controls!"
(11:04:24 PM):     (React: Roads)
(11:04:33 PM):     On the radio, you can hear a fist slamming in anger.
HyprKnux 1 11:05 pm
(11:05:01 PM):     Hear that, folks? That's the sound of Roux facehelmeting.
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:05 pm
(11:05:25 PM):     *The Zweilicht's arm snaps out, launching a rocket anchor for the side of the colony. Roads is going to put a little more speed on, and drag himself off to the side of that spine!+
wyverncakes 11:05 pm
(11:05:32 PM):     (Gai, Char, Haman)
Tengusaur 11:05 pm
(11:05:37 PM):     Lily: "What?! Oh no...! What can we do now? ...Watch out, Mr Roads!"
wyverncakes 11:05 pm
(11:05:51 PM):     Blex: "There's still more than enough colony there to flatten all of Anaheim... at this point the best we can hope for is manually activating the thrusters at their own locations.  The process is going to take longer... and it might not even work correctly... but it's all we have!"
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:06 pm
(11:06:01 PM):     "Okay, these things are really getting on my nerves…"
Spirit of Justice 11:07 pm
(11:07:05 PM):     Gai: “Then that’s what we’ll have to do!” *Shield raised Blue sends a trio of shots at a group of Advents hoping to hit at least one of them+
Mister Giggles 11:07 pm
(11:07:36 PM):     Char is fully aware that Yazan is a skilled pilot, so he decides that he's his target. Besides, Haman seems to have Scirocco covered, and the Qubeley was more than a match for the Messala. Boosting Hyakku Shiki towards Yazan - who was now legless - Char uses his Newtype senses to attempt to line up a shot at the Hambrabi's arm connected at the shoulder. That big-ass gun won't be easy to manage with only one arm. &
wyverncakes 11:07 pm
(11:07:42 PM):     (Roads) The tail swishes by... and then suddenly breaks off?  Crashing into the lunar surface?  But after a moment however, suddenly it begins to rise back up... and the Id Beast alarm goes off AGAIN!
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:08 pm
(11:08:04 PM):     "Oh come on..."
Atrament Corel 11:08 pm
(11:08:39 PM):     And now Azrad can see why Al was making so much noise about that thing.
wyverncakes 11:08 pm
(11:08:40 PM):     On a second glance, the tail seems... to not really match up with the rest of the creature at all... almost like it was an entirely separate Id Beast, not as big as the first, but much longer!
(11:08:44 PM):     (Worm Id Beast: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_YRHDomoLb-A/TStrzMJEljI/AAAAAAAAA3Q/fJgQcZbF3bk/s1600/dune-sandworm.jpg)
Tengusaur 11:08 pm
(11:08:52 PM):     Lily: "That's both cheating and extremely gross..."
wyverncakes 11:09 pm
(11:09:54 PM):     [Gai] The Advents break, but Gai's in a fancy machine of his own and he's a Coordinator to boot!  Another gets blown away, and the other two are forced to break away, helping clear the path to the rear end of the colony where the thrusters are!
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:10 pm
(11:10:24 PM):     "…There's not enough juice to take them both out…"
wyverncakes 11:11 pm
(11:11:26 PM):     [Char] As you line up your shot, however, the Hambrabi suddenly zips off to the side, it's wrist-mounted anchor having latched onto some bit of scrap as well as he fires on you, Char.  "Feh, thinking I'm down and out because I lost a leg, Red Comet?  Mr. Zeong here should know better than anyone legs mean shit in space!"
(11:11:36 PM):     (React/Continue: Char)
howmuchineedyou 11:12 pm
(11:12:29 PM):     Haman:  "You'll regret this, Scirocco." then sends all her funnels back at Scirocco, Dashing in behind them, and trying to slash at him as she blows post. Her funnels dancing quickly to allow her through their onslaught.+
Mister Giggles 11:15 pm
(11:15:04 PM):     * "That's why I was aiming for your arm, Gable." Seriously, shooting at Char in space? In a mobile suit that rivals his Zaku in terms of maneuverability? Effortlessly banking to the side to attempt to dodge the shot, Char lines up another shot with the beam rifle, this time at the anchor itself, hoping to detach the Hambrabi and send it drifting. It's one of its most useful tools, after all.
wyverncakes 11:15 pm
(11:15:37 PM):     [Haman] As the funnels shoot at Scirroco, an equal number of Advents suddenly charge forward, throwing up fire in resistance as well as the Messala continues to prove its worth!  As the Quebely nears, the machine swings its own beam saber up, and Scirroco only laughs in amusement.  "I'll meet you move for move, Chancellor!  And not only that-" Suddenly the massive Gundam's looming above you, Haman, charging up its chest cannon.  "Do one better!"
(11:15:42 PM):     (React: Haman)
Joseph Fischer 11:15 pm
(11:15:46 PM):     #
wyverncakes 11:16 pm
(11:16:03 PM):     (Go Go Dynamic Entry: Kamille)
Joseph Fischer 11:16 pm
(11:16:10 PM):     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IdD7ito0vM&feature=related
howmuchineedyou 11:17 pm
(11:17:42 PM):     Haman does the only things she can do, "Everyone else stay away from me!!"  As her beam saber presses against him she puts her anger into pressure and pushes out against both pilots, while trying to escape by dropping straight down, and away.+
wyverncakes 11:18 pm
(11:18:00 PM):     [Char] Yazan's tether is snapped, but the machine almost immediately rights itself.  The machine is still a nimble motherfucker as the machine charges all the same.  He's far from defeated yet.
Joseph Fischer 11:18 pm
(11:18:20 PM):     *Suddenly, a High-powered beam is shot at the Psyco Gundam from a distance! "HAMAN! Leave the Gundam to me!" It's Kamille, and he's piloting a mobile armor of sort's that's approaching at high speeds!&
HyprKnux 1 11:18 pm
(11:18:45 PM):     Roux: "...Zeta...!"
wyverncakes 11:19 pm
(11:19:09 PM):     [Kamille and Haman] The massive Gundam is blown backwards by the shot, its chest somewhat scarred by the newly arrived Gundam... and at the same time giving the Quebeley the space it needs to escape the shot!
(11:19:20 PM):     (Kamille: continue)
howmuchineedyou 11:20 pm
(11:20:55 PM):     Haman: "Good shot, Kamille!"
Joseph Fischer 11:21 pm
(11:21:11 PM):     *The Mobile Armor transforms as it closes the distance into a Mobile Suit, but not just any mobile suit....! "I'll show you Titans the power of my Zeta Gundam!" It then proceeds to fire more beam shots from it's massive Beam Launcher at the Psyco Gundam!+
wyverncakes 11:22 pm
(11:22:50 PM):     [Kamille] As you gather the Psyco Gundam's attention, Kamille, you can once again feel it... that strange, distorted pressure.  More like a Newtype than a human, but at the same time something so contradictory that if you were to focus too hard on it you damn well might get a headache!  But the machine charges forward, outright TANKING your beam launcher shot with its goddamn beam coating, before igniting its huge-ass beam saber and slashing down at you!
(11:22:54 PM):     (React: Kamille)
wyverncakes 11:23 pm
(11:23:25 PM):     (Adjusted lineup: Roads, Lily, Roux, Azrad, Gai, Char, Haman, Kamille)
(11:23:41 PM):     (Roads, Lilly, and Roux)
Tengusaur 11:23 pm
(11:23:53 PM):     (enemy lineup?)
wyverncakes 11:24 pm
(11:24:47 PM):     (Red: Advents x 10, Hambrabi (missing a leg), Messala (unscathed), Psyco Gundam (minor damage), Gabthley (minor damage)
(11:25:03 PM):     (Yellow: Sandworm Id Beast, Spiny Id Beast)
Joseph Fischer 11:25 pm
(11:25:04 PM):     *"Kono Puresha ka...? !!" Though the pressure was distracting, it didn't stop Kamille from transforming back into Waverider form and diving between the Psyco Gundam's Legs!+
wyverncakes 11:25 pm
(11:25:20 PM):     (Current objectives: reach at least one thruster on the colony)
HyprKnux 1 11:26 pm
(11:26:04 PM):     Roux: "...now I'm jealous. I want something like that now!" *She turns her attention back to the Gabthley. That colony's still falling and they need to keep them off the others! Her shield beam cannon raises once more and she takes another shot, attempting to keep it off balance+
wyverncakes 11:27 pm
(11:27:00 PM):     [Kamille] Whatever it is, the machine definitely has the reactions of a Newtype too, and as the Zeta Gundam tries to skirt underneath the Psyco Gundam, the machine swiftly moves one of its legs, punting the machine a way a bit.  A few alarms go off in the Zeta Gundam, but you're still in fighting shape!
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