Mission 053: The Name of Darkness that is Jupiter

Jan 25, 2012 22:19

Session Start (overmanzs1:ugamission053): Wed Jan 25 20:03:33 2012 -0600
Session Start (overmanzs1:!aol://2719:10-4-ugamission053): Wed Jan 25 20:03:35 2012 -0600
Session Close (ugamission053): Wed Jan 25 20:03:36 2012 -0600

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OvermanZs1: (( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w ))
OvermanZs1: After having been briefed here (((Link: http://srwug-alphanews.livejournal.com/109064.html)http://srwug-alphanews.livejournal.com/109064.html )), everyone is up to speed on the operation itself. Hopefully!

*** Nerdorama09 has joined the conversation.
OvermanZs1: Meteor 202 is in full view on your monitors, but the order to deploy hasn't come out yet.  This is your bantering time.
mistergiggl3s: Char has been ready. Officially, he's here as a show of good will from Axis Zeon to assist the Crossbone Vanguard. Unofficially, and secretly... he's here to follow an intelligence report that Paptimus Scirocco was born around here.
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*** TenebraeLunaXIII has joined the conversation.
EricOverbringer: Kincaid is sitting in his cockpit, ready to do his job
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ColorKidLalaPink: Milfeulle frowns and fidgets with her holo-display. "This is kind of weird..."
nekoincchan: Forte nodded. "That's... Quite the understatement."
Saraanne13: Zabine quietly sits in the cockpit of X2.
Tengusaur: Tobia is busy showing the Cross Saviour to Bernadette. "Pretty cool, huh? I painted the logo on myself!"
OvermanZs1: Bernadette is impressed, sparkly eyes and all
EricOverbringer: Kincaid shakes his head. Ah, young love.
OvermanZs1: And your coms blare to life!
OvermanZs1: Berah: "White Chalice Team! Vanguard Team! Launch!"
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie: "Eh? Ah! Okay!"
Tengusaur: Tobia: "Uh oh, time to deploy! Watch me, Bernadette!" He jumps into his new unit's cockpit, ready to deploy.
mistergiggl3s: Char: "Char Aznable, Hyakku Shiki Newtype Custom, moving to intercept."
Nerdorama09: Calvina is quietly waiting to see what's really going on here, boarding the Bellzelute when the order comes.
EricOverbringer: Kincaid: "Kincaid Nau, Crossbone X1, launching!"
nekoincchan: "Understood!", Forte shouts, finishing the readying procedures on her ship. "Please provide targeting information ASAP!"
Tengusaur: Tobia: "Tobia Arronax, Cross Saviour, moving out!"
Nerdorama09: Katia: "Hey Calvina...is this really alright?"
Saraanne13: Zabine: X2, Zabine Chareux, heading out.
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie: "Milfeulle Sakuraba, GA-001 Lucky Star! Heading out~!"
OvermanZs1: Berah: "Commence bombardment!"
((Everyone: Free long range attack on the base!))
Nerdorama09: Calvina: "There's clearly more to this then they're saying, and I want to find out."
Tengusaur: Tobia: "Wait, what?"
EricOverbringer: X-1 isn't really much for long range bombardment, so Kincaid lets everyone else cover for him here
nekoincchan: Forte: Locking rail cannons, loading everything else... MARK! *A quick chain of railgun shots are fired in the direction of the base, favoring potential turret sites.*
ColorKidLalaPink: "Okay!" Lucky Star shoots a series of pink lasers straight at the base.
mistergiggl3s: Char: (Thinking) Haman is better suited for things like this.
mistergiggl3s: Char holsters the beam rifle, and grabs the clay bazooka strapped to the Hyakku Shiki's back, and fires a volley of high-explosive shells.
Nerdorama09: Bellzelute flies out after the rest of the group, taking aim with the Orgone Rifle.  Rather than out and out bombardment, Calvina has Katia focus the targeting systems for extreme long-range sniping and takes specific potshots at anything that looks poorly armored - or like a weapon.+
Tengusaur: Tobia: "Wait! Why are we bombarding a resource satellite?!"
Saraanne13: X2 seemed okay for this. Its arms swing forward, aiming its Buster Cannon at the base. It unleashes a HP beam shot at a facility+
Tengusaur: Tobia just watches in shock for now, not sure what to do.
OvermanZs1: After the assault, there's no response...  Nothing.
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EricOverbringer: Kincaid: "Wait for it..."
OvermanZs1: [Everyone] After some awkward silence, missiles fire up from the base itself, aimed at the Vanguard and it's mobile suits! (React)
OvermanZs1: Berah: "Shields up!  It's just a standard missile attack.  The next wave will be mobile suits."
EricOverbringer: Kincaid waits from atop the deck of the Mother Vanguard, inside the capital ship's shields
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EricOverbringer: Gripping the controls with intensity as he gets ready for the wave he can actually deal with
Saraanne13: X2 retreats to depend on the shield+
mistergiggl3s: Space combat? Char? Dodging? Yeah, this won't be a problem. Even if the missile penetrate the shields, Char's ready and waiting to dodge these missiles, already grabbing the beam wifle for the incoming wave of mobile suits.
OvermanZs1: (repost) [Everyone] After some awkward silence, missiles fire up from the base itself, aimed at the Vanguard and it's mobile suits! (React)
Tengusaur: * "Gwah~!" Tobia's mobile suit flails for a second in space before flying to the side. He raises the beam gun, ready to shoot at whatever missiles still come after him!+
nekoincchan: Forte: "You have got to be..."
Happy Trigger curves to try and clear away from as many missiles as possible, using her own missiles to shoot down a few more.+
ColorKidLalaPink: *"No waaay!" Milfie puts up her shields and curves up.+\
Nerdorama09: Bellzelute jukes to the side as Calvina draws the Shot Launchers, firing to shoot down any missiles that get close to her.  Or Tobia, he seems to need the help.+
OvermanZs1: [Everyone] Be it the Vanguard's sheilds, mad doding skills, or shooting back, everyone is about 99% safe from the rather generic missile wave.

And sure enough, just as Captain Ronah states; twenty Bataras deploy from the meteorite.  TO BATTLE!
OvermanZs1: ((Enemies: Batara x20 (Link: http://mahq.net/mecha/gundam/crossbone/ems-06.htm)http://mahq.net/mecha/gundam/crossbone/ems-06.htm  Meteor 202 x1...It's a base, blow it up))
mistergiggl3s: Char: Let some of us handle the Bataras. The rest of you, move for the meteor.
mistergiggl3s: Char: Hyakku Shiki's built for mobile suit combat, it's not a siege weapon.
OvermanZs1: ((Inititave: Kincaid, Zabine, Milfie, Forte, Tobia, Char, Calvina))
OvermanZs1: ((Action: Kincaid, Zabine))
Tengusaur: Tobia: "Why would a resource satellite be defended by so many units? It's not a resource satellite at all!"
mistergiggl3s: Char: I doubt we'd be trying to destroy it if it was.
EricOverbringer: *The moment the missile bombardment passes to reveal the incoming mobile suits, X-1 blasted off the deck of the Mother Vanguard towards the enemy forces, a beam saber in each hand has he closed in on a trio of Bataras. As he reached them, X-1 turned into a whirlwind of blades.+
EricOverbringer: Kincaid: "Have a little faith, Tobia."
OvermanZs1: Berah: "I'll explain everything when you return.   Like Kincaid says, have some faith in us."
OvermanZs1: [Kincaid] The trio of Betaras doesn't expect such a rapid, wild attack.  However, one of the three breaks off of the charge, while two are bisected.  Backpedaling, the Jupiter unit opens fire with it's beam rifle. (react)
Saraanne13: Zabine clenched his teeth. Shortly after X1 entered battk, X2 discarded the buster launcher and followed. It advances on a couple of Bataras, swinging its Beam Zanber at the legs+
EricOverbringer: Kincaid takes the shot on his cloak while hurling one of his beam sabers to take off the Batara's arms
Saraanne13: *battle
OvermanZs1: [Zabine] One of the Bataras doesn't make it out of the way fast enough and loses it's legs, but, in space; who needs legs!  Both this, and the other aim their own lancers at the X2  and fire (React Zabine)
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OvermanZs1: [Kincaid] The shot disperses over the cloak, leaving the Gundam untouched.  At the loss of one of your sabers, the Batara loses it's gunning arm.
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OvermanZs1: ((Action: Milfuelle, Forte))
EricOverbringer: Kincaid: "That totally counts! That's three!"
nekoincchan: Forte: Wide curve targeting, set! Let's get this!"
Forte quickly fires a wave of missiles, aiming widely at several Bataras, while keeping the railgun firing towards the base. She'd just have to hope no one got close enough...
nekoincchan: +
OvermanZs1: [Kincaid] In the midst of your bragging, the disarmed Betara charges forward with it's remaining arm, shoulder-checking the X1.  And such short range, there's not much time to get out of the way!
ColorKidLalaPink: *Milfie brings Lucky Star down and starts shooting the energy cannons at the other Bataras. "Here I go~!"+
EricOverbringer: Kincaid: "Fine, 2"
EricOverbringer: "oof"
Saraanne13: "Tch." X2 tries to ascend to move out of the shooting path.  Using its other hand, it picks up its buster gun and fires at the Batara while diving towards them. Zabine will swipe at them with the Zanber again if he had to+
OvermanZs1: [Forte] A few of the Betara's put up their beam shields, mostly blocking the incoming salvo.  Two Betara's fail their reflex save and blow up.  The rail gun does nothing but hit it's mark, catching a fuel storage tank.
OvermanZs1: [Milfie] Two Betaras try to combine their shields, dispersing one canon shot, but a second takes oout one of the duo.  The remaining unit opens heavy fire with it's shot lancer and shouting in fury! (react)
ColorKidLalaPink: *"Aaaah!" Milfie's shields automatically go up, and she moves to the side.+
OvermanZs1: [Zabine] One Betara takes a buster shot to the head, spraying bullets wildly afterward.  The second tries to charge in, clashing with the Zanber against it's shot lancer... Wait... is this one beam coated! At point blank, the Betara open fire again! (react)
OvermanZs1: [Milfie] Bullet fire streams at the Lucky*Star, but it can't aim fast enough to tag it.  Breaking fire, it moves on to a new target.
OvermanZs1: ((Action: Tobia, Char, Calvina)
Nerdorama09: Calvina: "Tobia, Char.  If you go in close, I'll cover you."
mistergiggl3s: With his clay bazooka rounds spent, Char simply chucks it aside since it's out of ammo. Grabbing the beam rifle, Char moves in to engage a Betara, aiming straight for the reactor, hoping to set off another chain reaction. Even if the Betara was fairly advanced for a mobile suit, it still used a fusion-core reactor.
Tengusaur: * "Sounds like a plan. Get out of my waaay!" Tobia charges at one of the Bataras, raising his beam shield for protection and to increase his ramming power. Because he slams it into the enemy's face, and uses that moment to cut at its arm with a beam saber, and then the other! +
Nerdorama09: * Calvina, true to her word, stands back closer to the Mother Vanguard and fires a pair of powerful beam shots from the O Rifle, trying to take out two Bataras from the cluster.+
Saraanne13: Whoa! Those Jovians were trying hard. For a grunt mech, Zabine was a bit concerned by the apparent additions in weaponry. From the spray of bullets, X2 tried to tilt out of the way during its dive. As it approached the second Batara, beam sword and lance strike.
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Saraanne13: The Buster gun is released. The hand that carried the gun activates its brand marker, and drives a beam spike towards the Batara's head+
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OvermanZs1: [Char] With Newtype-aided accuracy, it takes two shots to catch a Betara through the chest and into the reactor.  Pilot and all go out in an explosion.
OvermanZs1: [Tobia] The Betara can't react fast enough to try and ram it's Lancer against the Cross Saviour.  Crashing it' it's face, one arm, then the other are taken out, but in response the Betara delivers a healthy kick to the cockpit (react, Tobia)
OvermanZs1: [Calvina] One shot graces over a unit's arm, taking it out, but the other strikes true, wiping the unit out.  However, being a stationary target, a seperate pair of Betaras fire at the Belzute with missile launchers (react, Calvina)
Tengusaur: * Tobia tries to counter-kick the enemy leg in the knee joint! +
Nerdorama09: Bellzelute zips backward thanks to Katia paying attention this time, Calvina releasing a spread of micromissiles from Bellzelute's legs to interfere with the attacking Bataras.+
OvermanZs1: [Tobia] The scrawny leg of the Cross Saviour kicks the Belzute back, but not after it's original kick shakes him up pretty bad.  Armless, ther'es not much more it can do from here
Tengusaur: Tobia: "Ow ow! Don't fall apart, Cross Saviour!"
OvermanZs1: ((Kincaid, Zabine))
EricOverbringer: *While the Batara that shoulder charged Kincaid was still nearby, X-1 Ignited the brand markers on its forearms and plunged them into the mobile suits back, aiming directly above and below the cockpit.+
OvermanZs1: [Calvina] The shot just barely misses,, just close enough to warp the paint.  The micromissiles cover for the remaining missiles, but they don't make it far enough to take anything out.
OvermanZs1: ((Enemies: Betara x12, Meteor 202))
OvermanZs1: [Kincaid] In a panic, the pilot screams out, but, finds that he, himself, is safe.  His mobile suit; hells-to-the-no, as the brand markers rend the MS asunder
Saraanne13: For one hand, the Brand Marker formed a spike; in the other hand was the Zanber. X2 disengages the BM and retrives his Buster, connecting it with the zanber. Zabine then aims his ZanBuster at the one batara he shot at before. Three beams are fired+
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OvermanZs1: [Zabine] The MS tries to use it's beam shield to deflect the shots, but even the first one that strikes it's shield doesn't hold a candle to the ZanBuster.  Arm lost, it flails about before trying to fire back with it's Lancer.  The shirt shot takes it's gun out, and the resulting explosion cuts into the cockpit. Life lost, but it's not Zabine's fault!
Saraanne13: Zabine: Hmm, two.
*** NekoIncChan has joined the conversation.
OvermanZs1: ((Action: For--  )) OH WAIT...  
[Milfie] A set of rockets are fired right you way from, well, there's a lot going on.  (React)
ColorKidLalaPink: *Milfie whines and tries to avoid them, shields up. "What nooooow!?"
ColorKidLalaPink: +
NekoIncChan: Forte: !!!
EricOverbringer: Kincaid: "They had backup!?"
OvermanZs1: [Milfie] The missiles hit the shield hard, taking some serious impact, and evne flickering!  But shortly after, the offending Betara(?) explodes.
NekoIncChan: Forte: Figures...
OvermanZs1: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmSCE9bC5IE

???: You don't need to panic.  I'm right here, my honey!
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie: "M-my honey!?"
NekoIncChan: Forte: ... Oh great. You.
EricOverbringer: Kincaid: "What the hell?"
OvermanZs1: Two new units enter from stage left, looking... well, similar to the Angel Frames!  
OvermanZs1: ( (Link: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b253/Zappa_Slave/187.png)http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b253/Zappa_Slave/187.png )
Nerdorama09: Calvina: "Who says that on a battlefield?"
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie: "Who are these guys?"
Tengusaur: Tobia: "They're allies, right? And what's honey?"
OvermanZs1: [Meanwhilst, Char] The legend of the Red Comet sparks some comraderie among the enemy, and a trio of Betara's start to swarm the red Haiku Shiek, firing with their Shot Lancers (react)
OvermanZs1: Camus: My name is Camus O. Laphroaig. Such a beautiful name. Isn't it just like an elegant wind blowing through space?
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie: "Doesn't wind not blow in space?"
OvermanZs1: And the other chimes in... sort of
Red-Eye: ...I'm Red-Eye.  We're the Hell Hounds.  If you reject our demands... all that awaits is eternal rest.
Saraanne13: Zabine: What is this...
NekoIncChan: Forte: How many weeks in a row have we gotten threats like that?
EricOverbringer: Kincaid: "Kinda busy, guys. Come back tomorrow"
OvermanZs1: Camus: Milfuelle, my honey, I know so much about you, we just had to come and see you!  Of  course, I know many many of your deepest secrets~
Tengusaur: Tobia: "Demands? There's only two of you!"
OvermanZs1: Red-Eye: Our demands are for those two to surrender...
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie: "How do you know my name!?"
OvermanZs1: [Also Meanwhile, Tobia m'boy] Another Betara arrives to back up his armless friend, rushing in with shot lancer extended and firing! (react)
EricOverbringer: #
OvermanZs1: Camus: We've learned so maaany of your military secrets.  For example, an essay you wrote as a child.
OvermanZs1: (Support: Kincaid)
NekoIncChan: Forte: ... What.
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie: "An essay?"
mistergiggl3s: Char's more than used to people ganging up on him as soon as he shows up on the battlefield, and this is no different. Knowing beam weapons would do little more than scratch the Hyakku Shiki's surface without a very prolonged and very concentrated attack, Char dodges the machinegun-fire using his Newtype senses, drawing the beam saber and going right for the cockpit of the center-most Betara. Meanwhile, making use of the newly installed psycommu system, Char gets ready to launch the strike harkens the minute the other two try to attack him.
Nerdorama09: Calvina: "Does anyone else miss opponents that don't talk on the battlefield right now?"
mistergiggl3s: & (think that's the right one for asking for a react...)
EricOverbringer: *Kincaid grabs his beam pistol with his free hand and tries to blast the Batara's arm off before it can reach Tobia.+
OvermanZs1: Camus: And Forte my dear, what a lovely collection of guns you have.
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie: "That's not a secret at all!"
OvermanZs1: Camus: Oh but surely it is. Allow me to read.  Ahem*he clears his throat, all gentlemenly* "When I grow up, I want to be a spaceship"
Tengusaur: * "Thanks, Kincaid!" Tobia follows up by firing his beam rifle at the Batara's head! He aims away from the cockpit. +
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie: "N-no way! Stop reading that! How did you get that from all the way back in grade one!?"
NekoIncChan: Forte: ... What. (It is not in any way clear if that is aimed at Camus, Milfie, or both.)
OvermanZs1: [Char] With ease and assitance of NewTyping, the initial Betara is taken out through the cockpit, pilot and all.  The other two break around, coming at him from opposite sides (continue Char)
EricOverbringer: Kincaid: "...A spaceship?"
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie covers her head in shame. "It's because the teacher said, 'Don't worry if it's not possible'!"
OvermanZs1: [Kincaid] The pistol's shots hit their target, taking out the arm, but, the Betara continues it's momentum, crashing it's broken shoulder into the Cross Saviour
OvermanZs1: [Tobia] After getting shoulder-checked, it's not a challenge at all to put a rifle shot through the Betara's head
mistergiggl3s: Time to see how well these work. Immediately withdrawing the beam saber to prepare for the closest Betara to him, strike harkens shoot out behind Char, both of them moving for either side of the thinnest part of the torso of the farthest Beatara, blades facing inwards, aiming to slice it in two. Since they're synched to a psyucommu system, they're more than capable of switching directions, as they operate in mostly the same way the Zeong's hands did.
OvermanZs1: Red-Eye: I'm going ahead then... (He must be talking to Camus)
[Everyone] The enemy's unit, the Sillius, opens fire with not just one, but THREE waves of missiles aimed mostly at everyone, but it seems it's more direct at the Mother Vanguard! (react)
OvermanZs1: (Enemies: Betara x8, Sillius x2 (Camus, Red-Eye), Meteor 202)
ColorKidLalaPink: *Milfie starts moving and sets her railguns firing on Camus. "I won't forgive you for telling everyone something like that! I'll have to wear a paper bag on my head for a month now!"+
NekoIncChan: Forte: "Not a chance!" Immediately, she fires a full wave of her own missiles as suppressive fire - while turning to fire the main railguns at Red-Eye.+
EricOverbringer: *Kincaid zigs and zags his way through the swarm of missiles while filling the air with as much lead as he can with his head vulcans and chest vulcans. Hopefully he can block a meaningful amount of missiles in doing so.+
Nerdorama09: Calvina: "Katia, focus on the missiles I miss!"  Calvina isn't messing around with the shot launchers this time - she uses the Orgone Rifle's beam function to cut through swathes of the incoming missiles.+
mistergiggl3s: Char: It's not that bad, Miflie...
Tengusaur: *Tobia jumps between the missiles, holding the beam shield in front of him for protection. "Cross Saviour needs gatling guns..."
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie: It's unforgivable!
Nerdorama09: Calvina: "Focus on the fight."
Saraanne13: "Lady Berah!" Zabine noticed the missiles heading towards the Vanguard, but he couldn't ignore himself. X2 still carried the Zanbuster and blasted away at any warheads closing in. He took evasive action if he had to+
OvermanZs1: [Char] From behind, the harkens assail the the Betara, one side hits through the torso, but the other catches an arm instead as it just happens to get in the way.  In the front, Char's saber cuts through the other's Shot Lancer, but not before it pumps a few rounds into the Hyaku Shiki's shoulder
NekoIncChan: Forte: Damn it... Everyone, keep an eye on the base. There's no way this is all there is!
OvermanZs1: [Everyone who's not Milfie and Forte and Char] For all your efforts only two missiles break through the defences: one punching right into the Vanguard's barrier, the other taking out the Cross Saviour's beam arm.  It... doesn't explode as violently as one might've thought
EricOverbringer: Kincaid can't help himself "Berah!"
OvermanZs1: [Milfie] As you open fire, the Sillius moves right out the way, surprisingly fast!  After some fancy fly-work, it turns and flips back around, returning fire with it's railguns. (react!)
Tengusaur: Tobia: "Your shield was way too weak, Cross Sa... Oh no! Bernadette, are you okay?!"
ColorKidLalaPink: *Lucky Star rolls to the side and Milfie starts shooting pink lasers at Camus. "Stop being creepy!"+
OvermanZs1: [Forte] Missiles meet missiles but when it comes to the rail gun, Red-Eye's Sillius twists into a barrel roll, returning fire as shots barely glance over it's wings
OvermanZs1: Camus: Milfuelle my honey, please, don't react in suuuch a vulgar way!
[Milfuelle] Camus returns fire with missiles, but two of them are caught by the energy canon, exploding dangerously close to the Sillius
NekoIncChan: *Forte can't maneuver as well as the Sillius, at all, but jukes up to try and make the shots only hit more glancing points that her armor can take.+
ColorKidLalaPink: "You're the one who's being gross!"
OvermanZs1: ((Char, Tobia, Calvina: act!))
OvermanZs1: (Right, Milfie, react to missile!)
ColorKidLalaPink: *"Waaaah!" Milfie can't dodge in time and throws up her energy shield, hoping that will handle it.+
Nerdorama09: #
OvermanZs1: (Support: Calvina)
mistergiggl3s: Nice thing about zero-gravity; what Char is about to do is actually possible because of it. Using the Strike Harkens piercing the armor of the Betara behind him as leverage of sores, Char does a backflip of sorts, aiming to Char-kick the Betara in front of him into the cockpit, while cleaving the one behind him vertically through the center using the beam saber. Meanwhile, the Harkens begin to withdraw. &
OvermanZs1: [Forte] Railgun shots glance the Happy Trigger, not doing too much damage.  Red-Eye doesn't make too much effort dodging, more intent on firing as much as it can, several more railgun shots at Forte (react)
Nerdorama09: * A green beam lances out towards the Sillius's missile, too.  Calvina might not be a newtype, but sniping a missile out of space with the Bellzelute's targeting system isn't so hard.+
Tengusaur: * "You! Stop blackmailing our allies and making them cry!" Tobia keeps flying towards Meteor 202, sending several quick beam shots at Camus on the way.+
OvermanZs1: [Calvina] More than one missile is taken out in a chain reaction after the initial shot.  And even then, Camus's Sillius barely dodges the long-range shot.  "Oh dear, just where did that come from! "
NekoIncChan: *This time, Forte decides to just match fire with fire, throwing a few missiles in hopes of catching the worst shots... BUt more importantly? Firing the railgun and all three laser cannons directly at Red-Eye.
NekoIncChan: +
OvermanZs1: [Tobia] Shaken by Calvina's shot, the rifle shots hit on target, resulting in Camus looping back a ways.  As Tobia approaches the meteor, another Betara comes at him, firing away with a hot-blooded yell. (react)
OvermanZs1: SIC?
Nerdorama09: Calvina follows up the shot by combining the Bellzelute's pistols and rifle into bow form.  "Whoever this guy is, he's leaving."
Nerdorama09: Katia: "Watch the energy usage, Calvina..."
Nerdorama09: Calvina: "I know."  She pulls the "string" of the weapon back, and a huge green crystalline arrow forms, and launches at Camus's Sillius.  "Orgone Rifle - A mode!  FIRE!"+
Tengusaur: * Tobia is forced to stop trying to push forward and focus entirely on dodging. He dashes away to avoid the enemy fire, wishing he still had the beam shield for protection.+
OvermanZs1:  [Forte] Missiles clash with missiles. And for once, Forte puts the pressure on Red-Eye to make him dodge proper, pull up into a loop, but not before catching a shot through the left wing.  "...Pathetic..."
NekoIncChan: Forte: Yep. You're pretty pathetic.
OvermanZs1: [Calvina] As Camus's Sillius completes it's loop back, Bellzelute's shot crashes through it's right wing.  "Oh dear! Just how did you even hit me!"
Tengusaur: Tobia: "It's because you focus too much on talking and too little on dodging!"
Tengusaur: Tobia: "...I'm aware of the hipocrisy!"
OvermanZs1: [Tobia] The Betara gives chace, though, the evasive power of the I-Sa... Cross Saviour is far super than the Betara's accuracy!
OvermanZs1: Vanguard Operator: "Captain! Incoming Missile!  It's a nuclear missile!  We can't come around to fire on it in time!"
Tengusaur: Tobia: "...What? A nuke!?"
EricOverbringer: Kincaid: "Dammit, they're really playing rough aren't they?"
OvermanZs1: It's definitely a MUCH larger missile than any of the others, and sadly, it's moving much too fast for the Cross Saviour to pick it off from it's advanced position!
Nerdorama09: Calvina: "Tch.  Even out here..."
OvermanZs1: Berah: "KINCAID!"
EricOverbringer: Kincaid: "ON IT!"
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie: "No way! Who--?"
OvermanZs1: ((Kincaid: ACTION))
(Enemies: x5 Betara, Camus, Red-Eye, Meteor 202, x1 OHGODITSANUKE!! ))
EricOverbringer: *The X-1 blasts back towards the Mother Vangaurd while combining the beam zanber with the pistol and pulling out the special ammunition.
EricOverbringer: Kincaid: "Everyone pull back to the vanguard!"
Saraanne13: X2 heads for the deck
OvermanZs1: Berah: Activate shields the moment Kincaid fires! All hands, brace for impact!
EricOverbringer: *There's a tiny window to make the shot. He has no choice but to hope everyone can make it back in time. Kincaid fires a high powered armor piercing shell at the nuke, then hits the deck.+
NekoIncChan: Forte: !!!
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie pulls back in a panic.
Nerdorama09: Calvina, fortunately, was alrady sticking close to the ship, and higtails it behind the barrier.
Tengusaur: "Kincaid, what are you trying to pull off...?" Tobia returns back quickly, more thanb a bit shaken by the whole thing.
NekoIncChan: Forte desperately tries to get as far away as she can...
OvermanZs1: [Char (backresponsing)] Neither pilot has the response time to do much of preventing the attack.  The Betara behind is cut in half across the waist, while the one in front is kicked far away, the pilot knocked out from impact
EricOverbringer: ((Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCoMxiptjUk)themesong spam)
OvermanZs1: [Kincaid] X1's shot hit's it mark perfectly!  The round breaks into the hull of the nuke, lighting up space with a bright flash.
In the midst of the explosion there's a transmission
Camus: Adieu, my honey~  We'll see eachother once again!

ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie: "Aww, don't come back!"
NekoIncChan: Forte: "I am not looking forward to it."
Nerdorama09: Calvina: "If it makes you feel better, 'adieu' DOES mean he won't come back."
OvermanZs1: Visuals clear up with only scraps of Betaras remaining.  The nuke itself did more damage to the Meteor than anything else.  With the exception of some paint damage, everyone comes out of the blast just fine!
mistergiggl3s: Char: ".............." Sorry, nukes always strike a certain nerve with him.
OvermanZs1: Berah: "All that's left is to make sure the facility is disabled.  But it seems their defences have been reduced to nothing.  Good work, teams."
Tengusaur: Tobia: "I can't believe they were willing to use a nuclear warhead..."
OvermanZs1: MISSION
EricOverbringer: Kincaid: "This is how the Jupiter Empire does things"
Saraanne13: Zabine nods, "mm, we did it."
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NekoIncChan: Forte: "... Let's get back to the ship. And then someone help me forget about this. Please."
Nerdorama09: Calvina: "Drinks are on me."
ColorKidLalaPink: Milfie: "How did they even know that stuff?"
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