Mission 056: Titanic Ambush (part 2)

Feb 12, 2012 12:59

Tengusaur 11:27 pm
(11:27:17 PM):     *Lily Rain just ignores the battle and goes for the closest thruster! She tries to stay away from the spiky Id Beast.+
(11:27:42 PM):     Lily: "I will leave the fighting to you for now!"
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:27 pm
(11:27:51 PM):     *"Things are going just splendidly…" Roads jets farther on along the colony, towards the thrusters. He's going to fly closer to the colony, moving alongside its length. Meanwhile, he draws out his shiny new rifle, unfolding it to its full 15 meter length, as he glances over information on the rest of the battlefield. "…Seems that black machine has some weird protection…Yo, Kamille, mind giving me a shot at it?"+
wyverncakes 11:28 pm
(11:28:46 PM):     [Roux] Whoever's in the Gabthley is too damn distracted with Kamille and that fancy new Gundam... and this current round of blasts actually blows off one of the machines arms.  At which point grumbling can be heard over the speakers as the machine hurtles towards you.  "G-ggrrrr!"  With its remaining arm it swipes at you with its beam saber as its shoulder-mounted cannon also fires at the Mk. III!
(11:28:48 PM):     (React: Roux)
Joseph Fischer 11:29 pm
(11:29:17 PM):     "Tch... Another one? No, it's different... This is going to be tough." Kamille Shakes his head. "Take a shot if you can, roads, but the Thrusters take priority!"
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:29 pm
(11:29:42 PM):     "Hai, hai…guns are just Delta-V in disguise, really…"
Joseph Fischer 11:29 pm
(11:29:52 PM):     "eh?"
HyprKnux 1 11:31 pm
(11:31:00 PM):     Roux: "Woah!" *Roux raises the shield to block the beam cannon shots the best she could, going for the Mk-III's beam saber and attempting to counter the beam saber+ "Sheesh, for someone who was leading Advent units, you're sure doing a fine job of showing how competent you are!"
wyverncakes 11:31 pm
(11:31:41 PM):     [Lily] As you skirt towards the colony, you can feel something strange happening to your cybernetics... almost like a blackout even!  And before you know it you bump your head into the colony wall... not painfully though but still... And as things start to come back into focus for you, you'll see a whole slew of Advents opening fire on your position, your eyes still all staticky!
(11:31:48 PM):     (React: Lily)
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:32 pm
(11:32:50 PM):     *"Kinetic weapons are also engines in space. Simple newtonian stuff." Roads takes a small energy plug from the Zweilicht's hip, and jacks it into a hole on the gun. There's a bit of charging, and then…bang. A hypervelocity dart goes out the barrel towards the Psycho Gundam, and Roads gets to go even faster towards the thrusters.+
wyverncakes 11:33 pm
(11:33:33 PM):     [Roux] Indeed he does!  The Mk. III does get blown back a bit by the cannon shot, in fact blowing apart the top half of the Gundam's shield... but you're still right as rain when the sword exchange comes!  Your beam saber in fact shears straight through the Gabthley's other arm, leaving the machine to hurtle by you, limbless!
(11:33:50 PM):     For what it's also worth...
(11:33:57 PM):     And going along with what happened to Lily...
(11:34:17 PM):     Anyone getting too close to the Spiny Id Beast seems to enter a kind of sensor blackout...
(11:34:21 PM):     Best be careful, there
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:34 pm
(11:34:26 PM):     Aw, hell...
Tengusaur 11:34 pm
(11:34:53 PM):     *Lily: "Ahh...! J, jamming? Or is it something else? I don't feel so... good..." All she can do in her state is run away blindly on the colony wall, firing her bazookas and beams from the plates of her skirt at where she hopes the enemies are.+
Atrament Corel 11:35 pm
(11:35:08 PM):     (A little late, but is # possible for Lily?)
wyverncakes 11:35 pm
(11:35:21 PM):     [Roads] Yeah, you enter the blackout area too, your own cameras starting to get fucked up big time... but your shot is still fast and strong, and it slams into the Psyco's back, sending it hurtling forwards... along with destroying its shield outright!
(11:35:27 PM):     (Sure!)
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:36 pm
(11:36:04 PM):     "Arg, what the hell?"
wyverncakes 11:36 pm
(11:36:30 PM):     (Azrad can also take his turn afterwards.  Gai can also take his own turn)
HyprKnux 1 11:37 pm
(11:37:15 PM):     Roux: "Sheesh, this is sad!" Shield's useless, but with an armless MS? She's going to push it away for the moment.
wyverncakes 11:38 pm
(11:38:04 PM):     Jerid: "D-dammit...!"
Atrament Corel 11:38 pm
(11:38:06 PM):     *Wasting no time, Azrad activates Shantak. The black demonic wings spread, giving him a quick burst of speed to hopefully get between Lily and the attackers. Once there, he calls up the Elder Sign, but this time backed by a number of invisible glass panels: the Mirror of Nitocris. Any incoming beams should be reflected off those panels...+
wyverncakes 11:38 pm
(11:38:14 PM):     Scirrico: "Leiutenant!  Pull back, you're no good to us like this!
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:38 pm
(11:38:50 PM):     "Everyone, there's some rather nasty sensor interference over here. Be careful."
Atrament Corel 11:39 pm
(11:39:34 PM):     (I'll wait for resolve before I proceed with Azrad's action...)
wyverncakes 11:39 pm
(11:39:57 PM):     [Lily and Azrad] As you flee, Lily, the interferance on your eyes seems to fade away!  You're running away from the Id Beast!  And thanks to Azrad, you're suitably protected from the shots, although by the end the power of the shots begins to break strain them.  And on your end, however, your shots manage to blow out another two Advents!
Tengusaur 11:40 pm
(11:40:34 PM):     Lily: "It seems we will have to destroy this monster before we can reach the thrusters..."
(11:40:50 PM):     Lily: "I really hope we have enough time!"
Atrament Corel 11:41 pm
(11:41:11 PM):     Azrad: The worm may be another issue.
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:41 pm
(11:41:35 PM):     "The worm…We can burn that bridge when we come to it."
Atrament Corel 11:43 pm
(11:43:50 PM):     *Destroy the monster, how exactly? But Azrad's got a lot of options, so he tries the obvious. Those Scimitars are summoned again, and let loose upon the creature.+
wyverncakes 11:44 pm
(11:44:29 PM):     (Specify: Spiney or Worm?)
Atrament Corel 11:44 pm
(11:44:38 PM):     (Spiney)
(11:44:42 PM):     (Sorry)
wyverncakes 11:44 pm
(11:44:44 PM):     (Right)
wyverncakes 11:46 pm
(11:46:23 PM):     [Azrad] The Scmitars hurtle en-masse as the Id Beast... Master of Aeon, do you have enough swords to breach it's body?  Well... kinda.  The swords stab into its body, releasing blood and tearing open parts of its body... but not much else.  The creature howls out, and all of a sudden everyone's audio goes to complete static as it suddenly lunges towards you, more spines being fired as well
(11:46:27 PM):     (React: Azrad)
Atrament Corel 11:47 pm
(11:47:58 PM):     *Azrad seemingly braces for impact, raising his arms in defense. However, even through the vaccuum, his voice can be heard...because hey, Demonbane doesn't give a fuck about physics...
Spirit of Justice 11:48 pm
(11:48:21 PM):     *Taking off towards the colony, Gai aims to keep the Advents occupied while Lily and Azrad head for the thrusters by charging one Advent with a shield tackle&
Atrament Corel 11:49 pm
(11:49:06 PM):     And in that instant, the Deus Machina is summoned in a storm of light and magical circles. Magius, Grimoire and Machine become one, defending against and hopefully repelling the assault at the same time.+
wyverncakes 11:49 pm
(11:49:56 PM):     [Gai] The remaining Advents do get distracted by you running interfance, and they break off from your attack before charging after you, two flanking you from each side and firing while a third swerves around to in front of you, shooting as well!
(11:49:59 PM):     (React: Gai)
wyverncakes 11:51 pm
(11:51:06 PM):     [Azrad] The mighty Aeon forms as the Id Beast, fragment of an ancient evil, crashes into it!  But the Id Beast is blown away, parts of its armor being torn open, exposing a dark, fleshy center!
(11:51:19 PM):     (Char, Haman, Kamille)
arachnion01@gmail.com 11:52 pm
(11:52:50 PM):     "That monster can heal from near anything; you'll need to inflict serious tearing damage to actually kill it." Roads isn't exactly sure if his call will get through to Azrad, but it's worth a shot.
Mister Giggles 11:54 pm
(11:54:03 PM):     * Well, that's one down, it looks like. Char's still focusing on Yazan. As it charges, Char moves into close quarters, drawing the Hyakku Shiki's beam saber. With its primary melee weapon down besides that beam claw - which has shit range - Char's not afraid at all. He moves in, attempting to slash across horizontally, from forearm to forearm of the Hambrabi. &
Atrament Corel 11:54 pm
(11:54:41 PM):     It does Roads, no worries. Azrad however, responds with a simple "Aa" and nods.
Joseph Fischer 11:54 pm
(11:54:53 PM):     *Kamille's holding the Hyper Mega Launcher in an awkward position now, boosting towards the Psyco Gundam and swinging down at it-a Beam saber coming out of the massive weapon!+
Spirit of Justice 11:55 pm
(11:55:01 PM):     *Gai grunts as Blue Frame fires a snap shot at the front Advent before pulling up hard and away, hoping to avoid getting turned into swisscheese.+
howmuchineedyou 11:55 pm
(11:55:57 PM):     Haman is to angry to stop, she jets through air (or lack there of really) back towards scirocco. pulling out her other beam saber, held before her, her funnels gathering before her in a circle, sending a barrage of fire before her. Exuding pressure at him with all her might.+
wyverncakes 11:56 pm
(11:56:14 PM):     [Char] As you charge at the Hambrabi... suddenly the machine just up and turns and runs?  What the fuck is that all about?  But suddenly an alarm begins to go off, temperature ones too as the space around the Hyaku Shiki seems to begin dropping even lower than it should be in space!  And behind you, that huge, worm Id Beast is somehow squirming up THROUGH a massive tower of ice...!
(11:56:21 PM):     (React: Char)
(11:57:54 PM):     [Kamille] Beam bayonette meets the Psyco's own beam saber, the sheer size of the Psyco's threatening to overwhelm and burn out your own... and in the meantime the black Gundam suddenly swings it's fast out with quicksilver speed, hoping to blow you away in one go!
(11:57:57 PM):     (React: Kamille)
Mister Giggles 11:58 pm
(11:58:31 PM):     * "Damn it!" Char growls, but he's not going to let this be  wasted opportunity. Boosting hard to chase after the Hambrabi, Char activates the Hyakku Shiki's psycommu-linked Strike Harkens, and attempt to latch on to the Hambrabi while attempting to escape the ice. He's not getting away that easily, not if Char has anything to say about it.
Joseph Fischer 11:59 pm
(11:59:19 PM):     *Kamille DEACTIVATES The Beam Bayonette and drops underneath both Saber and fist before reactivating the weapon at close-proximity!+
wyverncakes 11:59 pm
(11:59:49 PM):     [Haman] The Messala matches you, move for move... the Advents currently not being distracted by the Blue Frame standing in for your funnels!  And the two of you charge forward... Scirroco and his pilots deftly working on dodging your own moves as you try to dodge yours!  Explosions rack both of you as Advents and funnels are blown away... and then you two suddenly meet, for one split second in close combat...!
(12:00:01 AM):     (React/Continue: Haman)
wyverncakes 12:01 am
(12:01:39 AM):     [Char] You move forward, trying to chase after the Hambrabi... but the worm is FAST!  REALLY FUCKING FAST!  And as you try to bank away, the Hyaku Shiki's legs are flash frozen before the worm clips you, shattering both of them and sending you spinning... right before the Hambrabi lunges back in again!  "FEH!  BE MORE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS, RED COMET!"
(12:01:41 AM):     (React: Char)
(12:02:19 AM):     [Azrad] And in the meantime, what's the Id Beast shooting at?  Why it's the Aeon, in fact, first spiraling through the air, making a path of ice to move through in the process as it attempts to freeze and then ram you!
(12:02:21 AM):     (React: Azrad)
HyprKnux 1 12:02 am
(12:02:25 AM):     # Char!
wyverncakes 12:02 am
(12:02:58 AM):     [Kamille] A sudden and cunning move!  The Psycho's fist misses the Zeta by inches, and the Gundam's saber promptly slashes out, scarring the Psyco Gundam across its chest as it stumbles back!
(12:03:04 AM):     (Support: Roux)
howmuchineedyou 12:03 am
(12:03:05 AM):     Haman Screams pressing one of her beam sabers down upon through the smoke, and using the other to make an upward slash from his mobiles suits knees up, Holding her pressure against him. "You won't defeat me!"+
wyverncakes 12:03 am
(12:03:20 AM):     (Roads, Lily, and Roux)
HyprKnux 1 12:03 am
(12:03:44 AM):     Roux: "The same goes for you, creep!" *She might not have the shield anymore, but the beam rifle's more than enough. She's firing away, trying to keep Yazan away from Char!+
Atrament Corel 12:05 am
(12:05:11 AM):     *Azrad's going to go with the obvious counter here. Aeon is suddenly bathed in flames as "Cthugha!" is called out. In the next moment, a burst of intense flame from the Lovecraftian god is released in the direction of the Id Beast!+
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:05 am
(12:05:43 AM):     *Finally those thrusters are getting close. Roads is going to slow down a bit, and fire off a rocket anchor towards the colony so he doesn't go sailing past. There's engine maneuvering to be done, and he begins to set to work.+
wyverncakes 12:05 am
(12:05:51 AM):     [Haman] Amidst the destruction, you both strike... defense is no matter now!  Both the Quebeley and the Messala take similar blow.  Haman, your own machine gets its left arm and leg torn apart, along with part of your funnel pod... while the Messala loses a leg, a forearm, and it's head instead!
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:05 am
(12:05:58 AM):     "Right then. Command, we just have to fire all of these things and we're golden?"
wyverncakes 12:06 am
(12:06:36 AM):     The Quebeley and the Messala break off, and you can feel a slight twinge of admiration from Scirroco.  "... To be wounded... the first time in the Earth Sphere, no less!"
(12:07:04 AM):     "... Though I must admit, Chancellor, things would be different had I sortied in the O..."
wyverncakes 12:07 am
(12:07:57 AM):     Bles: "It'd be best they were in a coordinated position... and with all the fighting you may have well slipped past the point of no return... with that monster's jamming we can't be certain!"
Tengusaur 12:08 am
(12:08:32 AM):     * "Why are you not letting us stop the colony drop? If it happens, you will be blown up too!" Lily circles around the spiny monster, not getting closer to it so it won't black out her senses again. She changes the bazookas for beam rifles and opens fire with them at the creature as she tries to get close to the thruster! A summoned Wonder Bit provides support fire with its machinegun.+
wyverncakes 12:08 am
(12:08:32 AM):     ^Blex
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:09 am
(12:09:03 AM):     "Things never go smooth, do they..."
wyverncakes 12:09 am
(12:09:22 AM):     [Roux] And with that the Hambrabi does indeed break off, only to switch focus to you, Roux.  "Heh... someone with a Gundam... let's see how YOU compare to this Hambrabi!"  And with that the machine charges at you instead, readying a beam rifle and letting loose a flurry of shots!
Joseph Fischer 12:09 am
(12:09:47 AM):     "Fucking Titans just LOVE to make things difficult..."
wyverncakes 12:10 am
(12:10:14 AM):     [Gai] The Advent in front of you does indeed get blown away, but just barely, and as you turn up and away, one of the beam rifle shots blows out your head.  Whoops.  There goes your main camera.
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:10 am
(12:10:35 AM):     "Really it's more the space monster, right now…" And roads keeps at getting those thrusters operational. "Any kick off course should work with this thing…"
howmuchineedyou 12:11 am
(12:11:08 AM):     Haman was angry, fuming, but at least this time, she had won. She could still fight but only with on beam saber, and what ever funnels might have survived, though surely it couldn't be more than a handful. Now she can join the others with the colony problem.+
HyprKnux 1 12:11 am
(12:11:26 AM):     *Roux attempts to move out of the way of the beam rifle shots, returning fire as well!+ "I'm certain I can do more than just be a pretty face!"
wyverncakes 12:12 am
(12:12:17 AM):     [Lily] Well, the Id Beast is kinda-sorta not a good thinker.  Ever seen Forbidden Planet?  Ids can't think straight at all.  The creature still roars in defiance though, firing and just barely missing you with multiple quills... all while your own shots begin to drill through its exposed innards, damaging it more and more thoroughly.  It's still regenerating, but the thing only has so much energy to work with!  Just a little further...
Joseph Fischer 12:13 am
(12:13:28 AM):     #Lily
wyverncakes 12:13 am
(12:13:45 AM):     (Didn't set up a react but whatever.  Support, Kamille)
(12:13:57 AM):     [Roux] The Mk. III might edge out the damaged Hambrabi spec-wise, but Yazan's also a hell of a pilot!  And as the two of you continue your game of tag, however, one stray shot still blows out your gun-carrying hand
Joseph Fischer 12:14 am
(12:14:40 AM):     *Kamille, now with a bit of Breathing space from the Psyco Gundam, turns the Hyper Mega Launcher towards the Id beast, and fires twice!+
HyprKnux 1 12:14 am
(12:14:56 AM):     Roux: "Ahhh! Dammit!"
wyverncakes 12:15 am
(12:15:12 AM):     [Roux (continued)] And now the Hambrabi's moving in for the kill!
(12:15:15 AM):     (React: Roux)
(12:16:02 AM):     [Kamille] The first beam pounds into the nigh-unbreakable spines... but the second?  Oh that hits gold.  Another pained scream by the Id Beast
HyprKnux 1 12:16 am
(12:16:25 AM):     Roux: "Crap, crap, crap!" *Roux's going both ways - attempting to move out of the Hambrabi's way and, if that won't work, bring out her beam saber and attempt to counter!+
Mister Giggles 12:16 am
(12:16:57 AM):     # Roux
(12:17:01 AM):     (damn, late.)
wyverncakes 12:17 am
(12:17:30 AM):     [Azrad] Obvious counter is... somewhat effective, neither extremely so or not at all!  The ice melts in an instant, and this Id Beast howls out as well, but it keeps going anyways, hitting into the Aeon and damaging it somewhat... but not really much at all!  Without its ice as a medium to travel through, the creature's moving as slow as molasses!
(12:17:46 AM):     (I'll still allow it.  Support: Char)
Mister Giggles 12:19 am
(12:19:10 AM):     Char: "Be more aware of your surroundings, Yazan." *Mocking his earlier taunt, Char had been following him this entire time now that the worm is busy. Those Strike Harkens come back, attempting to slam into Hambrabi's sides, to act as grappling hooks.&
wyverncakes 12:20 am
(12:20:45 AM):     [Roads] One after another, the engines begin to flare up... the colony beginning to alter its course and slow it's descent... but just as it appears things are going to work out in the end...
(12:20:55 AM):     Scirroco: "Murasame... attack the colony!"
wyverncakes 12:21 am
(12:21:23 AM):     [Everyone] And at once, the Psycho Gundam suddenly levels its weaponry on the rear end of the colony, unleashing a stream of laser blasts to take out the engines!
(12:21:30 AM):     (Anyone wanting to react to that, go ahead)
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:21 am
(12:21:36 AM):     "Seriously? Seriously!"
Mister Giggles 12:21 am
(12:21:56 AM):     Char: "
(12:22:05 AM):     Char: "Is he insane!?" (damn enter key...)
HyprKnux 1 12:22 am
(12:22:06 AM):     Roux: "Oh, COME ON!"
wyverncakes 12:22 am
(12:22:20 AM):     [Char and Roux] The Hambrabi's assault is stopped at the last second as the Harkens slam into it, stopping the machine!
(12:22:25 AM):     (The two of you can continue)
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:22 am
(12:22:26 AM):     *Roads brings that sniper rifle out again, and fires on the Psycho Gundam. And once that's started it's cool down, he opens fire with the shotguns. And the grenade launchers. Shot, shot everywhere…+
Spirit of Justice 12:22 am
(12:22:40 AM):     Gai: It's always something.
Joseph Fischer 12:22 am
(12:22:57 AM):     *"This person... is like me... so maybe..." Kamille calls out to the pilot of the Psyco Gundam! "STOP! YOUR GOING TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE!!!"+
Tengusaur 12:23 am
(12:23:18 AM):     * "N... no!" In a burst of bravery Lily tries to shield one of the engines with her own body, and fire back at the Psyco Gundam with a beam gun of her own to make it stop!+
Mister Giggles 12:23 am
(12:23:52 AM):     * With the Harkens embedded in the Hambrabi's midsection, Char uses them as grappling hooks to pull the Hyakku Shiki up to the Hambrabi, its beam saber outstretched, ready to slash across its midsection, aimed just above the cockpit but moving across both forearms and the head.
HyprKnux 1 12:25 am
(12:25:29 AM):     Roux: "...th-thanks, Char..." *One-armed, yes, but at the very least, she can still fight, using her beam saber to follow Char's lead and intending on taking out this pain!+
wyverncakes 12:26 am
(12:26:30 AM):     [Roads, Lily, and Kamille] The physical assault on the Psycho Gundam does inflict significant damage on it.  Emotional?  Not so much.  Better luck next time, Kamille!  The blasts still manage to blow out a handful of the thrusters, altering the colony's course YET AGAIN and causing it to begin its downward plummet though.  And because the mod's feeling evil... LILY!  One of the blasts pounded into you, slamming you into the colony and damaging some of your non-critical systems!
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:27 am
(12:27:30 AM):     #lily?
wyverncakes 12:27 am
(12:27:40 AM):     [Roux and Char] The Hambrabi's already trying to escape the minute you move in for the kill... and it does succeed, but not without a cost!  Much of the machine is torn apart, your sabers severey chewing into the machine as it flees!
(12:27:47 AM):     Yazan: "D-damn...!"
(12:27:58 AM):     (I'll allow it)
HyprKnux 1 12:28 am
(12:28:03 AM):     Roux: "Heh... so much for your fancy suit...!"
wyverncakes 12:28 am
(12:28:32 AM):     Scirroco: "It matters not...!  All remaining units, we're pulling back!  We gain nothing by staying here!"
(12:28:44 AM):     And with that the Titans machines begin to flee, leaving nothing but the two Id Beasts behind!
(12:28:55 AM):     (Azrad, Gai)
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:29 am
(12:29:06 AM):     *Roads dashes over towards Lily, looking over to make sure that she's okay. However bad it is, the little robot now has a much bigger mobile suit standing over her now, like a guardian angel…with guns.+
Tengusaur 12:29 am
(12:29:17 AM):     Lily: "Oww...! No... Please stop... Leave the colony alone..."
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:29 am
(12:29:32 AM):     "Hey, Lily…You alright?"
wyverncakes 12:29 am
(12:29:36 AM):     [Roads] Thankfully, crisis averted for the most part.  No more damage comes after you.
(12:30:04 AM):     (Yellow: Spiny Id Beast (severely damaged), Worm Id Beast (somewhat damaged)
Mister Giggles 12:30 am
(12:30:28 AM):     (Damage report for Hyakku Shiki? Roux pretty much stabbed Hambarbi while Hyakku Shiki was on top of its ass.)
wyverncakes 12:31 am
(12:31:24 AM):     (Hyaku Shiki's pretty much gone from the hips down)
Tengusaur 12:31 am
(12:31:25 AM):     Lily: "I think I'm fine... Mostly... But if we don't do anything, the colony will...!"
HyprKnux 1 12:31 am
(12:31:50 AM):     Roux: "...whoops..."
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:32 am
(12:32:00 AM):     "It'll hit the moon, yeah. But not where the Titans wanted."
wyverncakes 12:32 am
(12:32:03 AM):     (That was frim the ice shattering)
(12:32:34 AM):     Over on the comm, Blex's voice sounds somewhat... both grave and relieved.  "We've got an educated guess regarding its impact... it'll be close... but it won't hit Anaheim.  The seismic impacts though..."
Atrament Corel 12:32 am
(12:32:48 AM):     *With the Id Beast (whichever one that hit him, the worm one I think?) up this close, Azrad narrows his eyes. Aeon doesn't move, but more flaming scimitars are spawned, 12 in all, around the Id Beast's head. The blades move in simultaneously in an attempt to impale their target. Do they hit?&
wyverncakes 12:32 am
(12:32:55 AM):     His voice feels a bit upset though he tries not to show it.  "We shouldn't lose anyone, but the facilities..."
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:33 am
(12:33:07 AM):     "The thrusters don't need us to watch over them…" He extends a hand down to lily. "Come on. Let's get out of here."
Mister Giggles 12:33 am
(12:33:16 AM):     (DIdn't mean for that background.)
wyverncakes 12:33 am
(12:33:22 AM):     (It's fine)
Joseph Fischer 12:33 am
(12:33:30 AM):     Kamille: "Facilities can be rebuilt."
Spirit of Justice 12:33 am
(12:33:32 AM):     (is lavos still hugging the colony?)
Tengusaur 12:33 am
(12:33:32 AM):     Lily: "Please evavuate just in case!"
Joseph Fischer 12:33 am
(12:33:40 AM):     "Man power is hard to come by, after all
howmuchineedyou 12:34 am
(12:34:04 AM):     Haman: "Char!!"
wyverncakes 12:34 am
(12:34:31 AM):     [Azrad] The dozen sabers hurtle towards the worm, crashing into its armor.  It's reinforced, like the spiny Beast's, but some do manage to break through... though almost immediately the creature begins to freeze space again, turning itself into a torpedo to blow through the Aeon for good!
(12:34:35 AM):     (React/Continue: Azrad)
(12:35:00 AM):     (Spiny was knocked free due to attacking Aeon a while back)
Spirit of Justice 12:37 am
(12:37:11 AM):     *Switching on the secondary cameras Gai turns towards the still falling colony and, more importantly, the worm Azrad is tangling with before opening fire with the beam rifle.+
arachnion01@gmail.com has left the room. 12:37 am
HyprKnux 1 12:38 am
(12:38:08 AM):     Roux: "There still has to be some more active engines, right? We still have time! There has to...!"
wyverncakes 12:38 am
(12:38:11 AM):     [Gai] The beam rifle pelts into the creature, but at this point you're just giving it incentive to attack you as well, and the worm's tail flicks up, lashing at you too!
Atrament Corel 12:38 am
(12:38:12 AM):     *That's pretty much all Azrad needs. This has to end quickly. The Scimitars that do get through the armor are detonated on a mental cue, each erupting into fireballs in the Id Beast's armor that would hopefully slow it down a little. At the same time, Azrad has Spell Helix prepped, and unleashes one massive Cthugha blast towards the enemy.+
arachnion01@gmail.com has entered the room. 12:38 am
wyverncakes 12:39 am
(12:39:21 AM):     [Azrad] And for such a mighty sorcerer, the attacks begin to blow apart bits and chunks of the worms... just before finally the last few blasts char-broil the machine in full blowing it away at long last...!
wyverncakes 12:39 am
(12:39:43 AM):     [Gai] Aaand this also save Gai too.  Crisis averted!
(12:39:58 AM):     And at this point, all that's left is one last, stationary Id Beast...
(12:40:10 AM):     (Anyone want to take a shot at this one to finish it off, go ahead!)
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:40 am
(12:40:32 AM):     (I GOT THIS)
Atrament Corel 12:40 am
(12:40:50 AM):     Azrad would love to for all the trouble its caused, but he doesn't have enough magic left...it's up to Roads.
Joseph Fischer 12:41 am
(12:41:36 AM):     "ROADS! END THAT THING!"
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:41 am
(12:41:58 AM):     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRedu0m8UJw&list=PL552AB7E50ED12620&index=5&feature=plpp_video
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:43 am
(12:43:58 AM):     "Just one left, huh….Awaken, the sunlit hero." The Zweilicht begins to glow, as golden lines of light spread over it's body. Roads turns to the final Id Beast, and the Zweilicht's thrusters burst into life, with far more power than normal.
wyverncakes 12:45 am
(12:45:16 AM):     And as the Zweilicht hurtles towards the Id Beast, along with the descending colony that, quite evidently now, won't be direclty hitting the Anaheim base (though it'll be close)
(12:45:23 AM):     (Continue, Roads)
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:47 am
(12:47:04 AM):     Roads goes flying towards the monster, picking up speed. He shifts around mid-flight, and lands with a perfect two-foot kick right on the monster's face. And then? He bends down and kicks off, while Newton's third law takes over and puts the monster between a colony and a hard place.
wyverncakes 12:48 am
(12:48:48 AM):     [Roads] And with the power of the Sunlit Hero mode, the Zweilicht smashes the massive Id Beast in between the moon and the colony... and just as it touches down there's one last, defiant scream... before a massive shockwave as the colony just kinda... shatters, crumbles, and then collapses down onto the lunar surface.
arachnion01@gmail.com has left the room. 12:48 am
arachnion01@gmail.com has entered the room. 12:49 am
wyverncakes 12:49 am
(12:49:43 AM):     The radio to Anaheim goes dead for a minute, and you can all see the damage the shockwaves have done to the facilities as parts are completely torn asunder from the quakes...
(12:50:27 AM):     ... And when the dust settles, you can at least see a pathetic, insignificant fragment of the Id Beast trying to squirm its way out from the wreckage... before dissolving away into nothingness.
HyprKnux 1 12:51 am
(12:51:06 AM):     Roux: "...no..."
Tengusaur 12:51 am
(12:51:17 AM):     Lily: "Uwaahh..."
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:51 am
(12:51:24 AM):     The Sunlit Hero mode starts powering down, while Roads watches the carnage. "..."
wyverncakes 12:51 am
(12:51:32 AM):     And with that, the radio comes on once more.  Blex's voice sounds shaken and worried though, but still very much alive.  "... Everyone out there... did you kill it?"
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:51 am
(12:51:45 AM):     "Yeeep."
Spirit of Justice 12:51 am
(12:51:50 AM):     "It's dead alright"
HyprKnux 1 12:51 am
(12:51:53 AM):     Roux: "It's dead...."
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:52 am
(12:52:07 AM):     "…Just like a cockroach and an anvil…"
Tengusaur 12:52 am
(12:52:29 AM):     Lily: "Is everyone okay down there?"
wyverncakes 12:52 am
(12:52:35 AM):     And at that, a relieved laugh.  "Good... then get back here.  You probably have repairs in order... and Anaheim's not going to let a few quakes keep us from sending you off in ship-shape condition!"
(12:52:58 AM):     "And we're... alive.  Production of damn near everything's going to be set back by months... but we're alive."
Atrament Corel 12:53 am
(12:53:25 AM):     Azrad isn't saying anything, but he's relieved too. No enemies left, and more importantly, Al-Azif starting to go quiet...
wyverncakes 12:53 am
(12:53:43 AM):     MISSION
wyverncakes 12:53 am
(12:53:49 AM):     COMPLETE
HyprKnux 1 12:54 am
(12:54:09 AM):     Roux: "Heh... well... best months than forever, right?"
howmuchineedyou 12:54 am
(12:54:28 AM):     Haman: Once their victory is clear, her damanged mobile suits moves slowly to recover the Hyaku Shiki. "Need a hand Char? I've only got one to spare but.."
HyprKnux 1 12:54 am
(12:54:52 AM):     Oh, right. Char.
(12:54:58 AM):     Roux: "Eheh... s-sorry, Char...!"
Joseph Fischer 12:55 am
(12:55:19 AM):     The zeta is going over to both Haman and Char. "If a hand's not enough, My machine's still good to help."
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:55 am
(12:55:43 AM):     Roads will float over and make sure Lily's okay. Seeing as how she's…actually injured, unlike everyone else.
howmuchineedyou 12:56 am
(12:56:29 AM):     Haman: "Thanks Kamille."
Tengusaur 12:57 am
(12:57:00 AM):     Lily still has all of her limbs and can move on her own, but she;s gonna need repairs. Doesn't seem like it bothers her much at the moment though.
Joseph Fischer 12:57 am
(12:57:52 AM):     "It's no trouble, Lady Karn"
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:58 am
(12:58:31 AM):     "…Right, let's get you fixed up..."
Tengusaur 12:59 am
(12:59:00 AM):     Lily: "Um... That was a pretty stupid thing of me to do, wasn't it..."
arachnion01@gmail.com 12:59 am
(12:59:22 AM):     "Yeah. But it was pretty cool."
(1:00:16 AM):     "…that's not really Haman Karn over there, right?"
Tengusaur 1:00 am
(1:00:23 AM):     Lily: "You think so, Mr Roads? Well..." She tries to smile. "At least we saved everyone in the base!"
Mister Giggles 1:00 am
(1:00:29 AM):     Char: "Don't worry about it, Roux. I just hope Axis has something able to replace Hyakku Shiki."
howmuchineedyou 1:01 am
(1:01:28 AM):     Haman: "Of course it is! Whom did you think was piloting the Quebely!!?"
Mister Giggles 1:01 am
(1:01:43 AM):     Char: "With the amount of time it would take to repair her, the war will already have begun. The Titans just tried to attack civillian targets with a colony drop. The Federation can't ignore this. All of the colonists are going to be screaming for a war now."
arachnion01@gmail.com 1:01 am
(1:01:46 AM):     "…Huh."
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