Mission 055: Cerberus

Feb 12, 2012 06:08

Session Start (overmanzs1:!aol://2719:10-4-srwugamission55): Wed Feb 08 21:59:57 2012 -0600
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*** EricOverbringer has joined the conversation.
NightlitEquinox: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w
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NightlitEquinox: So, you have all been invited to the laboratory of Doctor Stephan. The lot of you are probably having a good time... except for MarKus. The two mecha which were guarding the lab were AP Frames. FCs, so crappy AP Frames... but AP Frames none the less. They don't seem to be paying the group any mind however, so who knows?
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vertigojockey@gmail.com: [The words Cheng and good time are almost never in the same sentence at all.]
OvermanZs1: MarKus isn't all that happy about the AP Frames even being here... He's more than have a mind to break into one and disable them...
EricOverbringer: Njall knows none of these people and is looking around curiously
NightlitEquinox: In any case, Doctor Stephan, who is an older bald dark skinned man with a very full white beard. He is either wearing a black lab coat or a very thin short trench coat, you aren't sure. He is also wearing black sunglasses.
OvermanZs1: Njall should kind of know MarKus... at least by name.
xSaintjade: Lynette looks at MarKus, a little concerned. "Is there something wrong, Mister MarKus...?"
xSaintjade: ... And hides behind him upon seeing Doctor Stephan.
OvermanZs1: MarKus: Probably... probably yes...
EricOverbringer: (Well, he knows the White Chalice folks at least a bit, but not Doctor Stephan or his buddies)
NightlitEquinox: Doctor Stehpan (who will now be known as Doc) is explaining things to you as he leads you through the laboratory, "My good friend and Colleague Thomas Light, mentioned you guys to me. I was intrigued, and when I heard about the number of humanlike AIs aboard, I had to grant you access to my lab."
Saraanne13: This was Bernie's first trip with his new Chalice pals, so he didn't know anyone. The whole trip peaked his curiousity.
OvermanZs1: Machines though, get MarKus's attention. He's not like Roads, but, machines are cool. He can fixes them. But he's still, noticably, thinking about other things
OvermanZs1: And a random pat on the head for Lynette
NightlitEquinox: The doctor leads you though a rather un-lab like series of corridors. It looks closer to like... a metal bomb shelter than a lab.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: [Cheng had a bad feeling about this. Something. Just something doesn't feel right to him. In fact as they are lead.] "This design... it looks like it's meant to weather catastrophic explosions... do you fear attack?"
NightlitEquinox: Doc "An attack my friend, is inevitable in this day and age. The question is simply, who in question is doing the attacking."
vertigojockey@gmail.com: [Well Cheng can't argue with that logic... but still... that feeling is not going away.]
NightlitEquinox: Eventually he leads you to a hallway with a window, which apparently opens to a hanger. There you see some... rather unorthodox designs.
Saraanne13: Bernie had his hands in his jacket's pockets and he looked around warily while walking down the corridor. Lookin' pretty nervous....
NightlitEquinox: Doctor Stephan may be an AI specialist... but his mecha designs look like something out of a saturday morning cartoon series.
NightlitEquinox: Lots of lizard themes actually, though most of them are obviously incomplete.
*** howmuchineedyou has left the conversation.
NightlitEquinox: There are a few of them which have wings, and looks closer to dragons than lizards. And a couple of them are legless and have a more snake motif.
EricOverbringer: Njall: "So you're an engineer? Did you make all these?"
Saraanne13: Now Bernie was intrigued. He looks around at the new designs, "Whoa..."
xSaintjade: Lynette peeks out of cover. "Those designs are a little strange..."
OvermanZs1: MarKus: That looks like that Andre guy's lizard thing..."
NightlitEquinox: Doc "Of course not. I designed many of them in conecpt. But I had actual engineers fomalize the designs. I specialize in AI work, I programmed the AIs which control them."
*** MacPrysm has left the conversation.
Saraanne13: Bernie" But, why reptiles?"
NightlitEquinox: Doctor Stephan loos at Bernie with dark eyes over his sun glasses, "Because the actual look of a robot is largely aesthetic." He then smirks before turning away and starting to walk down the hall, "And lizards are awesome."
xSaintjade: Lynne: "B-But wouldn't the machine's design enter in conflict with its' function..?"
NightlitEquinox: Doc "Every shape has that effect. The human shape is no more viable. Especially when it is being piloted by an AI which does not have the limitation of being used to that form."
EricOverbringer: Njall laughs at this
EricOverbringer: "Well, they're certainly fearsome. What do you plan to do with them?"
vertigojockey@gmail.com: [Cheng just chalks it up to the doctor being... "eccentric"... all things considered it wasn't too hard to pick up on.]
NightlitEquinox: Doc "Ah, but I am just a designer and builder. It is not for me to decide how such things are used. That is for those who would use them."
NightlitEquinox: It takes a moment for you to reach a set of stairs which leads down to the floor level of the hanger. Though he walks straight by the double door and turns a corner towards another far more secure looking set of double doors.
NightlitEquinox: Upon opening the door, the other side is a smaller secluded Hangar containing what looks basically like... a giant snake, not all that dissimilar from the giant snake Doctor Wily used to trap the Chalice actually. Though considerably smaller.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng:.... Hmmm... [Keeps that one in mind. It's entirely too similar for his tastes.]
OvermanZs1: MarKus wasn't there... but he finds the design just plain stupid
Saraanne13: Bernie stares at the large snake, "it's like...you'd think that they can come to life. I hope not." He sounds astonished..or nervous.
NightlitEquinox: The Doctor turns to you all and motions towards the machine with his arm, "This is the Fury MK-IV. It's AI is programmed not to harm humans, so do not be alarmed. It is equipped with an acid spray, gatling guns and laser beam weaponry. It is also incredibly strong, made of an adamatium alloy and is very capable of simply battering it's opponent's."
NightlitEquinox: He seems rather cool as he says this. Not that excited actually.
NightlitEquinox: "More weaponry may be in the works, but at the moment work is being done on the MK-V design."
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng:... Mark Four... what happened to the previous three versions-. [Cheng pauses and changes his question.] Mark Five?
NightlitEquinox: "The MK-V is in it's earliest stages, and I cannot comment on it further."
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NightlitEquinox: AND! While you probably have more questions for the doctor, no one is likely surprised at all when the alarm klaxons go off.
NightlitEquinox: A voice comes over the comm, "Doctor Sephan! The Dome is under attack! I estimate there will be a breach in less than 5 minutes!"
OvermanZs1: MarKus: "FUCK... Did they recogize me... Or is it..."
NightlitEquinox: Doctor Stephan suddenly turns, flipping his lab/trench coat behind him and pointing at the MK-IV. "Prepare the MK-IV for launch!"
Saraanne13: Bernie: W-what?!
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng:...[He pinches the bridge of his nose.] Business as usual I suppose.
OvermanZs1: MarKus: "THe hell... you jsut SAID it's not designed to... Wait... you were expecting aliens, weren't you?"
NightlitEquinox: He then turns towards the rest of you, "It looks like you will get to see the MK--IV in action today!" He points to the sky epically and... the entire floor starts to rise!
EricOverbringer: Njall: "So the tides of battle rise again."
OvermanZs1: Lynette gets a pat on the head. "You ready for this kiddo. I think you're about to see what I do!"
NightlitEquinox: The entire room is in fact, an elevator. And as you all rise above the roof of the room you can see the dome, which is rather large. You can't entirely make out the things that are attacking it, do to the distance. But it IS clear they aren't human.
NightlitEquinox: Or even remotely humanoid.
NightlitEquinox: Dan "Uh... all things considered I have prepped your units for launch!"
xSaintjade: She looks up to him, and nods.
xSaintjade: Lynette attempts to look beyond what everyone else can see.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: Thank you Dan. [he squints a little to try get a better look at the opposing forces.]
EricOverbringer: Njall: "Heimdalr! The time has come to prove our worth once again!"
Saraanne13: Bernie: "Launch? We got to fight those things?!"
NightlitEquinox: Doc "Fighting alongside the MK-IV... worthy allies indeed!" He then runs towards a door which leads back into the laboratory.
OvermanZs1: MarKus: "You do... Well... GOOD! you should try that more often buddy! Everyone's shit should be in check too! You know I keep things top notch!" BRAAAAAG
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: [Bops MarKus over the head] Stop stating the obvious. We have a job to do
EricOverbringer: A large, squat, red robot hops out of the Chalice's docking bay and starts running across the air to get to the group of pilots!
NightlitEquinox: (You may all launch when ready.)
OvermanZs1: MarKus, as expected, takes his time to even change into Technica get up. He heads out, even waiting for lil Lynette to keep up
NightlitEquinox: Voice "Secondary oxygen dome setup, future breach contained."
xSaintjade: It doesn't take the witch long to prepare. With her rifle readied and carefully taken care of, and atop her strike unit, she gets aboard her unit to take off. Right now, she has learned to make all of these actions far too automatically. It prevents her from thinking of what she will do.
EricOverbringer: As it gets to Njall, he hops up its knee and climbs to a perch on the robot's shoulder.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: [Cheng was now strapping into the Jotunn, going through the systems carefully. A small twitch of his lips was present when he realised he could now read everything on the screens. It faded a little when he realised that the cannons had not been attatched yet but he'd have to make do.]
OvermanZs1: MarKus just plain assumes he knows what aliens showed up... only because signs of TECZ were even present. "Alright kiddo, they're just like people, you can hit 'em through the head or the heart. But they're really fast. UNless you're psychic, wait for them to stop and attack someone"
NightlitEquinox: It doesn't take long for one of the bugs, for that is clearly what they are... Gundam sized bugs, to break a hole in the dome. Thanks to the pressiurrized LARGER force dome outside, there isn't a massive depressurization.
NightlitEquinox: ( (Link: http://www.youtuberepeater.com/watch?v=zah19RJJ2EQ)http://www.youtuberepeater.com/watch?v=zah19RJJ2EQ )
(Enemies: Scorpion Robot x3, Wasp Robot x6, Preying Mantis Robot x2, Locust Robot x60)
(Initiative: Njall, Cheng, Lynette, Technica, Bernie)
NightlitEquinox: (Njall and Cheng)
Saraanne13: (BRB. Skip me for one turn if you have to ><)
xSaintjade: She nods, in a state of focus. "Yes, MarKus." She'll need to expect their attacks well. Aim well. Shoot well.
EricOverbringer: *Heimdalr draws a long sword from its waist and charges. What it lacks in speed it makes up for in implacability. The swordblades starts glowing red from heat as it swings at one of the Mantis robots, followed immediately by a shoulder chec into the thing's torso.+
*** arachnion01@gmail.com has joined the conversation.
OvermanZs1: Technica: "The fuck... those aren't Percolati... Tch, damnit..."
xSaintjade: "Percolati...?" Lynne looks. "What are they?"
xSaintjade: The ones they're fighting, that is.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: Alright... let us see how good your work is Roads. *Cheng sends the Jotunn into a running start before tearing towards the the hole, unleashing several bursts from its assault rifle and shoulder machine-guns at the counterpart of the Mantis robot that Heimdalr was attacking. Planning to move in for a bayonet rush&
NightlitEquinox: [Njall] The mantis robot appears to be made of some incredibly touch metal, as it's blade blocks the Heimdalr's sword. It then takes a swing at Heimdalr's torso with it's other bladed arm.
NightlitEquinox: (Njall react)
xSaintjade: #
EricOverbringer: (No I got this)
NightlitEquinox: (you guys figure this out)
xSaintjade: (Cool!)
NightlitEquinox: [Cheng] The mantis robot... sword cuts the bullets with incredible speed, blurring even. It then makes a giant leap towards the Jotunn and aims a kick... but upon further inspection, the feet are ALSO blades! And one of them is aiming to chop the Jotunn clear in half!
NightlitEquinox: (Cheng react)
EricOverbringer: *Heimdalr is built sturdy, has a large shield, and is very heavy. It shoves its shield into the bladed arm before it can get up to full momentum, blocking.+
NightlitEquinox: Meanwhile the Fury MK-IV slithers forward and then rears up and... fires lasers out of its eyes. It also sticks out it's tongue, which is of course spiked.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: *Cheng reacts with a near bone-breaking burst of speed in an attempt to evade. And to discourage further assault he fires a few grenades!+
NightlitEquinox: The spikes them open... and gatling guns come out of them? And fire at the group of locusts!
NightlitEquinox: A few of the Locusts fall out of the sky.
NightlitEquinox: The others seem to dart around the gatling fire.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: (Tk, need to BRB. Need to do something RL)
NightlitEquinox: (sure)
NightlitEquinox: (Lynhette, Technica and Bernie)
OvermanZs1: Technica: "Da fuck..."
NightlitEquinox: [Njall and Cheng] The Heimdelr is quite sturdy, and the shield does indeed hold... but it is sharp enough to leave a noticable gash. Unfortunately for cheng... his unit just isn't fast enough, and it's armor is, though good, not good enough. He manages to evade getting chopped in half, but the blade cuts clear through it's shoulder and left arm, removing them and anything mounted there. Worse, it cut through them as if they weren't armored at all.
xSaintjade: *The Sergeant Lynette Bishop maneuvers close to MarKus. Seeing the Praying Mantis Robot as the biggest threat at the moment, she climbs up a little away from the rest of the enemy before engaging in battle...
EricOverbringer: The gash starts slowly shrinking as the shield repairs itself.
xSaintjade: "CHENG!!!" but the threat is enough for her to actually pick a target. As the Praying Mantis recovers from the assault, Lynette aims at the mass of the head of the metallic creature, in the center. someplace in either eye for a thick .44in round to go in.+
OvermanZs1: *Whelp, time to rock! Drawing the MPW's as axes, the Type T charges in at the other mantis, comign in low and bringing the axes across it's legs+
NightlitEquinox: [Lynette] Lynette takes aim... and fires. The mantis brings up it's blades to try and deflect the bulllet... unfortunately for it the human sized bullet is quite small and it barely misses. The bullet goes straight into it's head... and it has a hole in it now.
NightlitEquinox: [Lynette] Unfortunately, two of the Wasps, which are significantly smaller than the Mantises, fly at her and try to do a flyby attack with their wings... which are actually buzzing and serrated, creating strange vibro chainsaw effect!
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette react)
EricOverbringer: #
NightlitEquinox: (Njall support)
EricOverbringer: *Heimdalr looks up to the sky as the bottom half of it's faceplate cracks open reveal a mouth. The robot moves as if it were taking a deep breath, and then lets out a massive blast of some kind of energy from its mouth at the swarm of waspbots, putting them under a barrage of heat and light and sound.

It's very loud.+
NightlitEquinox: [Technica] Between Njall holding it in place and the Type-T's speed, the Mantis does not have a chance to evade... unfortunately it's armor is pretty thick, and so the axe bashes it's way into the leg... and gets stuck. MarKus is going to have to either abandon the Axe for the moment or stop and rend it out. It does look like that leg lost a WHOLE lot of mobility though.
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette, do you want to react?)
xSaintjade: (On it! Sorry!)
NightlitEquinox: (Bernie?)
Saraanne13: (Incoming!)
NightlitEquinox: (No problem)
OvermanZs1: *Being the awesome multi-purpose beam weapon it is, he shuts off the axe functionality and switches to saber goodness... but will it come out after pulling now?+
NightlitEquinox: While all of this is going on, the three scorpion bots have made their way towards the MK-IV largely unabatted! They then take a mad dash towards it!
xSaintjade: *Lynette backs away from the wasps, yelping a little. Too fast for her to aim at their centers, she attempts to take a falling dive while shooting someplace it might work. The right wing of the one at the right.+
Saraanne13: Bernie was in his newly repaired Zaku II Kai. On one arm, there was a disk-shaped device attached to it. For a start, The Zaku aims its 90mm machine gun and starts firing at a couple of the bugs+
xSaintjade: After shooting, Lynne's concentration splits. She cannot protect the model and herself at the same time.
NightlitEquinox: [Lynette] Lynette is small and fast, she manages to duck out of the way and fire a fairly well aimed shot all things considered, and the wasps wing cuts out, causing it to crash spiral out of control! Unfortunately, the other wing is still going.
NightlitEquinox: [Lynnette react again]
NightlitEquinox: The first one gets melted by Heimdalr's breath though, so that's at least done with.
NightlitEquinox: Meanwhile, the Scorpion reaches it's target! AND... rather than clawing it or doing anything that looks remotely damaging... it rears it's tail back and... stings it?
xSaintjade: *Too fast for her to reload. But, she has an idea -- And one from the many things Perrine mutters about fencing.
NightlitEquinox: The MK-IV... stops in it's tracks.
xSaintjade: She flies to her side, raises her shield, and tries to deflect the wasp away from her... and towards the scorpion+
NightlitEquinox: Frozen in place entirely.
EricOverbringer: Njall speaks to Heimdalr, "Don't let that thing get to you."
EricOverbringer: The robot nods
NightlitEquinox: [Lynette] Plan is successful! The Wasp is deflected off course and, considering Lynette's amazing aim, it totally cuts off one of the scorpion's tails!
NightlitEquinox: [Bernie] More locusts fall to the gunfire, but many of them manage to fly around it and then... they charge the Zaku! As they fly they release some sort of cloud like agent into the air!
NightlitEquinox: (Bernie react)
NightlitEquinox: As you all are preparing your next attacks... the MK-IV starts moving again! It turns to face you, and then fires it's eye lasers in a sweep accross your ranks.
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette, Njall and MarKus react)
EricOverbringer: *Njall ducks behind Heimdalr's head as the robot itself holds up its shield and steps in front of Markus+
*** Nerdorama09 has left the conversation.
OvermanZs1: *Technica does what he thinks is smart and moves around the let-wounded Mantis to interpose it between him and the sweep. Hopefully he's ducking low enough to still dodge it too+
NightlitEquinox: ( (Link: http://www.youtuberepeater.com/watch?v=icvtHXkw7O4)http://www.youtuberepeater.com/watch?v=icvtHXkw7O4 )
(Enemies: Fury MK-IV, Scorpion Robot x3 [one tailless], Wasp Robot x5, Preying Mantis Robot x2 [one with a damage leg], Locust Robot x47)
Saraanne13: "Come on, evasive evasive." The Zaku's gun took out some bugs, but now they dodged and countered with some gas attack. Bernie engages his MS's leg thrusters and propels it upward, while aiming and shooting the 90mm machine gun again+
Saraanne13: (At locust)
OvermanZs1: Technica: "Well Fuck! So much for that! And he said it wasn't programmed to attack humans!"
NightlitEquinox: [Bernie] The locusts gas that does reach the Zaku starts to... eat away at it? The scanner tall Bernie what they are! Nanites! They are attempting to disassemble the Zaku
NightlitEquinox: 's armor!
NightlitEquinox: (Bernie uh... react?)
NightlitEquinox: He does shoot down more locusts though.
NightlitEquinox: [Njall and MarKus] The laser sweep cuts into the shield, but the shield holds. The Mantis does not hold nearly as well, though it is not cut clearly in half, it clearly doesn't seem to work very well at all! Unfortunately that doesn't stop the MK-IV from opening it's mouth and launching a GIANT TORRENT of acid at the two of them! The Snake shape might make a lot more sense now... if the vast majority of it was a giant tank of acid!
NightlitEquinox: (Njall and Technica react)
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette and Bernie)
EricOverbringer: Heimalr steps up into the air so that the acid at least doesn't hit Njall himself
EricOverbringer: *+
xSaintjade: #
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette support)
Saraanne13: [React] "W-whaaat?!" Nano-mech parasite-like thingies were eating his Zaku's armor. This certainly wasn't a standard battle. The Zaku II Kai lands, (What should I do?!) He took a short moment to think...
OvermanZs1: *"God damnit! Knock that crap off!" MarKus shoves the wounded Mantis into the stream while running away and to it's left, looking to get out of range of the acid splash+
Saraanne13: Bernie: "Water?! Somebody!"
xSaintjade: *Lynette stabilizes herself, and gains flight as she reloads. Once having clumb enough, she looks at MarKus and the source of the acid.
xSaintjade: "I hoppe the Major understands this!"
xSaintjade: Without thinking twice, she fires against MK-IV.+
*** ShaunGarin has left the conversation.
NightlitEquinox: [Technica] The Type-T barely succeeds at escaping the attack, mostly do to being behind the Mantis Bot and Heimdalr... which doesn't escape nearly as well. The Acid just... is incredibly potant, and the Heimdalr is partially melted. The shield manages to protect it somewhat, but it's sword side is now a hunk of half melted metal.
NightlitEquinox: (Oh, that was for Njall as well)
NightlitEquinox: [Lynette] The MK-IV turns quickly and tries to shoot Lynette down with it's laser eyes! The shot does hit it's armor... but it is deflected off of it... what is that thing made of? Oh right... Adamantium... whatever that is.
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette react)
EricOverbringer: Heimdalr tosses the melted sword and damaged shield aside and punches one fist into the other. The intent is unmistakeable
NightlitEquinox: (There IS water nearby... also there is a convenient pool of acid nearby to! He might be able to use a little bit of it to destroy the nanites!)
NightlitEquinox: (Uh... of course it's obviously a major problem if he screws that up...)
Saraanne13: Frantic, Zaku II goes for the water (first?)!+
NightlitEquinox: [Bernie] The nanites seem to be waterproof unfortunately. Good try though.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: (back)
NightlitEquinox: (Bernie continue)
NightlitEquinox: (Cheng)
Saraanne13: "Damn!" Zaku gets out of the water and turns towards...the pool of acid. "Oh...come on, you can't be serious." Bernie shook his head and went along with it. If they're nanoites, burn them apart. Zaku II dips the infected part into the acid+
xSaintjade: *With few tricks she could use with lasers, Lynette sees little choice but to move away from the rest of her group, set herself for a dive to resist the impact of the laser -- And resist with her shields raised.+
vertigojockey@gmail.com: [Needless to say getting an arm shorn off on this machine's first day out was not going to get any favourable response from Roads.... speaking of which he was now having trouble compensating for the loss of weight. TIME TO CALL TECH SUPPORT!] "Roads. I think I have a problem!" *he attempts to readjust the Jotunn and launched a few grenades at the Mk-IV's face+
NightlitEquinox: [Bernie] The good news is... it melts the nanites, the bad news is it also melts part of the armor of the legs, making them a little less durable. This is better than letting them keep working though!
NightlitEquinox: [Cheng] The MK-K just takes the explosion, which does seem to damage one of it's eyes, before darting at the Jotunn for an Adamtium fang bite!
arachnion01@gmail.com: Fortunately, Roads is working near a Dan terminal, and picks up the call rather quickly. "Yeah? What is it?"
Saraanne13: Bernie lets out a sigh of relief, "I hope we don't have to fight such strange things every time." He muttered.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: "I lost an arm and I'm having trouble compensating for the change in weight and- oh no." [The last was said in a rather deadpan tone. As if Cheng honestly knew what was going to happen next. And given his track record. He would.]
NightlitEquinox: The MK-IV chomps down on the Jotunn... but it's fangs don't stop there... acid starts to spray out of them!?
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: [Alarms ringing everywhere. Cheng was.... surprisingly calm given the circumstances. Must be all the near death encounters he had.] "Acid. Of course."
NightlitEquinox: As things start to look grimer and grimer... a similar elevator comes up from the opposite side of the lab as the one the MK-IV came out of... and a shadow begins to rise.
NightlitEquinox: (Tatsu)
arachnion01@gmail.com: "Aw, hell…Mass compensation's always the hardest part. There must have been some misjudgment on the mass of that limb. It's a bit to complicated for me to guide you through in the field, I'm afraid…if it's that much of an issue, just lop off the other arm at the same place."
TenebraeLunaXIII: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moKMLxc55hE)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moKMLxc55hE
NightlitEquinox: (Initiative: Njall, Cheng, Lynette, Technica, Bernie, Tatsu)
TenebraeLunaXIII: A Gundam sized dragon mech appears on the field and lets out a roar that rings throughout the dome. It then charges the Mk-IV and attempts to bite it at the base of its' head.&
OvermanZs1: Technica: "Hey Doc! YOu hear? That the Mark Five?"
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: "Well try at least." [Watches the diagnostics screen grow more filled with red as he makes a rather futile attempt to escape.]
NightlitEquinox: [Tatsu] The dragon easily manages to bite down on the neck of the MK-IV. The Armor doesn't give, but it has a clean hold of it!
NightlitEquinox: (Tatsu continue)
NightlitEquinox: Doc "THAT IS THE MARVELOUS MK-III!"
NightlitEquinox: Doc "MY GREATEST CREATION!"
OvermanZs1: Technica: "So the Mark one and two are still workin? The fuck you send out 4 for if you still had three!"
EricOverbringer: Njall mutters something about Nidhogg
NightlitEquinox: Doc "Dramatic effect of course!"
xSaintjade: Lynette is no longer too nice to resist a facepalm.
OvermanZs1: Technica: "Dumbass..." Actually, that's a really awesome plan...
TenebraeLunaXIII: Tatsu pulls the MK-IV to make the acid spray miss everyone and cocks back on arm and at great speed, slams its' arm and claws into the MK-IV's head. +
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: "Considering your dramatic effect is currently destroying my machine, remind me to introduce you to my fist doctor. With all due respect of course."
Saraanne13: Bernie: He's a bit of a maniac...
NightlitEquinox: As Technica is in the middle of face palming... the bugs leave? You're not exactly sure why.
NightlitEquinox: Then... suddenly gunfire. And this gunfire is aimed directly at the Type-T and ONLY the Type-T. Worse yet, it is aimed squarely at 3 points, joints, sensors and the cockpit.
NightlitEquinox: ( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fO0Y4Wpi-)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fO0Y4Wpi- )
NightlitEquinox: (Technica react)
OvermanZs1: Technica: "Bailing out... Okay... so... eiter we're done or something big-GAH! The fuck!
OvermanZs1: *Technica hopes that everything is beam fire, as that's what the FC were using when he left, and swipes up and takes cover with the ABC Scarf/Cloak. +
xSaintjade: # ?
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette support)
NightlitEquinox: (Njall and Cheng)
EricOverbringer: (What are our targets right now?)
NightlitEquinox: (Getting to that in a moment)
NightlitEquinox: (Obviously the MK-IV though)
EricOverbringer: (I thought the MK3 had that caught)
NightlitEquinox: (It does)
NightlitEquinox: ??? "MarKus is here! And the threat of the bug bots is gone. Time to take him out and get the Type-T back." And with that six FCs and... oh crap, it's the Axiak!
NightlitEquinox: And the voice is something MarKus recognizes as well.
xSaintjade: *Too many for her to fire against. With nothing else in mind, she attaches herself to Technica, and raises her shields to aid it.+
NightlitEquinox: (Enemies: Fury MK-IV, FC x6, Axiak)
EricOverbringer: Njall points at the new arrivals. "They badguys?"
OvermanZs1: Technica: "Fuck... they even figured out who I was already... God damnit anyway. They are and aren't. They're... trying to steal my shit" 'back' comes under his voice. "They want my mech so they can NOT use it right.
OvermanZs1: Technica: "How'd they let you in the Axiak, mister SUCKASS?"
NightlitEquinox: [Lynette and Technica] Between the beam cloak and the shield, the attacks are blocked completely.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: [Cheng grimaces at the level of damage the Jotunn has taken. It's barely keeping combat worthy at this moment.] "tch. It seems that the situation's escalated." *Given that his weapons couldn't even put a dent on the Mark-IV he turns to the FCs and Axiak and proceeded to fire with the Jotunn's chaingun and remaining shoulder gun - sending sprays of metal at them+ "They're firing at a comrade. That makes them enemies by default"
EricOverbringer: *"Good enough for me." He pats Heimdalr on the head, which lets loose another bellow towards the new group. This time it's more clearly making the sound of a horn call of some kind.+
NightlitEquinox: ??? "What the fuck! You set me up! That is not the cockpit plans! I'll show you now that I have a fucking cockpit that makes a god damn bit of sense!"
OvermanZs1: Technica: "Some pilot you are. Can't even figure out controls. Don't fall on your ass again, Rathan!"
NightlitEquinox: And then the Axiak charges the Type-T... at INCREDIBLE speeds! It rears back it's fist and... plasma punch? To the cockpit? He's not playing around!
NightlitEquinox: (MarKus react)
OvermanZs1: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKcaK8kw2PI)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKcaK8kw2PI
OvermanZs1: *"ACCEL SYSTEM, START UP" The Type T clocks up, matching the Axiak in speed, but ideally only just in time to barrel roll away from the punch. Was he fast enoguh to GTFO?+(Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKcaK8kw2PI)
NightlitEquinox: [MarKus] He was! Barly, and he has a crushed and burnt arm now from where it WAS hit... but that's better than getting your cockpit fried right?
NightlitEquinox: (Bernie and Tatsu)
TenebraeLunaXIII: (How much damage did the MK-IV take from my assualt?)
OvermanZs1: MarKus: "And you made them finish it too? YOU should be the one handing THAT over! It ain't for you and it ain't for your fuckin company!"
TenebraeLunaXIII: (And do I still have it in my teeth?)
NightlitEquinox: (Yes)
NightlitEquinox: (Sorry, missed your last action. Assume it half succeeded, but the armor prevented most of the damage)
NightlitEquinox: [Cheng and Njall] The Axiak was moving way to to get hit by that. But the FCs don't fare as well. Three of them manage to accelerate out of the way, the other three don't. One of them manages to at least not get shot down, but it loses an arm and a leg in the process. The others? Melted metal... full of holes.
NightlitEquinox: (Enemies: Fury MK-IV, Axiak, FC x4 [one damaged])
OvermanZs1: MarKus: "So tell 'em I'm sorry when you come back with a broken AP!"
TenebraeLunaXIII: The MK-III starts to run at another enemy with the MK-IV still in its' fangs, using it as an impromto weapon against the other enemy while gradually increasing the force behind the bite. +
EricOverbringer: Njall: "Ha! That's what you get for playing at war! Come back when you've grown a pair!"
NightlitEquinox: Rathan "They won't be sorry when it's yours!"
Saraanne13: Let's see. Zaku II's durabality was reduced because of the damage but it could still fight. At the moment, calming the IV was the best plan. But Bernie watched as III ran with it. So Zaku II goes for a FC with a swinging Heat Hawk, "Haa!"+
NightlitEquinox: [Bernie] Considering the FCs are busy going "OH SHIT BULLETS AND FIRE!" They baraely have time to react to the Zaku II. And one of them gets chopped... in half.
OvermanZs1: MarKus: (to Lynette) "Hey kiddo, go for the arms. That's all that matters. Take the arms out, and it's a piece of junk!"
xSaintjade: Lynette nods. She rises her rifle a little to aim at the biggest parts of the arms. "Yes, MarKus."
NightlitEquinox: [Tatsu] This almost works... then the MK-III finds itself flying into the air!? The MK-IV apparently wrapped itself around a stray pole. And the pole is surprisingly strong. And then the MK-III finds itself flying towards... the LAB!?
NightlitEquinox: (Tatsu react)
NightlitEquinox: (For the record, you aren't being thrown. Tatsu is being swung at the Lab, and is only connected to the MK-IV by it's own mouth.)
TenebraeLunaXIII: Tatsu lets go of the MK-IV and tries to get to the ground to slow itself down and not hit the tower.+
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette and MarKus)
NightlitEquinox: [Tatsu] Tatsu is successful! Barely, but the Snake then swings up over the Lab... and sprays a torrent of acid...
NightlitEquinox: Directly at the lab.
*** ColorKidLalaPink has left the conversation.
OvermanZs1: *MarKus starts charging the Technica's leg-based plasma canons, and starts hopping around like he's some kind of Bruce Lee. But instead, Technica winds up and steps in for a haymaker with it's good arm!+
xSaintjade: *Lynette Bishop realizes the points where she needs to shoot. Those arms. As long as they're on, he'll continue threatening everyone. Then MarKus comes in. There is immediate concern, but--
xSaintjade: @
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette combo)
NightlitEquinox: And apparently you are all kind of mean and don't care about all the people inside so... the Acid lands all over it. And it easily melts through it. And... it doesn't stop spraying it. Not until most of the observation tower and part of the lab is melted.
xSaintjade: --She spots it. She won't get a better chance than this. She aims at the elbow of the loose acid cannon while she still has the opportunity. She calms herself in a state of Zen.+
NightlitEquinox: (...elbow of the acid cannon? The acid is coming out of the mouth of a giant snake.)
TenebraeLunaXIII: (Sadly Tatsu has little defensive abilities so couldn't do anything to stop it.)
vertigojockey@gmail.com: (Cheng would just get melted)
EricOverbringer: (Fuck I didn't see that)
xSaintjade: (Crap, sorry! The Axiak)
EricOverbringer: (Is it too late to do anything about the lab?)
NightlitEquinox: (Yes, but you couldn't have prevented it anyway. It's a plot sequence.)
EricOverbringer: (oh)
NightlitEquinox: (You could have looked less like jerks, but that's about it.)
NightlitEquinox: [Lynette and MarKus] The Axiak flips up a leg, since it can fly anyway, and just takes the bullet to the irrelevant since we are in space foot. It also blocks MarKus' punch with a punch of it's own... which knocks the arm straight off and then brings it's fist in for the kill!
NightlitEquinox: (MarKus react)
NightlitEquinox: (Enemies: Fury MK-IV, Axiak, FC x2)
xSaintjade: #
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette support)
OvermanZs1: MarKus grins and leans into the punch, letting his arm get taken off completely. "TAKE IT!"
NightlitEquinox: (Njall and Cheng)
xSaintjade: *She turns desperate. The girl only watches helplessly as a target she missed took everyone on that tower, but MarKus--
EricOverbringer: *Heimdalr runs at the FCs, tanking any incoming fire until it can get close enough to them to grab them and start smashing them into each other repeately!+
xSaintjade: Lynette attempts to fire against the fist. If it succeeds, she'll continue shooting the arms. And shooting, and shooting. Until it stops moving.+
OvermanZs1: MarKus: "YOu're forgetting something, ass hole!"
NightlitEquinox: [Njall] Heimdalr totally backs him into... the dome. And then grab... slam slam slam... No more FCs!
vertigojockey@gmail.com: *Cheng... seems to have the situation out of his hands. He has nothing that could hit the Axiak or damage the Mk-IV.+ (skip turn)
NightlitEquinox: (Actually... he does, the Jotunn itself. If he wants to that is.)
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NightlitEquinox: (Bernie, Tatsu)
NightlitEquinox: [Lynette] The shot connects and knocks the punch slightly out of whack. But before she can do much more a giant knee swings up towards her as the entire body of the Axiak flips sideways to get the speed necessary to hit the tiny witch with such a maneuver!
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette react)
NightlitEquinox: (MarKus continue)
*** godannar1138@yahoo.com has left the conversation.
TenebraeLunaXIII: Tatsu has to use all its' focus not to slam into the otwer itself. Tatsu turns at the last possible second to see the tower engulfed in acid. Tatsu lets out a roar and turns to face the MK-IV. MK-III gets on all fours and a small orb of energy starts to charge in its' mouth.&
NightlitEquinox: [Tatsu] The MK-IV turns towards the MK-III and... LASER EYES!
NightlitEquinox: (Tatsu react, and then continue)
OvermanZs1: *CHARGE COMPLETE. Technica takes that distraction and brings his foot up to the Axiak. "PLASMA DISASTER!" Boot to the chest! Worse, plasma canon to the "chest", being... where ever it actually hits him; but the chest is still the target+
Saraanne13: The FCs were obliterated and the raging MK-IV spat acid at the dome everyone was once in. So, while the MK-IV was distracted, The Zaku II moves behind MK-III. Let's get out of the way of the beams shall we?+
xSaintjade: *As the elbow appraches, Lynette attempts to move to her side to dodge the knee, and raises what she may have of her shields to try to toss her enemy off balance.&
TenebraeLunaXIII: Tatsu throws up its' personal force field to try and negate as much damage as possible. The orb begins to grow bigger and bigger until it glows as big as the MK-III's mouth can hold. It retches up as if taking a deep breath and launches a massive beam of pure energy at the MK-IV, aiming to destroy it in one hit.+
NightlitEquinox: [Rathan] Rathan was expecting that, so he isn't entirely unready. However he wasn't expecting his attack to get sligtly reflected, and the sudden move horizontal combined with the force of everything that happens sends the two AP frames spinning as the Punch and Kick connect. The former to the Type-T's left hip while the latter connects with the Axiak's torso and shoulder. The two of them also get blasted away from eachother by the attack. Unfortunately for Rathan... He crashes on his other arm. causing both of his arms to deactivate.
NightlitEquinox: *[MarKus}
OvermanZs1: MarKus: "I don't run with the losing team!"
NightlitEquinox: Of course... the Type-T isn't much better off. The legs are now pretty useless.
NightlitEquinox: (Njall and Cheng)
OvermanZs1: He mad? Nope... Well, mad that he's out of the fight, not so much at the damage.
NightlitEquinox: The Axiak then flies off. Rathan can be heard over the comm saying very not nice things about MarKus and you all in general. He may have mentioned the fucking panty brigade.
NightlitEquinox: Among other things.
EricOverbringer: *Heimdalr sprints back across the battlefield towards where it dropped its sword and shield. They had somehow repaired themselves back into something resembling working order by now, and were scooped up as the robot ran by. It stepped up into the air as if there were a series of invisible steps and made a diving leap at the Mark IV's back, sword aimed downwards in a stab with all of the robot's weight behind it!+
vertigojockey@gmail.com: @
NightlitEquinox: (Cheng combo)
OvermanZs1: MarKus: "S'matter you shitty pilot! You mad!?" Meh, who cares if he's running off or out of ear shot. Last word get.
NightlitEquinox: Rathan just rages more. He SO wants to have his unit give MarKus the finger right now... but it's arms don't work!
vertigojockey@gmail.com: *At the same time Cheng put the Jotunn's engines at full throttle, firing every last bit of ammunition he had as he moved to scoop up his assault rifle from his severed arm and pull off another bayonet rush in tandem with Njal's stab+
NightlitEquinox: So clearly, last word got.
NightlitEquinox: [Cheng and Njall] The Heimdalr lands on the MK-IV cleanly, it is after all, busy laser eyeing the MK-III! Unfortunately, this left Njall rather open... and then Cheng fires a bunch of shots. Which both go into the Heimdalr, the snake... and unfortunately Njall... whose head is ripped clear off by one!
NightlitEquinox: This however leaves the snake distracted from it's laser eyes!
NightlitEquinox: (TATSU FINISH THIS!)
TenebraeLunaXIII: (Like let the giant beam I fired hit?)
EricOverbringer: Njall: "Cra-" *dead*
NightlitEquinox: (Me braindead. Sorry.)
TenebraeLunaXIII: (That was Tatsu's limit break -.-;)
NightlitEquinox: AND the MK-IV is overtaken by the giant beam. When the beam clears, the snake looks really charred. And clearly dewstroyed. The Heimdalr actually doesn't look much better. And Njall... well now he is a headless human shaped bit of charcoal.
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NightlitEquinox: Woman "Oh my! Doctor Stephan! He was in the observation tower when the acid!"
NightlitEquinox: A male voice, "There... are no lifesigns..."
NightlitEquinox: Then... a message? From the lab?
EricOverbringer: Heimdalr, oddly enough, is staggering away from the snake in a barely function heap, and collecting bits of Njall in its hands
NightlitEquinox: Doctor Stephan "If this message is playing... then as I predicted my arch rival, Doctor Jul has made an assault on my laboratory and the MK-IV has been activated. If things were incredibly dire, the MK-III may also have been launched. In any event, this was inevitable."
NightlitEquinox: Doc "You may have questions... if you do this AI can answer them. But all you really need to know is that Doctor Jul is insane, he is my rival, he wants nothing more than to be the greatest AI programmer in the world, and will stop at nothing to turn all AIs everywhere into weapons."
NightlitEquinox: Doc "Please take Tatsu with you. The MK-III will be an asset when you run into Doctor Jul, for now that encounter is inevitable."
NightlitEquinox: It then cuts out.
*** vertigojockey@gmail.com has left the conversation.
xSaintjade: Lynette Bishop only stares for a long while. Her eyes do not move from the battlefield.
TenebraeLunaXIII: The MK-III lays down and its' hatch opens to reveal a small lizard hooked up to various wires.
Saraanne13: "Take the MK-III with...us?" Zaku II looks up at the big dragon.
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OvermanZs1: Markus: "Well fuck... now we got tow things to haul back. Oh well...Bernie, do you have arms left? Does ANYONE have arms left?
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Saraanne13: Bernie: One arm should work
EricOverbringer: Heimdalr is not inclined to help, it's too busy guarding its master's remains
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*** EricOverbringer has left the conversation.
Session Close (!aol://2719:10-4-srwugamission55): Thu Feb 09 01:04:00 2012 -0600
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