Ophelia Mayspring;

May 28, 2010 12:09

Information | Relationships | HMD | Verse

i want to mix our blood and put it in the ground...

FULL NAME: Sarah Josephine Mayspring
CODE NAME: Ophelia
NICKNAMES: Sar, Phe, Red, Crazy Cakes

DATE OF BIRTH: November twelfth, 1986
SEXUALITY: Ambiguous
OCCUPATION: Socialite, Composer
LOCATION: New York, New York

PARENTS: Martha Louise & Edward James Mayspring [deceased]

LEVEL: Alpha

i don't want to be a legend, well that's a god damned lie, i do...

A single child in a fairly affluent area, Sarah Mayspring was the pride and joy of her parents when she was born. Doted on and loved dearly, the young, wide eyed girl was exceptionally outgoing, displaying prodigy like abilities in numerous areas of her sophisticated life. Classical music was a passion, and throughout her childhood she learned to play numerous instruments at the encouragement of her loving parents. Her favoured instrument was the violin.

With the money and ability, Sarah attended college at a young age, younger than most. With Literature and Music as her majors she was deemed 'odd' for most of her college life. In fact, it was mild eccentricities in her personality, simply standing out among those of a lower class due to her far more 'old fashioned' persuasion in life. While in college, Sarah took to the name Ophelia, upon identifying with the character of Shakespeare's Hamlet; from then onwards, she would rarely respond to the name Sarah, and introduce herself as Ophelia. When Ophelia met Richard Davis on the playing fields one afternoon, she could never have believed that her entire life was about to change.

Despite slight hesitation on her part, Ophelia quickly fell hopelessly in love with Richard, called Rick by his friends and herself. The pair had a whirlwind relationship which was solidified by the onset of Ophelia empathic powers. Unaware, both of them were linked by a bond Ophelia developed to the emotions Rick had, his love and happiness the ground work for Ophelia's stable and secure persona. This also drove Ophelia to maintain Rick's happy, calm, loved emotions. Keeping Rick stable kept Ophelia stable.

However, when Rick left college, and Ophelia, the bond between them snapped. Unaware as to why Rick left; as he forgot to leave the note he wrote, Ophelia worried herself sick about him, while still trying to find the same stability and love she had with him. In the end, after many failed attempts to reclaim that feeling, Ophelia was left to the onslaught of college emotions. As the surrounding echoes of feelings hit Ophelia, she slowly lost herself to the barrage of foreign feelings, fracturing her psyche in an attempt to save herself.

Fearing for their daughters sanity, Ophelia was placed in a mental institution. She was twenty when her parents had her declared insane and she was left to the treatments of Fairweather Sanatorium. Two years worth of insanity around her built and built, ricocheting against Ophelia's already damaged mind. No method of treatment appeared to work; shock treatment, cat-scans, inclusion or seclusion. Ophelia remained the same as ever, it wasn't until Dr Right, a young doctor trained to recognise what others couldn't, informed the staff that Ophelia was not clinically ill, simply a mutant going untreated or trained with her abilities, that the treatment attempts stopped.

Her isolation from contact but not emotion led Ophelia to block herself off significantly, referring to herself in third person, talking to herself and in turn her only possession; her beloved violin, Miss Charlotte. The discovery that Ophelia was a mutant did not bring the return of her parents, and after two years of institutionalisation, no one believed that Ophelia would manage rightly on her own. As such she was released into the care of Dr Archie Right, the psychiatrist who declared her not insane, merely 'troubled'.

Ophelia did not re-establish herself back into normal society as was hoped. Instead she furthered her distance from what was considered the norm; standing out in her chosen clothes, dying her hair, tattooing her face. While Dr Right encouraged her display of individuality and what he called progression, his own emotions were unwittingly affecting Ophelia. His drive to see her well, his pride and obsession with her health built within Ophelia the more she had contact with Dr Right and eventually, his obsession drove her away.

Upon the death of her parents, Ophelia was left the estate of her family. She was thrust into the socialite life once more, just a little more outlandish than her great-grandmother had been while she'd been included in the scene. Ophelia did not tone down her appearance, nor her personality. Allowing the 'insanity', which was deemed an eccentricity of wealth, developed a bit of a reputation for Ophelia, more so than any of her personal conquests or professional successes in musical composition did.

While it is often speculated upon, it is not common knowledge that Ophelia is a mutant. Generous donations to numerous organisations and charities mean that the Mayspring name and fortune are rarely delved too deep into, additionally, Ophelia's records of institutionalisation are sealed, while public record it is almost impossible to hack into the records to discover the level of Ophelia's insanity or the reason for her release. Every few society events, it is speculated upon however.

do i want you, yes and no, do i need you, maybe so....

Sarah is a disturbed and unstable young woman. Clinically diagnosed as insane, Sarah is a reclusive socialite girl with a cheery disposition and a tendency towards the eccentric. She's somewhat off the wall, even before her power onset, Sarah liked to be out there; Victorian themed clothes, bright red hair in ringlets and waves, the tattoo'd heart on her face, she's always had that natural fae like quality.

Usually a cheery young woman, Sarah forms connections far too easily. Prone to latching to one person or a group, she is drawn more to emotional bonds than anything else. She is known to adapt herself to be what someone else needs, in the way of support. Rowdy or quiet, Sarah is a master of blending herself to match a persons emotional wants. This makes her rather fluid as far as her personality goes, she can draw on what people expect and form herself to be this, as a way to maintain contact and thus the emotional feeding that she finds herself craving.

At the manifestation of her powers, Sarah slowly became more erratic in her behaviour. As an Empath, it was mostly because of the foreign feelings she was picking up from those around her. As a result she lost herself to madness as the chaos of her emotions lingered in her mind, throwing her psyche into disarray. Sarah spoke in rhymes and in the third person in a bid to detach herself from everything she felt, she developed DID, along with a sort of bi-polar disorder, manic depression and tachyphemia; a communication disorder characterized by speech that is difficult for listeners to understand due to rapid speaking rate, erratic rhythm, poor syntax or grammar, and words or groups of words unrelated to the sentence.

Sarah's heart broke from all the pain, suffering and anger she was so susceptible to, in the end, she grew despondent and bitter. Attempting to block herself off from the emotions assaulting her so frequently. Following being sectioned to the asylum, Sarah further sunk into herself, becoming slightly more twisted and feeding on some of the sickness around her. Sarah blackened a part of herself with evil and darkness, absorbing emotions from psychopaths, sociopaths and sectioned insane inmates. With no one registering that Sarah was in fact a mutant and the nature of her powers creating her personality disorders, she was forced to suffer through the harshness of these settings for two years.

Upon her release, the rehabilitation of her psyche began and Sarah started to return to her normal, cheery if slightly clingy self. Although that dark spot still remains inside her and lingers to be unleashed at the worst possible times.

Sarah's sexuality is often directly linked to that of her partner. If her partner were shy and careful, Sarah would find herself being shy and careful as well, however, were her partner extroverted and wild, so would she be.

Mostly, Sarah's lust comes from other people, as she finds herself less and less able to feel her own emotions and thus imprints other peoples emotions as her own. This means that Sarah may or may not be attracted to a person, and yet still able and willing to feel lust for them. As a result, Sarah is utterly open about sex and acting in a sexual nature.

She just finds relationships to be difficult when she and one other person are involved.

Socially, Sarah flourishes. Even if she is a little odd at times, Sarah is at her best when she is surrounded by other people. In a social setting she is often bombarded by the pleasant 'niceness' of everyone. Thus, Sarah can flit around and pour emotions in and out and enjoy herself, at least when she's semi-coherent.

Ideally, Sarah keeps a few close friends, thus building herself a support system and using tat system to maintain a level of sanity that builds her mind enough to stop herself from going off the rails. This gives her an invested interest in those close to her and their happiness. Socially, Sarah maintains her reasoning for keeping people happy.

ADORES: liquorice, baths, running around bare foot, classical music, classic literature, sunsets, graveyards and multicoloured socks.
PEEVES: noon, artificially flavoured liquorice, Spanish, high heels, rules and blank nails.
FORTITUDE: open minded (like, no one shut the barn door), suspended belief of reality, well off, flexible.
FLAWS: accepts things at face value, suspended belief of reality, may be batshit insane, speech/mental/personality disorders by the bucket load, potential festering psychosis.


HEIGHT: 5'8"

Sarah stands at a grand total of five foot eight (she boasts another two inches when she stands on her tippy-toes) and weighs little more than ninety six pounds. She's typically a petite, waif, underweight little thing, which makes her a slightly skittery girl. Her eyes are light grey and are brought out brilliantly with her dyed bright red hair, (naturally she has light brown hair, but she finds that tragically boring) and porcelain pale, almost talc white compared to some others and often giving her the ghastly appearance of a corpse.

Sarah dresses for the Victorian era; bloomers, corsets, underskirts and all. Although she maintains a 'modern' wardrobe at times, all of Sarah's clothes have a red heart stitched into them. Her boots are usually a size too big and never tied properly thus, often thump rather loudly. This is mostly her throw back to her great-grandmother's wardrobe and playing dress up as a child. She could live in thrift stores and is not unknown to wander around in little more than a night shirt or a sheet.

Additionally, Sarah has a few scars. There are slight burn marks along Sarah's ribs from and accidental electroshock incident on terribly delicate skin, small scars along her wrists from injuries which are never spoken about, a tiny scar on the left side of her bottom lip which she bit through stopping herself from crying and a thick gash on the inside of her left thigh which she will never explain but was self inflicted.

As a sufferer of tachyphemia, Sarah's speech is fairly distinguished. Sarah often refers to herself in third person, speaks in rhymes or riddles, interrupts herself with an answer to a question she asked herself in a thought process, diverges on tangents mid-conversation, and has been prone to quoting random poetry or verses from plays. This is often called 'cluttering' in therapy groups but Sarah has never sought treatment.

When clear minded, Sarah displays an excellent grasp on the English language and a well mannered and annunciated ability with words. She is well spoken, well learned and articulate.


Empathic Embrace: Sarah's empathy allows her the ability to stock up on emotions and harness them for later. Most prominently, Sarah uses this to soothe, calm and connect with people. Using the stocked up feelings, usually things like love, care, compassion, happiness, positive emotions that she has been exposed to, and blanketing a person in those feelings. Sarah is prone to doing this with people she, herself, cares for, unwilling to let them suffer negativity and wanting to help.

Empathic Burst: The flip side of that is the overwhelming burst of empathic power into a mind that can cloud and hurt a person. While the positive emotions can be soothing, negative emotions, like hate, rage, anger, depression, loss, they can be painful to bear and when thrown into a person, hurt just as easily. Usually a mark of Sarah's anger, this can also be hard to control and leave lingering side effects, not only on the victim, but on Sarah as well.

Empathy Bolt: A more painful form of Sarah's power is the bolt, where one single emotion -usually a negative, but can be a positive, is lanced straight to another person without the steady connection of a bond. This can be used singularly to take out one person, often in a fight or flight sort of situation. These will leave Sarah drained for a moment, and injure the receiver mentally for an unknown length of time.


✪ no long answers to her given name

✪ is a classically trained violinist

✪ has a grave in New Jersey, despite not being dead

✪ is a mythology buff

✪ speaks Spanish; may have forgotten that

✪ underwent electroshock therapy for three weeks

✪ has one self inflicted wound from a memorable, but unmentionable, tea party

✪ is partially psychotic but completely unaware

✪ fairly old-fashioned despite her youth and the year of her birth

out of character.

NAME: Squid
AIM: squidded
EMAIL ADDRESS: torncorpse [at] gmail [dot] com
AVAILABILITY: GMT, but regularly around

The good Doctor has stated that expressionism is an adept form of acceptance and growth. Personally I find it difficult to marry up the concept of growth from the continued dependence on a past interaction, emotion or incident which may or may not have a relevance to the life in front of us.

But then I am not a doctor of the mental sciences, nor am I a doctor of feet, so perhaps my ability to comment on such things is slightly flawed. But then opinions shape the society we weave our way through, so I would argue that my input on the subject be of greater import than that of the Doctor, his professional accomplishments not withstanding.

Furthermore, I may have certain qualifications for such an observation to hold much more merit than a man who merely claims to understand the human psyche. I may not have the inside scoop, as it were, nor the media relations to flounder such support for my notions, but I do have a much more in depth character pool to draw from.

Doctor Phil certainly cannot claim that.

I must admit I miss the quiet of afternoons without such horrific television viewings.

For generations, the Mayspring family were heavily involved in the textiles business. Sarah didn't rightly know what Uncle Chris and Father had gotten up to with their own branches of the family firm, although she'd often heard her great-grandmother's tales of the cotton they'd once farmed in the South before the more delicate of their blood line moved from the harsh weather.

In this day and age, without the input from her father, Sarah had little to nothing to do with the daily fabricating of her families continued wealth. Rightly she wasn't even sure what her inheritance came from; was it marble flooring or stained glass manufacture? Or was it those darling little porcelain tea sets that she coveted for Nan's. She understood that Uncle Chris was perhaps still dealing with the fabric end of things; carpets and curtains and bedding that her mother often worried about designing.

Sarah wasn't even sure if her Uncle Christopher was still alive.

The hazards of two years removed from the business of general society. Sarah had yet to fully integrate herself with the world once more, choosing simply to slowly flood herself with the world around her at a steady pace. Of course she hadn't rightly set aside a time for her duties as the namesake of the family.

Attending gala functions was something that Sarah had done from her youngest, nine-year-old's all looked adorable with ringlets in their hair and pretty little summer dresses that were once their great-grandmother's Sunday best. Young Sarah had been no different. Adult Sarah was a far cry from the polite and docile little creature she had been in her pre-pubescent years. For one thing her fair, white skin was marred with the stark red and black of a tattoo upon her eyelid. For sure it was a talking point at the time of it's inking and it still seemed to attract the wrong sort of attention. Sarah deigned not to bother with the barely hushed comments at the garden gala she was strong armed into attending that day.

With her parasol protecting her skin, Sarah found a location within the garden and stood, quiet and unassuming as the people around her fretted and smiled and tried so very hard to make their connections. Sarah didn't envy them, their attempts to form bonds, to find what they were seeking for. She offered a kind nudge to one or two, offering the dear little wallflower of Abigail Bennet Howards a soft and gentle coaxing towards the truly sweet Mr Kensington from the woefully viewed Atlantic City.

She smiled into her glass of white wine as they both flustered their way through introductions, her blush blending so neatly with his stuttering. Adorable, they simply were adorable. Even as the blackness of malice and ambition swept around those fluttering around the budding duo, Sarah maintained her serene smile and just watched the connection take root.



All Activity Previous to 05/28 - backdated~

- 'find the toy, let's star the show' - post for movetheearth and time_schizo / incomplete

- Try the tea, it's not really free - reply to cantseethis / complete
- the carefree joy that sang in her bones for days - reply to movetheearth / complete

sixwordstories // forteset_libre

01. Scream and shout, cast them out! - SWS post; pre-Fortes et Libre intro
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