And Snap the Job's a Game!

Jul 11, 2010 02:02

Name(s): Luxord & Open
Location: Slytherin Common Room
Week: 61
Time: Saturday
What: Redecorating!

In Every Job That Must Be Done There Is An Element of Fun )

!open, usagiko ‘black lady’ kuromun, kaoru hitachiin, ❧luxord holmes

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Comments 25

devilishkaoru July 11 2010, 08:57:28 UTC
Kaoru stretched his arms above his head, upon finally completing some of the homework that he hadn't done before now, sitting in the common room to get away from the dorm for a bit.

Closing the book he made sure to put it away in his bag for the time being and paying little to no attention until the chair he was sitting on vanished and he suddenly found himself sitting on the floor.

Looking up, while rubbing back backside he spotted the Head of the house. Confused by what he was doing he simply stood up and tilting his head slightly asked, "Professor, what exactly is it you are doing?"


maestoso_tempo July 11 2010, 18:10:04 UTC
Luxord finally acknowledges that someone else is in the room. He smirked slightly and then shrugged, going back to contemplating color pallets, "What's it look like? I'm redecorating. This common room was looking rather droll."

He looks around the starkly white room with no furniture. "I suppose I could get some student input. Mr. Hitachiin any suggestions? Furniture? Color scheme? Should we go with hard wood floors or plush carpets?"


devilishkaoru July 11 2010, 18:27:03 UTC
He looked around at the now completely empty common room, he did admit the common room did need a change of look, but not while he was trying to finish work that was due in the next day.

Though upon being asking, he stayed sitting on the floor thinking of possible if any ideas, since clothes and actually furniture was something completely different.

"First of all, what kind of carpets would you suggest we could go for. It's best to start with the floor and work your way up."


maestoso_tempo July 12 2010, 03:50:10 UTC
"An excellent suggestion Mr. Hitachiin, 5 points. Carpeting would probably be best since we are lower in the castle and bare floors would become rather chilly, don't you think?" Luxord tapped his wand against his leg. "I was thinking of something thick and soft. I'm not familiar with the different styles of carpet but I have always enjoyed the kind that you sink your feet into. I believe a rich, dark green would suffice as well." Dark colors would be good in a common room with a lot of activity. You never knew what kind of spills or messes could get on the carpet and a dark color would help conceal that.

Luxord flicked his wand and the floor beneath their feet started to sprout carpeting like some kind of strange grass. It was a dark, rich green that was a common color to any Slytherin. "What do you think?"


blackmoonredeye July 11 2010, 17:59:45 UTC
She couldn't explain it, it was just there. A pull, a soft pull. It was almost as if there was a small, fine thread attacked to her heart - if she had had a heart left, that is -, calling her. And The Black Lady hated to be summoned. She was the one who did the summoning, after all.

With a air of annoyance and a face of tempered calm, she began to phase through the halls, making her way back towards the origin of the tugging. It was a slow, steady process in the way that she purposely drew it out. As The Black Lady neared the dungeons, the pull became more and more intense and until it stopped, just right outside of the Slytherin Common Room.

With a sneer, The Black Lady phased through the doors and let out a gasp at what she saw.

No longer was the rich emerald, ebony and silver tones she has been used to for over a century, but clean, untainted white. No longer was there the refined essence of a dark sanctuary in this muddied castle. It was...startling. It reeked of purity. It was disgusting"What is the meaning of this?!",she ( ... )


maestoso_tempo July 11 2010, 18:13:59 UTC
Luxord realized now that this was going to be more difficult than he thought. It was hard to imagine the common room any other way than what it had been. He could probably base the new design off of it, but really they needed something a little more fresh than medieval tastes. At least, that was his opinion.

He looked over at the new voice, noticing the house ghost. Hmm, yes she'd probably be the hardest to convince about this. "Well, I'm redecorating. Don't's not staying white," he said, trying to placate her. Honestly there was nothing he hated more than upsetting a ghost.


blackmoonredeye July 11 2010, 23:16:56 UTC
The Black Lady almost growled, she was so irate. However, that was not befitting of a proper lady, so she refrained. Still...

...he was redecorating.



Redecorating the most noble and ancient, not to mention the last one capable of creating proper witches and wizards, house in Hogwarts!? How were the new generation supposed to get the right teachings in something with no background? Was this man mad? He was tarnishing the history of Slytherin! How on Earth had he been made the Head of Slytherin?!

"It had better not.",she seethed, her eyes glowing with the energy of pure rage, and perhaps a hint of hatred.


maestoso_tempo July 12 2010, 03:55:20 UTC
Why was it that Slytherin always got stuck with the most uptight of ghosts? Luxord never understood it since most of his students were not so stuck in their ways. It was the thing that annoyed him about ghosts. Change just ONE thing and they threw a fit.

Also, Black Lady would probably be surprised by how many people asked that very question. Luxord tended to ask it himself from time to time. Not that he knew she was thinking that or anything.

He smirked slowly. Her irritation was palpable. "Not one for change are you my lady?"


ahmazing_alpha July 12 2010, 21:48:15 UTC
Growing weary of her insipid dormmates, Massie excused herself from the room and strutted towards the common room. Her fresh Prada sandals offered just the right amount of height and elegance with her new sassy summer inspired ensemble. Nearing the room, she could have sworn she heard someone mention redecorating, and if it was meant for updating this dingy castle whoever it was was going to need an Alpha's insight.

Giving her side ponytail one last fluff, she entered the common room only to find the head of house professor-version, and a completely white room. So modern, so fashion forward. She didn't think the old man was capable of this.

"Ehmagawd," She exclaimed raising a hand to cover her freshly glossed mouth. "This looks just like the Iroom....". The Iroom being her bedroom back in Westchester. Maybe it wasn't just like it... she had added those purple accent pieces later, but still it was pretty close. Needs furniture she noted.


maestoso_tempo July 16 2010, 17:52:23 UTC
While Luxord would have certainly protested the "old man" comment, he did like to think he was fashion forward. Unfortunately, Massie was catching him in between designs. He had made the room white so that he could start with a literal blank slate ( ... )


ahmazing_alpha July 19 2010, 19:21:05 UTC
How could she have made such a grievous mistake. What's worse was that she had voiced her assumption rather than inquiring first. A quick survey of the room put her mind at ease. Luxord was the only one in here and as a professor his opinion of her and the flub didn't really matter anyway. She wanted to explain that an Iroom is an all white room reminiscent of the classic, all-white ipod but he wouldn't get it anyway. Wizards didn't always seem to keep up with modern technology trends ( ... )


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