Mission 054: Sort of Like a Fateful Decision

Feb 07, 2012 00:42

(9:34:23 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w
mistergiggl3s has entered the room. 9:34 pm
Nerdorama09 9:35 pm
(9:35:35 PM): The earlier argument in the underground shelter of the former Utopia Colony has moved to the Nadesico's bridge, with refugee representative and apparently disgruntled Nergal employee Inez Fressange continuing to protest that any attempt to get off of Mars at this point would just further threaten the survivors' lives.
wyverncakes 9:36 pm
(9:36:46 PM): Josh is present, though he's off to the side, biding his time
Nerdorama09 9:37 pm
(9:37:24 PM): Inez: "Frankly, Captain, this ship is doomed. The Jovians have access to the same kinds of technology that got you this far in the first place!"
(9:37:34 PM): (How's everyone reacting to this situation?)
VJockey 9:37 pm
(9:37:50 PM): [Vlaska's lying down on a control panel. Thankfully it's not important, he is staring very intently at Inez.]
ColorKidLalaPink 9:37 pm
(9:37:55 PM): Yurika: "But if they do, then how did we even get here? We've had more trouble from Earth than from the Jovians!"
llamaqueen190 9:38 pm
(9:38:07 PM): Wendell is keeping quiet, but he's got a solid opinion on... impossible accomplishments.
HyprKnux 1 9:38 pm
(9:38:08 PM): Akito's still in a bit of awe over it all, but he isn't sure what to believe at the moment.
arachnion01@gmail.com 9:38 pm
(9:38:19 PM): [Haruka is busy looking at some maps to figure out how far away Olympus Mons is. She's not doing so well.]
Joseph Fischer 9:38 pm
(9:38:40 PM): Kamille's eye is twitching, because for some reason Inez wants to either not acknowledge the presence of the other ships, or stay willfully ignorant.
Nerdorama09 9:40 pm
(9:40:15 PM): Inez: "Do you even have the most rudimentary idea of a trap? They can bring in entire fleets wherever they like! The longer you stay here, the more thoroughly they're surrounding you AND your allies."
ColorKidLalaPink 9:41 pm
(9:41:11 PM): Yurika: "You've survived here all this time and you're not even going to try to go back to Earth? I just can't believe that you've given up like that."
Nerdorama09 9:42 pm
(9:42:19 PM): Inez: "Get a few years older, and you'll believe it just fine."
Joseph Fischer 9:43 pm
(9:43:03 PM): That twitch is getting worse
VJockey 9:43 pm
(9:43:16 PM): [Vlaska seems to cover his face at that. He didn't need the reminder of what happened to his owner.]
HyprKnux 1 9:43 pm
(9:43:36 PM): Akito just sighs. This is getting nowhere.
Nerdorama09 9:43 pm
(9:43:41 PM): This argument's rapid progress towards nowhere is interrupted by proximity alarms and the Nadesico's adorable NPC bridge crew.
wyverncakes 9:43 pm
(9:43:46 PM): Josh as-
(9:43:47 PM): Oh snap!
EricOverbringer has left the room. 9:43 pm
wyverncakes 9:44 pm
(9:44:00 PM): And almost at once he begins to head to the hangars
Joseph Fischer 9:44 pm
(9:44:25 PM): Kamille BOLTS to the hangar, ANYTHING to get away from this idiocy
ColorKidLalaPink 9:44 pm
(9:44:29 PM): Yurika: "It's an attack! Everyone, get ready!"
Nerdorama09 9:44 pm
(9:44:31 PM): It appears there's quite a large number of inbound machines! As Inez predicted, a large group of those drones are en route - all sizes from the small units up to battleships you haven't seen before.
arachnion01@gmail.com 9:44 pm
(9:44:31 PM): Maps can wait! GO TIME! And Haruka can run….
llamaqueen190 9:44 pm
(9:44:50 PM): Wendell looks a little surprised, but heads to the hangar anyway.
Nerdorama09 9:44 pm
(9:44:51 PM): Fortunately, for now they're all in Nadesico's forward firing arc!
(9:44:55 PM): (Yurika)
HyprKnux 1 9:45 pm
(9:45:01 PM): And Akito's off, as well. What a wonderful moment to interrupt!
VJockey 9:45 pm
(9:45:19 PM): Vlaska: [Let out a yowl and bolted off the console he was on, scrambling as fast as his four legs can get him to the hangar and into the Slava]
wyverncakes 9:45 pm
(9:45:49 PM): Josh: "If we can fend this attack off... it might convince Inez..."
Joseph Fischer 9:46 pm
(9:46:36 PM): Kamille: If it gets her to shut up and let us do our job then let's get moving!
ColorKidLalaPink 9:47 pm
(9:47:11 PM): *"This will be enough. Stand by on the Gravity Blast Cannon." Yurika directs said adorable NPCs, looking more serious than she has in a while.
(9:47:17 PM): "Fire~!"+
Nerdorama09 9:47 pm
(9:47:44 PM): A huge beam of gravity fires out and engulfs the Jovian fleet in bright light and explosions!
(9:48:16 PM): ...which fade, revealing that none of the enemy were destroyed or even seriously damaged by the attack.
Joseph Fischer 9:48 pm
(9:48:42 PM): Kamille: ... Fantastic. Did that really just happen?
HyprKnux 1 9:49 pm
(9:49:04 PM): Akito: "Aw, crap..."
ColorKidLalaPink 9:49 pm
(9:49:04 PM): Yurika: "...Huh? How could they survive a whole Gravity Blast?"
VJockey 9:49 pm
(9:49:28 PM): Vlaska:.... Is. bad. yes?
HyprKnux 1 9:49 pm
(9:49:38 PM): Akito: "Very bad."
arachnion01@gmail.com 9:49 pm
(9:49:44 PM): "…Imber, Act On!"
wyverncakes 9:50 pm
(9:50:06 PM): Josh: "All the more reason to get out there and stop them!"
Nerdorama09 9:50 pm
(9:50:19 PM): Inez: "I TOLD you. They're equipped with Distortion Fields as well. Where do you think we got the technology for the Nadesico? Did you think we humans invented it?"
arachnion01@gmail.com 9:50 pm
(9:50:36 PM): "…Maybe you got it off of idols…?"
wyverncakes 9:50 pm
(9:50:51 PM): The Aile comes online, with both of its Cypher weapons ready.
griefgathering has entered the room. 9:51 pm
ColorKidLalaPink 9:51 pm
(9:51:21 PM): "B-but..." Yurika stares. "How are there so many of them? They just keep coming out of the Chulips!"
Joseph Fischer 9:51 pm
(9:52:00 PM): Kamille: ... Alright guys, we're gutting these things for their distortion fields!
Nerdorama09 9:52 pm
(9:52:08 PM): Inez: "Coming THROUGH the Chulips. Those are dimensional gateways. God only knows the size of the fleets on the other side of them."
wyverncakes 9:52 pm
(9:52:33 PM): Josh: "Then we'll just destroy a few and stem the tide!"
Nerdorama09 9:52 pm
(9:52:40 PM): The enemy fleet is charging weapons. With massed firepower like that, they could cut through the Nadesico AND the colony shelter below like a chainsaw through something messy.
wyverncakes 9:52 pm
(9:52:51 PM): "At the very least, they'll have to divert focus from the ships to go after us."
Nerdorama09 9:52 pm
(9:52:55 PM): Unless, of course, the Nadesico raised its distortion field
VJockey 9:53 pm
(9:53:23 PM): [Vlaska leaped into the Slava, watching calmly as it slowly closed in on him and came to life - slowly shifting from control of his body to control of the Slava.] On. Line.
ColorKidLalaPink 9:53 pm
(9:53:31 PM): Yurika: "Re-arm the Gravity Blast Cannon!"
(9:54:04 PM): Yurika: "If what Ms. Fressange says is true, then the only thing we can do is..."
Nerdorama09 9:54 pm
(9:54:23 PM): Let's say Ruri this time: "The PT engines don't have enough charge. It takes longer to power them up in the atmosphere. It'll take at least a minute."
arachnion01@gmail.com 9:54 pm
(9:54:39 PM): "Alright! I'll give you that time!"
HyprKnux 1 9:54 pm
(9:54:46 PM): Akito: "Can we get out there?!"
llamaqueen190 9:55 pm
(9:55:13 PM): Wendell gets to Sigil a little behind everyone else. He's not quite sure how helpful he'll be... but, every little bit counts.
arachnion01@gmail.com 9:55 pm
(9:55:27 PM): And Imber launches, getting that good ol' Grav shield at the ready.
Nerdorama09 9:55 pm
(9:55:38 PM): (Please wait for a launch prompt)
ColorKidLalaPink 9:56 pm
(9:56:17 PM): Yurika: "So we'll have to bring up the Distortion Field just to survive this wave of enemies!"
Nerdorama09 9:56 pm
(9:56:46 PM): Inez: "You can't! We're right on top of the colony! If you turn the field on now, it will crush everyone under us!"
ColorKidLalaPink 9:56 pm
(9:56:54 PM): Yurika: "..."
Joseph Fischer 9:56 pm
(9:56:56 PM): Kamille: Oh for- SCREW THAT NOISE!
HyprKnux 1 9:57 pm
(9:57:04 PM): Akito: "...no..."
wyverncakes 9:57 pm
(9:57:08 PM): Josh: "Wait, you can't mean..."
Nerdorama09 9:57 pm
(9:57:16 PM): (Yurika choice: Distortion Field up or launch mobile units and pray)
wyverncakes 9:57 pm
(9:57:20 PM): At that he almost immediately smacks his fist into the side of the cockpit
VJockey 9:57 pm
(9:57:20 PM): Vlaska: [Let out a small mew... then..] What. They. Shooting.
ColorKidLalaPink 9:57 pm
(9:57:22 PM): Yurika: "It'll be twenty minutes until we can get up high enough..."
arachnion01@gmail.com 9:57 pm
(9:57:30 PM): "…Then we'll just have to make it through this anyways!"
ColorKidLalaPink 9:57 pm
(9:57:30 PM): Yurika: "...Everyone, launch!"
(9:57:44 PM): Yurika: "You have your orders! It's better than anything else we can do right now!"
Nerdorama09 9:57 pm
(9:57:48 PM): (Everyone launch!)
(9:57:51 PM): Inez: ...
arachnion01@gmail.com 9:58 pm
(9:58:11 PM): "ROGER!" And out goes Imber, for reals this time. "The two of us…Will let nothing past!"
wyverncakes 9:58 pm
(9:58:18 PM): Josh: "... Captain's not giving up just yet..."
HyprKnux 1 9:58 pm
(9:58:26 PM): Akito: "Let's gooooooo!" *with that, Akito hauls out the Aestivalis Aerial Frame, Rapid Rifle at the ready*
wyverncakes 9:58 pm
(9:58:35 PM): The Aile blasts out of the hangar, guns at the ready.
Joseph Fischer 9:58 pm
(9:58:57 PM): Kamille launches in the HWC. "We're not going to let things come to that. I won't be able to forgive myself if it does."
VJockey 9:59 pm
(9:59:26 PM): Vlaska: Good. Should. Not. Give. Up. Ever. [The Slava all but charges out, leaping out of the hangar with surprising agility.]
llamaqueen190 9:59 pm
(9:59:35 PM): Wendell launches as well, but, being grounded, he feels extremely useless. He hopes he'll get within range of something... somehow.
wyverncakes 9:59 pm
(9:59:38 PM): Josh: "All we can do is try to avert it, but with a plan..."
Nerdorama09 9:59 pm
(9:59:40 PM): The amassed robot forces line up and fire! An enormous wave of beams and energy blasts streak toward the Nadesico, the colony, and everyone else!
(9:59:45 PM): (EVERYONE react)
wyverncakes 10:00 pm
(10:00:37 PM): Aaaaand cue his eyes opening wide in defeat. "Too late...!!!!"
HyprKnux 1 10:00 pm
(10:00:57 PM): Akito: "No!"
wyverncakes 10:00 pm
(10:00:58 PM): It may be a cowardly move, but there's no way the Aile can handle that kind of firepower; so Josh has no option but to just evade!+
Joseph Fischer 10:01 pm
(10:01:08 PM): Kamille: HARUKA! SHIELD!
llamaqueen190 10:01 pm
(10:01:10 PM): Wendell gauges the incoming fire and tries to dodge out of the way.+
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:01 pm
(10:01:17 PM): *" RIGHT!"Imber gets its arm-shields up in front of himself, and deploys his gravity shield…
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:01 pm
(10:01:32 PM): +
Joseph Fischer 10:01 pm
(10:01:46 PM): *Kamille's doing his best to evade. He prays that Imber can keep this up.+
HyprKnux 1 10:02 pm
(10:02:01 PM): *Akito's Aestivalis starts to move out of the way of the energy shots, hoping that the Distortion Field can take any hits it gets launched at*
VJockey 10:02 pm
(10:02:21 PM): Vlaska: *Vlaska hunkers down the Slava as soon as he hits the red. Directing almost every bit of energy to its defensive systems to attempt to mitigate as much beam damage as possible and try help Haruka and Imber out- the side effect of temporarily crippling the Slava not even occuring to the cat.+
mistergiggl3s has left the room. 10:02 pm
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:02 pm
(10:02:42 PM): "…Not here, not now…We'll not let you kill a single one of these people!"
arachnion01@gmail.com has left the room. 10:03 pm
arachnion01@gmail.com has entered the room. 10:04 pm
ColorKidLalaPink 10:06 pm
(10:06:47 PM): Yurika's shaking and staring at the monitors.
(10:07:20 PM): There's nothing she can do but tank it.+
Nerdorama09 10:09 pm
(10:09:37 PM): [Everyone] Imber's gravity shield and Slava's beam distortion block a portion of the incoming attack between them, but even with part of the attack blocked, the incoming energy is intense, blasting through everyone's defenses. The Nadesico itself is the hardest hit, taking severe damage throughout its outlying areas and even to some of its control systems as it acts as a shield for the underground bunker. Imber and Slava are blasted back with serious armor damage. Akito's Aestivalis is glanced by a gravity blast and thrown tumbling through the air. Zeta Gundam loses its shield arm, and the Aile Chevalier loses its shield. Sigil is the least damaged, ducking close to the ground, but still has major armor scoring.
(10:10:19 PM): Parts of the underground shelter appear to collapse, but it's not likely to have caused nearly as many casualties as it could have.
Joseph Fischer 10:10 pm
(10:10:41 PM): Kamille: Son of a- Everyone still alive?
Nerdorama09 10:10 pm
(10:10:41 PM): (Mark II, not Zeta, my bad)
ColorKidLalaPink 10:10 pm
(10:10:42 PM): Yurika is knocked down the bridge. "Ugh..."
llamaqueen190 10:10 pm
(10:10:52 PM): Wendell: I'm okay...
wyverncakes 10:11 pm
(10:11:03 PM): Josh: "... TCH!"
HyprKnux 1 10:11 pm
(10:11:07 PM): Akito: "UWAAAGH!" The Aestivalis is going flying as he's struck by one of the blasts, but stops and re-rights. "Ow... that... that was close..."
VJockey 10:11 pm
(10:11:51 PM): Vlaska: [Let out a panicked yowl as the Slava rattled. There were alarms going off.] Slava. Damage. Bad. Can. Still. Fight. Don't. Know. For. How. Long.
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:12 pm
(10:12:05 PM): "We're okay!" And Imber takes up that defensive stance again. "This is nothing!"
Nerdorama09 10:12 pm
(10:12:09 PM): Inez: "Captain...you just crippled your ship. I really hope you have SOME kind of plan, because I can say with certainty the Nadesico isn't getting out of the atmosphere now."
ColorKidLalaPink 10:12 pm
(10:12:27 PM): Yurika picks herself up. "I know, but..."
wyverncakes 10:12 pm
(10:12:28 PM): Skidding down across the Martian surface, he's gritting his teeth.
Joseph Fischer 10:12 pm
(10:12:45 PM): Kamille: So killing the civilians was clearly the better idea?
(10:13:04 PM): Kamille: No? Then shut up and let the soldiers do their job
wyverncakes 10:13 pm
(10:13:24 PM): Josh: "Kamille, now's not the time!"
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:13 pm
(10:13:59 PM): Haruka grits her teeth, and Imber's eyes flash. The two are in perfect agreement on what they intend to do-stall for time.
Nerdorama09 10:14 pm
(10:14:02 PM): Dan: "Hey guys! We're uh, right behind you, but before we get RIGHT behind you, could we clear out some of those robots? The Chalice is bigger than the Nadesico, but we don't have as good of armor, so we need to stay split up until we have an escape route!"
wyverncakes 10:14 pm
(10:14:31 PM): "The captain's the captain for a reason, and I'm drawing a blank. If you're also, then don't speak up and distract her!"
HyprKnux 1 10:14 pm
(10:14:47 PM): Akito: "I think... we can do that..."
Nerdorama09 10:14 pm
(10:14:51 PM): Inez: "...if we can have about three minutes, I can get everyone aboard. The Jovians know where we are now, so we might as well come with you."
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:15 pm
(10:15:14 PM): "Imber and I will cover you until the Distortion Field's up!"
Nerdorama09 10:15 pm
(10:15:21 PM): (OBJECTIVES: Defend the Nadesico for three rounds. Clear a path through the Jovians to escape.)
ColorKidLalaPink 10:15 pm
(10:15:36 PM): Yurika: "All right, Ms. Fressange. We'll hold it down until then!"
Nerdorama09 10:15 pm
(10:15:41 PM): (Enemies: Grasshopper x200, Cruiser x30, Battleship x10, Chulip)
(10:15:53 PM): (Initiative: Akito, Haruka, Josh, Kamille, Vlaska, Wendell, Yurika)
(10:15:57 PM): (Akito and Haruka!)
Joseph Fischer 10:15 pm
(10:15:59 PM): Kamille: tch.
wyverncakes 10:16 pm
(10:16:00 PM): Alright, a plan was coming together now...
VJockey 10:16 pm
(10:16:21 PM): Vlaska: I. Help. Too... [The Slava groans as it moved with the damage it's taken. But this is RUSSIAN DESIGN. It's durable as hell and keep going a little longer.]
wyverncakes 10:16 pm
(10:16:39 PM): "If anyone can get to it, we need to take down the Chulip. They'll just keep sending reinforcements through it otherwise."
Joseph Fischer 10:17 pm
(10:17:05 PM): Kamille: I've only lost an arm, I can still fight.
HyprKnux 1 10:17 pm
(10:17:09 PM): Akito: "Alright... three minutes..." He let out a deep breath. "I can try to distract the grasshoppers..."
wyverncakes 10:17 pm
(10:17:21 PM): "And in the meantime, everyone who can't tank, thin out the crowd so those that can don't have to over-exert themselves!"
llamaqueen190 10:17 pm
(10:17:41 PM): Wendell: "I'm not going to be much help down here... but I'll do what I can."
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:17 pm
(10:17:47 PM): *Imber's Gravity shield expands again, warping space like a curtain over much of the ship. "Idols are supposed to protect humanity…and so, I will!"
HyprKnux 1 10:18 pm
(10:18:11 PM): Akito: "Right...!" *with that, Akito races forward, missile pods popping open and firing at a group of grasshoppers+
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:18 pm
(10:18:42 PM): +
Nerdorama09 10:20 pm
(10:20:41 PM): [Akito] The nearest set of drones expand distortion fields from the new attachments they seem to have, blunting the force of the missiles. One, however, gets an unlucky angle of attack and the missile slips through, destroying it.
(10:20:56 PM): (Imber's just defending?)
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:21 pm
(10:21:06 PM): (Yep. Stone wall gonna stone wall.)
VJockey 10:21 pm
(10:21:44 PM): (Also like to add since Vlaska defended he'll be immobile and not do anything other than defend for his turn)
Nerdorama09 10:21 pm
(10:21:51 PM): (Got it)
(10:21:53 PM): (Josh, Kamille)
HyprKnux 1 10:21 pm
(10:21:58 PM): Akito: "Geh... not good..."
Joseph Fischer 10:23 pm
(10:23:23 PM): *Kamille's jumping on the drones Akito was fighting by loosing a series of his own missiles, before following up with a shot of his beam rifle.+
wyverncakes 10:23 pm
(10:23:24 PM): * "Alright then..." The Aile readied both of its Cypher Guns before shooting forward. "... I can't tank... so this is all I can do!" No need to fight conservatively, the Aile just spammed gunfire.+
Nerdorama09 10:27 pm
(10:27:08 PM): [Kamille] Two of the drones's fields eventually overload and the grasshoppers explode. While they have shields like the Nadesico, it's clear there's a limit to their energy capacity.
(10:28:05 PM): [Josh], meanwhile, cuts through the D-fields much more easily with physical gunfire, taking out four, including the rest of the ones Akito partially damaged.
(10:28:21 PM): (Vlaska, Wendell)
llamaqueen190 10:29 pm
(10:29:32 PM): Wendell tries to think of something to do, and punches the controls in frustration. "This is impossible! How am I supposed to get at them if they're all flying?!" An echoing voice from within Sigil answers him. "Do not be discouraged, boy. Thou have the willpower to defeat them." Still not interested in being calm, Wendell scowls. "It would be a different story if I had my bow..." The entity mockingly laughs at him. "Our powers are growing, and with us, thou art as well. Use thy strength."
(10:29:34 PM): Wendell stares at the controls, trying to figure out what the cryptic bullshit means. The only thing that comes to mind is... The ground around Sigil's feet begins to shift. Bits of stone leap up into the machine's hand. Wendell blinks, almost losing the weapon's image in his mind, but there it was. It does not take long for the bow, formed from stone, finishes its form. It's nearly an identical copy to Wendell's bow, only large enough for Sigil to wield. No time to waste thinking on it, Wendell turns the controls so that Sigil aims towards the sky. Dark energy forms in Sigil's off-hand, creating the bowstring and arrow. He aims at the closest enemy object in the sky, takes a deep breath, years of practice taking over, and looses the dark energy into the air.+
VJockey 10:30 pm
(10:30:48 PM): [The Slava's systems are still in its defensive protocols. It'd take a while for it to get back into combat effectiveness.] (Skipping Turn)
Nerdorama09 10:32 pm
(10:32:57 PM): [Wendell] The dark energy attack fire through the air, knocking three clustered Grasshoppers out of the air. Apparently it's a Supreme attack and not a (B)eam one.
llamaqueen190 10:33 pm
(10:33:21 PM): Wendell: "... well, okay then."
Nerdorama09 10:33 pm
(10:33:25 PM): [Vlaska] Slava stands there like some kind of iron curtain.
(10:33:47 PM): (Yurika) (Nadesico is immobile and low on energy, but you still have some options.)
ColorKidLalaPink 10:37 pm
(10:37:18 PM): *"Missiles, fire!" Yurika climbs back to her post and orders the next attack. "How much longer until we can manage something better?"+
Saraanne13 has left the room. 10:38 pm
Nerdorama09 10:38 pm
(10:38:42 PM): Ruri: "The power controls were damaged in the attack, but we might be able to get another Gravity Blast off in two minutes."
(10:39:09 PM): [Yurika] The missiles, meanwhile, fan out into the Jovian drones, overloading and detonating a few of them.
wyverncakes 10:39 pm
(10:39:38 PM): Josh: "Alright then... while we've thinned out their numbers."
(10:39:48 PM): "Everyone not on guard duty, let's try to take down that Chulip!"
HyprKnux 1 10:40 pm
(10:40:09 PM): Akito: Right!
Joseph Fischer 10:40 pm
(10:40:20 PM): Kamille: Show time!
Nerdorama09 10:41 pm
(10:41:20 PM): The remaining drones gang up on and fire masses of machine gun fire at everyone! Some of the closer ones even try for a D-Field-enhanced tackle (Everyone but Yurika react). The cruisers and battleships fan out to start surrounding the group more thoroughly while their own cannons recharge for another big volley later...
llamaqueen190 10:42 pm
(10:42:08 PM): Again, Wendell doesn't have much option other than to dodge out of the way.+
wyverncakes 10:42 pm
(10:42:34 PM): * Josh's eyes lock onto the drones hurtling towards him, but with the Sympathia System backing him up he focuses, timing his movements to swerve by each before slashing through them with his Cypher Blades.+
HyprKnux 1 10:43 pm
(10:43:22 PM): *Now that they have a slightly less to deal with, Akito races forward, rasing his own Distortion Field and attempting to pretty much Gekigan Flare tackle those little buggers himself
(10:43:24 PM): +
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:43 pm
(10:43:39 PM): *Thank god it's just machine-gun fire against a super robot with an energy shield. Haruka takes one for the team, and works on soaking up more of those bullets.+
Joseph Fischer 10:44 pm
(10:44:28 PM): *Kamille really wishes he had his shield right now, but he's making due by shooting the charging drones with his gatling gun and trying desperately not to get hit by incoming fire
(10:44:31 PM): +
VJockey 10:44 pm
(10:44:39 PM): *The Slava's systems are back into combat capacity, if only for the current moment. However it is a little too late to dodge. So he replies in the best way he can. "Zahgrazhdenie Vzryv Koleno" The Slava's optic sensors seem to light up before it's arms reared back and proceeded to FIST OF THE NORTH STAR every Drone that decided to attempt a tackle+
Nerdorama09 10:45 pm
(10:45:57 PM): [Wendell] Sigil is clipped by machine gun fire, deepening the scars from the initial attack. A joint connection starts shorting out, which is going to make aiming that bow kind of tricky.
Nerdorama09 10:46 pm
(10:46:40 PM): [Josh] The cypher blades cut through the charging drones, scoring one and downing another, as Josh successfully dodges between them.
(10:47:37 PM): [Akito] The Jovians might have the same technology, but the Aestivalis uses it a lot better. Countercharging takes down three of the Grasshoppers, though one of them cracks the main camera something fierce
wyverncakes 10:47 pm
(10:47:54 PM): Josh's gaze is still locked onto the Chulip. "That's right, make my job that much easier for me..."
Nerdorama09 10:48 pm
(10:48:22 PM): [Kamille] takes some machine gun fire to the Mark II's torso and legs, which fortunately just puts some dents in the Lunar Titanium
HyprKnux 1 10:48 pm
(10:48:31 PM): Akito: "Aw, crap...! Camera's damaged! I can still fight, but it's gonna be sorta awkward...!"
Nerdorama09 10:49 pm
(10:49:19 PM): [Haruka] Imber continues to have imba defense, absorbing the minor attacks with no problem
(10:50:02 PM): [Vlaska] ATATATATATA four grasshoppers are already dead. Slava takes some serious dents from the charge attacks, though.
(10:50:58 PM): The Chulip opens up, and another two cruisers and ten more Grasshoppers appear in a swirl of technicolor
Nerdorama09 10:51 pm
(10:51:43 PM): Megumi: "Two minutes until the evacuees are all aboard!"
(10:51:44 PM): (Akito, Haruka.)
HyprKnux 1 10:52 pm
(10:52:26 PM): Akito: "Aw, man...! We need to get there faster!"
(10:53:38 PM): *Realizing that just ramming head on would probably be suicide, Akito unsheathes the unit's knife and charges forward, machine gun firing at the grasshoppers and slashing those who get too close+
arachnion01@gmail.com 10:53 pm
(10:53:39 PM): *Imber keeps on tankin'. "…Simple attacks like that…aren't going to do anything!"
(10:53:41 PM): +
Nerdorama09 10:57 pm
(10:57:13 PM): [Akito] does a much better job with focused physical attacks, cutting a path forward! And shooting.
(10:57:35 PM): (Josh, Kamille)
wyverncakes 10:58 pm
(10:58:29 PM): * Josh: "Just a little further..." The Aile forms up with Akiro's Aesti before blasting forward, trying to get into range to attack the Chulip&
Nerdorama09 11:00 pm
(11:00:04 PM): The Aile's going to have to deal with one of the large dragonfly cruisers and its beam cannons first (Josh react to beam cannons and continue)
Joseph Fischer 11:00 pm
(11:00:28 PM): #Josh?
wyverncakes 11:00 pm
(11:00:35 PM): (I'm fine with that)
Nerdorama09 11:00 pm
(11:00:38 PM): (Go for it)
Joseph Fischer 11:02 pm
(11:02:04 PM): *Kamille is unleashing what's left of his payload at the offending Cruiser. "JOSH! KEEP MOVING!"+
wyverncakes 11:03 pm
(11:03:27 PM): * "Thanks!" The Impulse Thrusters fire, and the machine tries to duck down through the blasts, before finally swinging the thrusters around. "Just one good hit...!" And the cannons fire, targeting one specific part of the the Chulip!+
Nerdorama09 11:04 pm
(11:04:10 PM): [Kamille] The Cruiser tanks the beam rifle shots off of its shield easily, but the bazooka fire crashes into it enough to distract it, and cause its change its target to Gundam Mark II (Kamille react)
Joseph Fischer 11:05 pm
(11:05:39 PM): *Kamille is left with no Ammunition in his hand held weapons, so he's got no real choice but to fire the last of his leg missiles while using the momentum to back the fuck away. "COME ON, YOU SON OF A BITCH, YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME!"+
Nerdorama09 11:05 pm
(11:05:42 PM): [Josh] The Aile Chevalier weaves through the fire, targeting and finally blasting a small (relatively) chunk out of the side of the Chulip! The egde that's blasted away is more like melted rock than metal...
wyverncakes 11:07 pm
(11:07:03 PM): Josh: "Probably won't do much on its own... but now you're gong to have to worry about me rather than the Nadesico!"
Nerdorama09 11:07 pm
(11:07:18 PM): The missiles blast into the cruiser, damaging it, as the beam cannon goes just not wide enough to make the Mark II lose its other arm.
(11:07:23 PM): [^Kamille]
(11:07:41 PM): (Vlaska, Wendell)
llamaqueen190 11:08 pm
(11:08:33 PM): Wendell tested the controls, finding it mostly functional, but stiff. The bow in Sigil's grip is raised once more, taking care to adjust to the shaking from damage. "Now, this is how I hunt." A small cluster of drones in his sight, another dark arrow is sent flying.+
Joseph Fischer 11:09 pm
(11:09:10 PM): Kamille: Tch... damnit.
VJockey 11:10 pm
(11:10:18 PM): Vlaska: *was staying in position just in case he needed to protect the others again. The Slava reared up and charged the Plama Vzryva up for a shot. It wasn't on par with a Getter Beam in terms of power, but hey beggas can't be choosers. He fires at the Cruiser that Kamille had attracted the attention of+
Nerdorama09 11:10 pm
(11:10:31 PM): [Wendell] The cluster of grasshoppers explodes! They'd spread out more, but, you know, swarm tactics.
Nerdorama09 11:11 pm
(11:11:58 PM): [Vlaska] The charged up plasma beam lances out and overhelms the D-field, cutting deep into the cruiser, causing its antigravity to falter and the whole ship to fall toward the ground.
(11:12:22 PM): Ruri: "One minute to--"
(11:12:44 PM): Uribatake: "HEY! CAPTAIN! I got some extra power routed so you can fire now, go go goooooo!"
(11:12:57 PM): Ruri: "...er, gravity blast charged, captain."
(11:13:04 PM): (Yurika)
(11:13:21 PM): (Incidentally, there are several capital ships and the Chulip's been damaged.)
ColorKidLalaPink 11:15 pm
(11:15:07 PM): *"All right!" Yurika nods and presses a few buttons. "Everybody out of the way? Fire the Gravity Blast!"+
wyverncakes 11:15 pm
(11:15:32 PM): Josh: "Make sure this one counts!"
Nerdorama09 11:16 pm
(11:16:16 PM): (Firing at anything in particular, or just trying to hit as many things as possible?)
Nerdorama09 11:22 pm
(11:22:23 PM): (I choose to interpret this in the way that will end the mission slightly faster)
ColorKidLalaPink 11:22 pm
(11:22:34 PM): (I'm here! Just trying to hit all the things.)
Nerdorama09 11:22 pm
(11:22:41 PM): (Okay)
(11:24:02 PM): [Yurika] The gravity blast cuts through several dozen of the now-low-on-energy grasshoppers and gets through the shields on two of the cruisers as well. It also hits the damaged Chulip, cracking it further! The portal inside it begins to flicker, and no reinforcements come through it this round.
(11:24:20 PM): However, [Wendell]! That weird guy possessing your robot senses something
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:24 pm
(11:24:23 PM): "Alright!"
llamaqueen190 11:24 pm
(11:24:31 PM): (( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pix3ypWnyUk ))
(11:25:01 PM): Somnian's dual voice interrupts. "Boy...." Wendell freezes, a sense of dread falling over him. "... Please, no... " The entity interrupts his protests. "They awaken."
HyprKnux 1 11:25 pm
(11:25:04 PM): Akito: "...we did it!"
llamaqueen190 11:25 pm
(11:25:15 PM): Looking around desperately for any indication on the monitors inside Sigil. "Here? ... Really?" Somnian continues, ignoring Wendell. "Time has weakened the cores. Split apart in two... Thou must take both to stop them."
wyverncakes 11:25 pm
(11:25:17 PM): Josh: "Not until we finish out these riff-raff too!"
llamaqueen190 11:25 pm
(11:25:20 PM): Wendell scowls in frustration. "What does that even mean... This is rediculous."
Nerdorama09 11:26 pm
(11:26:07 PM): Rising up on the edges of the battlefield are two enormous figures. It's clear that one is standing, an armored humanoid figure, and one appears to be flying much like a giant bird.
(11:26:18 PM): Apparently all this fighting woke something, or some things, up.
llamaqueen190 11:26 pm
(11:26:23 PM): Wendell: "... dammit....... guys?"
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:26 pm
(11:26:31 PM): "…What is that…?"
llamaqueen190 11:26 pm
(11:26:44 PM): Wendell: "I'm sorry, I didn't think they'd be out here."
wyverncakes 11:26 pm
(11:26:49 PM): Josh's eyes open in disbeleif.
Nerdorama09 11:26 pm
(11:26:54 PM): The Jovian robots don't react except to spread out more.
Joseph Fischer 11:27 pm
(11:27:01 PM): Kamille: Shit. More hostiles?
wyverncakes 11:27 pm
(11:27:01 PM): "... Out on Mars?"
(11:27:14 PM): "Wendell, are we going to have to go through the whole Universe to kill these things?"
llamaqueen190 11:27 pm
(11:27:16 PM): Wendell: ".... apparently."
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:27 pm
(11:27:29 PM): "Wait, don't tell me…Wendell, those are your enemies?"
HyprKnux 1 11:27 pm
(11:27:32 PM): Akito: "...you gotta be kidding me?"
Nerdorama09 11:27 pm
(11:27:41 PM): Oh, and the capital ships fire at people in a wider spread now, trying to cut down the mecha with beams while two of the larger battleships focus gravity blasts on the Nadesico. (Everyone react to more beams of war)
VJockey 11:27 pm
(11:27:43 PM): Vlaska:.... [Was now staring at the bird thing.]..... Bird
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:28 pm
(11:28:11 PM): #The Nadesico
VJockey 11:28 pm
(11:28:25 PM): # ^
Nerdorama09 11:28 pm
(11:28:34 PM): (You two go for it)
wyverncakes 11:28 pm
(11:28:36 PM): * With his unique position, Josh just has the Aile spam Impulse Cannon shots at the engines of the various capital ships to knock their shots off course and hopefully push the machine out of their range of fire!+
llamaqueen190 11:29 pm
(11:29:07 PM): Wendell moves Sigil to dodge the fire, desperate to minimize the damage. He's got Colossi to fight, and being in ill shape is not a good thing.+
HyprKnux 1 11:29 pm
(11:29:43 PM): *Akito's Aestivalis starts to move out of the ship's range of fire. Seeing as cutting stuff actually worked? Let's see if Akito can race in, stab something and see what happens!+
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:30 pm
(11:30:21 PM): *Haruka moves closer to one of the gravity blasts, Imber's rocket engines firing to get him there in time. She's already got his arm-shields up, and Imber and her are working together in perfect harmony to block the shot.+
Nerdorama09 11:30 pm
(11:30:35 PM): [Josh] Josh gets in several good hits on the battleships, which do in fact have rear-mounted engines. However, he is also effectively surrounded, so he's going to take a gravity blast edge-on and get blasted across the field no matter how well he dodges. Bits and pieces fall off of the Aile as it rolls, including one of its impulse cannons and a number of armor plates and sensors. It's now fighting at half capacity at best.
VJockey 11:30 pm
(11:30:36 PM): *Once more, Vlaska moves... or stops moving.. in order to protect the Nadesico from the Beams. Doing this unfortunately along with the damage that was going to happen would probably knock the Slava out of the fight!+
wyverncakes 11:30 pm
(11:30:55 PM): Josh "GAAAAH!!!!!"
llamaqueen190 11:31 pm
(11:31:09 PM): Wendell: "Josh?!"
wyverncakes 11:31 pm
(11:31:36 PM): Gritting his teeth, Josh forces himself to envision the Aile standing up in his head, letting the Sympathia System work in tandem with the physical controls to get it standing again.
HyprKnux 1 11:31 pm
(11:31:38 PM): Akito: "Josh!"
Nerdorama09 11:31 pm
(11:31:49 PM): Akito's persistance and charging cut a cruiser something fierce, and lucky! Not to mention he's hard to target when flying that close to a friendly. He still needs his D-Field to save him from a graze, though, and only the fact that he's in reach of the Nadesico is keeping him from running out of energy
wyverncakes 11:31 pm
(11:31:52 PM): "N-nevermind about me!"
Shaun Garin has left the room. 11:31 pm
Nerdorama09 11:32 pm
(11:32:54 PM): [Wendell] Sigil stays under cover and dashes toward the sides of the battle and one of the Colossi (you pick), not getting any worse than Martian dust everywhere.
ColorKidLalaPink 11:33 pm
(11:33:22 PM): Yurika: "Will these things ever stop?"
HyprKnux 1 11:33 pm
(11:33:48 PM): Akito: "We're cutting through them... we'll stop them somehow!"
Nerdorama09 11:33 pm
(11:33:49 PM): [Haruka] Tanks one of the gravity blasts full on! The strain is starting to get to Imber's energy levels, though. There's only so much it can handle at once, and these gravity blasts hit HARD.
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:34 pm
(11:34:28 PM): "Ghhhh..Bear with it, Imber…Everyone's counting on us!"
Nerdorama09 11:35 pm
(11:35:38 PM): [Vlaska] The Slava stands proud, and eats a bunch of gravity damage to the face. The Nadesico is protected, but the gravity power smashes the machine severely. It's still in one piece, but that one piece is going to have a lot of trouble moving.
(11:35:45 PM): (Kamille?)
(11:35:50 PM): (Nadesico's safe btw)
Joseph Fischer 11:36 pm
(11:36:55 PM): *Kamille's retreating to the Nadesico to get a refit of Missiles+
Nerdorama09 11:37 pm
(11:37:28 PM): Kamille gets out of the way of the beams. Honestly, he should probably just switch mobile suits at this point.
Joseph Fischer 11:37 pm
(11:37:51 PM): *Kamille would do that, but the other MK-II is back with the Chalice
Nerdorama09 11:38 pm
(11:38:04 PM): Oh like Uribatake wasn't playing with a Rick-Dias.
(11:38:08 PM): Anyway!
(11:38:18 PM): Megumi: "All civilians boarded, captain!"
(11:38:26 PM): Minato: "Hopefully we'll be able to fly..."
ColorKidLalaPink 11:38 pm
(11:38:39 PM): Yurika: "What else could we have done?"
Nerdorama09 11:38 pm
(11:38:48 PM): (Enemies: Colossus Gaius, colossus Avion, Grasshopper x148, Cruiser x30, Battleship x9, Chulip (damaged))
(11:39:05 PM): (Objective: Cut a path through the Jovian lines, defeat the Colossi)
(11:39:12 PM): (Akito, Haruka)
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:39 pm
(11:39:59 PM): *"Right! Now it's our turn to attack!" And Haruka just goes and gives the Grasshoppers a taste of their own D-field Tackle medicine. Again, and again, and again…+
wyverncakes 11:40 pm
(11:40:09 PM): Josh: "... Wendell, do you have any idea how to take down those Colossi?"
HyprKnux 1 11:40 pm
(11:40:15 PM): Akito: "...There's still too many..."
llamaqueen190 11:40 pm
(11:40:45 PM): Wendell: "Um... I think... the cores controlling them are split into two locations." At least, he thinks that's what the monitor is telling him.
VJockey 11:40 pm
(11:40:54 PM): Vlaska:... [Problems moving? Vlaska has a particularly dangerous solution for that!]....
llamaqueen190 11:41 pm
(11:41:02 PM): Wendell: "I can't tell where until I get closer."
HyprKnux 1 11:41 pm
(11:41:40 PM): *Trying to think of some way to fight back, Akito ends up heading for the crusiers, attempting to draw their fire and see if they can end up shooting each other. He's gonna need better weaponry after this!+
wyverncakes 11:42 pm
(11:42:07 PM): Josh: "A split core..."
Nerdorama09 11:43 pm
(11:43:22 PM): [Haruka] Mass and velocity are both on Haruka's side when fighting the grasshoppers, though Imber's still feeling taxed to his limit. Still, the enemy gets barrelled through.
Nerdorama09 11:44 pm
(11:44:36 PM): [Akito] Like all crazy plans in Nadesico, this one works somewhat! Akito doesn't get shot, and two of the cruisers end up blasting each other with laser fire, though thanks to distortion fields they're not quite out of the fight. Another good hit on each will blow a hole in the thinning enemy line, though!
(11:44:48 PM): (Josh, Kamille)
HyprKnux 1 11:45 pm
(11:45:45 PM): Akito: "...almost there...!"
wyverncakes 11:45 pm
(11:45:47 PM): * With the Aile in such dire straights, Josh doesn't have as many options to work with as he'd like. BUT he can still open fire on Gaius and test the water.+
Nerdorama09 11:47 pm
(11:47:44 PM): [Josh] Gaius is an enormous, armored figure wielding something like a giant stone sword. Josh's attack bounces off the stony armor on its front, but fortunately, that means the attack doesn't do much to attract attention
llamaqueen190 11:51 pm
(11:51:28 PM): Wendell: "Somnian? Any hints now would be nice..." The echo replies, "Its armor stands in thy way... search for a way past."
(11:51:41 PM): Wendel: ".... that doesn't... help... at all."
Nerdorama09 11:53 pm
(11:53:33 PM): (Scratch Kamille. Lynette!)
wyverncakes 11:54 pm
(11:54:33 PM): Josh: "What doesn't help, Wendell?"
Nerdorama09 11:55 pm
(11:55:56 PM): (Vlaska, Wendell, while Lynette catches up)
Jaydee 11:55 pm
(11:55:58 PM): Lynette listens to the signal. Having heard of the commotion of battle, she had been waiting by the hangar - Boys' rifle snuggled between her trigger arm and a sock full of sand. Once the report comes, she gets aboard.
llamaqueen190 11:55 pm
(11:55:59 PM): Wendell: "...Sigil suggests getting past the armor on that one."
Jaydee 11:56 pm
(11:56:13 PM): "Sergeant Lynette Bishop -- Launching!"
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:56 pm
(11:56:17 PM): "Oh! That's nice of him!"
Nerdorama09 11:56 pm
(11:56:19 PM): (Or just all three of you, whatever)
wyverncakes 11:56 pm
(11:56:40 PM): Josh: "Maybe attacking the joints...?"
llamaqueen190 11:56 pm
(11:56:57 PM): Wendell focuses on the bird-like colossus. "How about that one?" In response, Somnian speaks: "The key to its flight... is in the palms of its hands." Scowling at the controls, thinking about WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN, Wendell takes aim with his bow at the creature's head. Maybe he'll... get its attention. Or just make it angry.+
Nerdorama09 11:58 pm
(11:58:37 PM): [Wendell] Chunks come off of the head, but the colossus doesn't seem affected. It swoops down toward the surface, gathering up red dirt to heal its pointed, bird-like head before charging at Sigil with it! (Wendell react)
Jaydee 11:59 pm
(11:59:37 PM): *She is still too far, and she needs to catch up. However... she has range. A lot of it. Before she ventures forward, she raises her rifle and looks at a distance blind to many people. She stays too still for an instant, and raises her rifle a lot to compensate for the distance against one of the cruisers weakened by their own fire... And shoots.+
llamaqueen190 11:59 pm
(11:59:55 PM): Wendell, instead of doing something sensible like dodging, instead runs straight for it, intending to do what Sigil does best: hang on for dear life.+
VJockey 12:00 am
(12:00:13 AM): Vlaska: -Sistema Online.- Svet. Zaryazhat. *Anyone who was paying attention to the Slava would notice that it's energy outbut has increased exponentially before it just.... moved. almost as if it wasn't damaged at all. The Slava flung itself at the Bird-like colossus while it's pilot let out a loud and excited meow& "PTITSA!!"
Nerdorama09 12:01 am
(12:01:26 AM): [Lynette] From out of fucking nowhere, not quite spot-on due to Mars's lighter gravity but close enough, a bullet impacts one of the holes Akito's maneuver caused. The explosion is disappointingly small, but it still causes the engine of the cruiser to flicker out and the robotic ship to fall and mangle itself on the ground.
(12:03:21 AM): [Vlaska and Wendell] Sigil and Slava both leap onto the back of the bird-like colossus as it swoops back up into the air, taking no damage but accelerating up through Mars's atmosphere VERY quickly. Better hang on! (Vlaska continue)
Nerdorama09 12:03 am
(12:03:29 AM): (Yurika)
llamaqueen190 12:03 am
(12:03:44 AM): (( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TwDDcrtS4g ))
Nerdorama09 12:03 am
(12:03:49 AM): (You can safely move and deploy the D-Field now, though Nadesico will be moving slowly)
ColorKidLalaPink 12:05 am
(12:05:05 AM): *The Nadesico starts rising up, though it's damaged and creeping along. Yurika focuses on the Colossus. "Fire the cannons and put up the Distortion Field!"+
Nerdorama09 12:05 am
(12:05:39 AM): (I'm gonna default to Gaius since Avion is moving fast and has friendlies on it)
(12:06:54 AM): [Yurika] The Gravity blast, in addition to causing the engines to groan, your engineer to swear, and some incidental grasshoppers to explode, forces the Gaius colossus back several steps. A few pieces of armor on its joints shatter, but the Martian rock and sand almost immediately begins rising up to fill in the gaps.
VJockey 12:07 am
(12:07:07 AM): Vlaska: Ptitsa!Ptitsa!Ptitsa! *As the Slava has no teeth, it is now repeatedly headbutting Avion whilst it's claws grew more and more charged with energy and dug in hard on the colossus+
notmannotelf has left the room. 12:08 am
Nerdorama09 12:08 am
(12:08:42 AM): [Vlaska] The Slava claws its way into Avion's wing as only something piloted by a cat can, tearing chunks out of it that it can't heal while in the air. In response, it does a barrel roll, like anyone sensible. However, it fails to dislodge either tightly gripping robot, and you can both see glowing points on its wingtips...those are probably the cores!
llamaqueen190 12:09 am
(12:09:18 AM): Wendell: "Ughhhgh... oh god... don't get sick..."
Nerdorama09 12:09 am
(12:09:44 AM): Meanwhile, the grasshoppers continue to swarm Akito, Haruka and Josh (react to grasshoppers0, and the Nadesico is facing down another Gravity Blast (react to battleship)
(12:09:55 AM): (Akito, Haruka act as well)
Nerdorama09 12:10 am
(12:10:34 AM): The Chulip's vortex flickers and dies, at least for the moment...
wyverncakes 12:10 am
(12:10:47 AM): * With only one thruster, Josh can't be as agile as before, so he holds his ground... right before swinging the thruster up and firing at the grasshopper, letting the machine spin around before delivering a slash with his Cypher blade once more!+
Nerdorama09 12:11 am
(12:11:02 AM): (Incidentally, taking out the Colossi and one large battleship will be enough to get the Nadesico behind enemy lines this turn.)
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:11 am
(12:11:07 AM): *Imber takes a moment to catch his metaphorical breath, then it's back into the action with a full powered punch on one of the remaining cruisers!+
HyprKnux 1 12:12 am
(12:12:21 AM): Akito: "Back off!" *Akito's blade is unsheathed once more, and... he turns and heads for the Chulip himself, slashing at a few grasshoppers that are in front of him before his move.&
Nerdorama09 12:12 am
(12:12:39 AM): [Haruka] Imber smashes through the other damaged cruiser! Its not going to be able to keep its shields at full power any more, though.
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:13 am
(12:13:05 AM): (The cruiser, or Imber?)
Nerdorama09 12:13 am
(12:13:20 AM): (whoops. Imber. Cruiser's downed.)
(12:13:23 AM): [Akito] cuts through the grasshoppers! (Akito continue)
HyprKnux 1 12:15 am
(12:15:39 AM): Akito: *"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" He knows those grasshoppers are going to be gunning for him and if getting the battleships to shoot at each other worked, he's going for something even crazier - diving at the Chulip, shooting at it to try to damage it, then pull up. If it works the way he thinks it should, any of those Grasshoppers'll be going splat against it. If not... he might be going splat if he doesn't time it right+
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:15 am
(12:15:58 AM): "Alright!"
Nerdorama09 12:17 am
(12:17:23 AM): [Akito] Presumably screaming as he does it, at least in the dub, Akito drags several of the machine-gun-firing drones after him, smashing into the damaged Chulip with great force! The grasshoppsers, not Akito. He twists through the darkening crystalline structure of the now positively kaput Chulip.
Nerdorama09 12:17 am
(12:17:46 AM): (Josh, Lynette)
wyverncakes 12:19 am
(12:19:38 AM): Josh: "... Bypass armor..."
wyverncakes 12:20 am
(12:20:10 AM): * Wondering what exactly that meant with Gaius, for the moment Josh tries to have the Aile flank the Colossus, while looking for ANYTHING that could be a weakness...&
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com has left the room. 12:20 am
Jaydee 12:20 am
(12:20:20 AM): *Lynette holds her rifle a little too strongly, keeping her sight more on the group she's ought to help, rather than on the cruiser she just downed. It's the only thing she must focus on. Guilt would come in later. Now she must help them. She takes a lot of her magic to approach the group as quickly as possible, with her rifle aligned with her whole body as she shoots through the air...
Nerdorama09 has left the room. 12:20 am
Nerdorama09 has entered the room. 12:22 am
Nerdorama09 12:22 am
(12:22:27 AM): (Please repost those last two actions)
wyverncakes 12:22 am
(12:22:40 AM):
wyverncakes 12:20 am
(12:20:10 AM): * Wondering what exactly that meant with Gaius, for the moment Josh tries to have the Aile flank the Colossus, while looking for ANYTHING that could be a weakness...&

Jaydee 12:22 am
(12:22:45 AM): *Lynette holds her rifle a little too strongly, keeping her sight more on the group she's ought to help, rather than on the cruiser she just downed. It's the only thing she must focus on. Guilt would come in later. Now she must help them. She takes a lot of her magic to approach the group as quickly as possible, with her rifle aligned with her whole body as she shoots through the air...
Nerdorama09 12:24 am
(12:24:03 AM): (Steam) The colossus's armor seems to have a gap at the top. If you had grenades, you could try lobbing one in, or...the swordlike right arm seems like it'd make a convenient staircase if you could get it to attack you.
Jaydee 12:25 am
(12:25:14 AM): ... All, against the cruiser with its' shields down. She performs another shot against the engine. And tries not to think about what she is doing.+
wyverncakes 12:25 am
(12:25:58 AM): * Well, shucks, he really lacks the equipment for *that*... but... "Anyone that can fly or has throwing weapons, the grounded Colossus has a weak spot near its head!" And in the meantime, he's just gonna... shoot Grasshoppers.+
Nerdorama09 12:26 am
(12:26:19 AM): (Haruka downed that cruiser I think you're referring to. Josh has some good advice though)
(12:26:57 AM): (Specifically, there is a glowing target on the top of the stone giant's head, and there's a gap at the top of its armor that might lead to another one)
Jaydee 12:28 am
(12:28:47 AM): ... All, to take watch over the Aile and the Colossus. They are not watching her. As she approaches, she looks at the giants' head -ironically similar to a Neuroi's core-, and the cleared parts of its' armor. She tries to take her chances. Abruptly stopping, she fires against the head. A procedure she's becoming all too familiar with. Moreso with machines.+
Nerdorama09 12:31 am
(12:31:40 AM): [Lynette] This is exactly what Lynette's job description is, and Colossi are far, far slower than (some) Neuroi. The stone giant roars in pain as the core on its head shatters. It's still moving, though.
(12:32:05 AM): [Josh] slaughters some grasshoppers. They're kind of in disarray and counting on the battleships by now
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com has entered the room. 12:32 am
wyverncakes 12:32 am
(12:32:53 AM): Josh: "Still going..."
Nerdorama09 12:33 am
(12:33:07 AM): (Vlaska, Wendell) (You can see the cores at the end of Avion's wings)
llamaqueen190 12:34 am
(12:34:02 AM): Having lost his bow mid-jump, Wendell carefully draws Sigil's sword, crawling along Avion's wing to the closest glowing spot. Awkwardly, because anything mid-air while clinging to a giant bird monster is awkward, he pushes Sigil's controls and stabs the sword down toward the core.+
Nerdorama09 12:35 am
(12:35:52 AM): [Wendell] Wendell awkwardly slices through the core, drawing a screech of pain from the stone hawk! However, he also awkwardly overbalances and goes tumbling off the wing! (Wendell react)
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:36 am
(12:36:06 AM): #?
llamaqueen190 12:36 am
(12:36:22 AM): (i'm cool with help)
Nerdorama09 12:36 am
(12:36:40 AM): (Please help him)
Jaydee 12:37 am
(12:37:21 AM): #
VJockey 12:37 am
(12:37:21 AM): Vlaska: *Cores? Vlaska's more concerned with moving to the middle of the bird and sending punching it repeatedly to get it to land! It doesn't help the Avion that the punches were letting loose blasts of energy with each hit!+
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:37 am
(12:37:31 AM): *Channeling the spirits of the greatest baseball players she can imagine, Haruka goes in for the catch! Imber's quick on his rocket-feet, and air-slides to catch Wendell before he falls too far. That colossus is OUT!+
(12:38:02 AM): Well, if she does catch him.
Nerdorama09 12:39 am
(12:39:08 AM): [Haruka] She does! Gravity manipulation even means the catch doesn't simply smash both mechs. In another universe, Gunbuster's baseball metaphors are proud today.
(12:39:25 AM): [Wendell] Sigil is fine.
llamaqueen190 12:39 am
(12:39:57 AM): Wendell: "Thanks, Haruka. There's one more on its other wing... "
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:40 am
(12:40:15 AM): "Right! Do you want me to get you back up there, or..."
llamaqueen190 12:40 am
(12:40:26 AM): Wendell: "If you could, please."
Nerdorama09 12:40 am
(12:40:26 AM): [Vlaska] The bird gets chunks torn out of it and swoops down toward the middle of the battlefield, flipping to dislodge Vlaska and draw soil into itself to heal. (Vlaska react)
Jaydee 12:40 am
(12:40:43 AM): #
wyverncakes 12:40 am
(12:40:54 AM): #
Nerdorama09 12:41 am
(12:41:33 AM): (Go ahead and support, either or both)
(12:41:47 AM): (The bird is low to the ground as it's doing this btw)
VJockey 12:41 am
(12:41:56 AM): Vlaska: *Refuses to have the bird lose him so easily! He cat-clings to the colossus as best as he could once more and letting loose a burst from the Slava's Chest cannon...... okay that last one probably sent him off faster than the Colossus's attempt was+
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:42 am
(12:42:36 AM): *Imber maneuvers to have a better hold on Sigil, then flys over the bird and matches velocities.+
wyverncakes 12:42 am
(12:42:47 AM): Josh: "Don't let it recover!" The Aile blasts towards it, readying both of its machineguns as it opens fire on the wing that Vlaska was trying to attack, hoping to at least damage its core!+
Jaydee 12:45 am
(12:45:08 AM): *Lynette hurriedly takes her rifle, and aims a wide angle from the path of the bird. Between the diferring elements, atmospheric pressure, wind, and gravity, she had to time her shot well. She thought for a moment about the head... but instead, she picks the body. She hopes shooting down may help her aim a little.+
Nerdorama09 12:45 am
(12:45:09 AM): (I think Haruka's done with her support action)
(12:46:05 AM): [Lynette] Shooting at the bird's main body with a single-shot rifle predictably does nothing. It does help Vlaska blast himself off, at least.
(12:46:32 AM): [Vlaska] Sigil tumbles to the ground, seriously damaged and unlikely to get moving very fast even with special abilities.
VJockey 12:46 am
(12:46:54 AM): (Slava)
Nerdorama09 12:46 am
(12:46:54 AM): (Slava)
Nerdorama09 12:48 am
(12:48:20 AM): [Josh] The AIle Chevalier's wild attack, though, catches the glowing core and breaks it, causing the swooping bird to crumble into an avalance of rocks and dust.
wyverncakes 12:48 am
(12:48:33 AM): Josh: "One down...!"
Nerdorama09 12:48 am
(12:48:46 AM): (Yurika) (Your energy is really low for a gravity blast cannon again)
llamaqueen190 has left the room. 12:52 am
llamaqueen190 has been invited. 12:53 am
llamaqueen190 has entered the room. 12:53 am
llamaqueen190 12:55 am
(12:55:55 AM): Wendell: "Haruka, can you get me to the last core on the other colossus?"
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:56 am
(12:56:05 AM): "Uh, sure! Where is it?"
Nerdorama09 12:56 am
(12:56:47 AM): Inez: "I'm not sure what these things are, but logic dictates it would hide a vulnerable point inside its front armor plate. If you were to throw a mobile unit in there, it could strike with impunity."
Jaydee 12:56 am
(12:56:49 AM): The witch loads a round. "I have to help as well!"
llamaqueen190 12:57 am
(12:57:02 AM): Scanning the display for something legible, Wendell makes Sigil gesture to Gaius's midsection. "There, in its chest."
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:58 am
(12:58:01 AM): "Uh…Okay…"
Nerdorama09 12:58 am
(12:58:47 AM): (Haruka and Wendell, do it to it)
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:59 am
(12:59:50 AM): *Imber dives towards the monster, picking up speed before he lets go of Sigil and blasts out of the way. Momentum in action!+
Nerdorama09 1:00 am
(1:00:03 AM): (Wendell continue)
llamaqueen190 1:01 am
(1:01:46 AM): Sigil flails through the air, hitting Gaius right aboce the break in its chest plate. The glow drawing him lower, Wendell struggles down between the armor and the giant's chest, holding onto the surface tightly...&
Nerdorama09 1:03 am
(1:03:09 AM): Gaius's only weapon is a giant sword. It can't really attack inside its own chest (continue)
llamaqueen190 1:03 am
(1:03:49 AM): Once level with the glowing core, Sigil raises its sword. There isn't much room, but Wendell gives it as much thrust as he can into the core.+
Nerdorama09 1:04 am
(1:04:23 AM): The core shatters and explodes! This is not a good thing for Sigil, but fortunately it's thrown free rather than pulverized. It's still kind of pulverized, though.
arachnion01@gmail.com 1:04 am
(1:04:59 AM): Aaand Haruka's going to wander over and pick up what's left of Sigil. Go team!
Nerdorama09 1:05 am
(1:05:09 AM): At this point, it's possible for the Nadesico to make a breakthrough!
(1:05:25 AM): Inez: "So captain...how ARE we going to get out of here?"
ColorKidLalaPink 1:06 am
(1:06:29 AM): "Don't worry!" Yurika smiles. "We'll manage it. Right now, we just have to push forward!"
(1:06:51 AM): "And the only way through with the damage we're in is..."
Nerdorama09 1:07 am
(1:07:01 AM): Something knocked Wendell unconscious in this mess. It was either the trauma of getting tossed around in his cockpit, or those weird energy tentacles that lashed out of the last Core in the area and into him...
ColorKidLalaPink 1:07 am
(1:07:04 AM): She opens up communications.
Nerdorama09 1:07 am
(1:07:07 AM): Not that anyone else saw that
ColorKidLalaPink 1:07 am
(1:07:30 AM): "...Ms. Fressange, you said the Chulips weren't carriers, they were portals, right?"
wyverncakes 1:07 am
(1:07:43 AM): Josh can't help but grin.
Nerdorama09 1:07 am
(1:07:46 AM): Inez: "Right. They connect two points in space."
wyverncakes 1:08 am
(1:08:07 AM): "What brings reinforcements to fight us can also be used to get us away!"
ColorKidLalaPink 1:08 am
(1:08:21 AM): Yurika: "He's got it! <3"
(1:08:28 AM): Yurika: "We can go through, too, can't we?"
arachnion01@gmail.com 1:08 am
(1:08:29 AM): "Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!"
Jaydee 1:08 am
(1:08:55 AM): "What!?"
HyprKnux 1 1:09 am
(1:09:11 AM): Akito: "Huh?!"
Nerdorama09 1:09 am
(1:09:22 AM): Inez: "If it's lost its connection to wherever it went originally, it may be possible. It's certainly less insane than trying to get out of the atmosphere with this level of damage."
VJockey 1:09 am
(1:09:32 AM): Vlaska: Not. Scientist. But. Makes. Sense. Yes?
arachnion01@gmail.com 1:09 am
(1:09:46 AM): "…Couldn't Imber and I just, uh…push?"
Nerdorama09 1:10 am
(1:10:10 AM): Inez: "Two battleships? While being fired upon by the rest of the Jovians?"
arachnion01@gmail.com 1:10 am
(1:10:19 AM): "Ehehehe…."
ColorKidLalaPink 1:10 am
(1:10:22 AM): Yurika: "Don't worry, everyone! We'll make it!"
Nerdorama09 1:10 am
(1:10:53 AM): Inez: "Well, wherever we end up, it's better than here. I suggest putting all power to the Distortion Field and thinking happy thoughts..."
(1:11:15 AM): Imber, meanwhile, has overridden Haruka's controls again and is heading toward the White Chalice. He seems to have an idea.
arachnion01@gmail.com 1:11 am
(1:11:25 AM): "…Eh?"
Nerdorama09 1:11 am
(1:11:44 AM): (Going ahead into the Chulip?)
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com has left the room. 1:11 am
ColorKidLalaPink 1:12 am
(1:12:21 AM): "Let's go!" Yurika fistpumps. "Everybody get back here. We're going on ahead!"
wyverncakes 1:12 am
(1:12:37 AM): Josh: "Understood!"
HyprKnux 1 1:12 am
(1:12:51 AM): Akito: "...I'm not sure this is a good idea, but... alright..."
Jaydee 1:13 am
(1:13:28 AM): Lynette sighs. "I've already gone AWOL before..." She looks for the nearest superior officer to blame him for this action.
arachnion01@gmail.com 1:13 am
(1:13:50 AM): Haruka just lets Imber do his thing. And for now, that's head over to the Chalice.
Nerdorama09 1:14 am
(1:14:04 AM): All units recalled, the Nadesico and the Chalice head for the Chulip, the latter with Imber aboard and focusing what energy he has remaining.
(1:14:35 AM): Inez: "Captain...Mr. Tenkawa. Focus your thoughts on the Nadesico, the Chalice, and Earth please. Trust me."
ColorKidLalaPink 1:14 am
(1:14:55 AM): Yurika: "We'll do that!"
HyprKnux 1 1:15 am
(1:15:53 AM): Akito: "...alright." He's still not too convinced on this, but...
Nerdorama09 1:16 am
(1:16:24 AM): The two ships and their crews pass through the Chulip, or rather...the gate. There's a bright light...
Nerdorama09 1:18 am
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