And Snap the Job's a Game!

Jul 11, 2010 02:02

Name(s): Luxord & Open
Location: Slytherin Common Room
Week: 61
Time: Saturday
What: Redecorating!

In Every Job That Must Be Done There Is An Element of Fun )

!open, usagiko ‘black lady’ kuromun, kaoru hitachiin, ❧luxord holmes

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devilishkaoru July 11 2010, 08:57:28 UTC
Kaoru stretched his arms above his head, upon finally completing some of the homework that he hadn't done before now, sitting in the common room to get away from the dorm for a bit.

Closing the book he made sure to put it away in his bag for the time being and paying little to no attention until the chair he was sitting on vanished and he suddenly found himself sitting on the floor.

Looking up, while rubbing back backside he spotted the Head of the house. Confused by what he was doing he simply stood up and tilting his head slightly asked, "Professor, what exactly is it you are doing?"


maestoso_tempo July 11 2010, 18:10:04 UTC
Luxord finally acknowledges that someone else is in the room. He smirked slightly and then shrugged, going back to contemplating color pallets, "What's it look like? I'm redecorating. This common room was looking rather droll."

He looks around the starkly white room with no furniture. "I suppose I could get some student input. Mr. Hitachiin any suggestions? Furniture? Color scheme? Should we go with hard wood floors or plush carpets?"


devilishkaoru July 11 2010, 18:27:03 UTC
He looked around at the now completely empty common room, he did admit the common room did need a change of look, but not while he was trying to finish work that was due in the next day.

Though upon being asking, he stayed sitting on the floor thinking of possible if any ideas, since clothes and actually furniture was something completely different.

"First of all, what kind of carpets would you suggest we could go for. It's best to start with the floor and work your way up."


maestoso_tempo July 12 2010, 03:50:10 UTC
"An excellent suggestion Mr. Hitachiin, 5 points. Carpeting would probably be best since we are lower in the castle and bare floors would become rather chilly, don't you think?" Luxord tapped his wand against his leg. "I was thinking of something thick and soft. I'm not familiar with the different styles of carpet but I have always enjoyed the kind that you sink your feet into. I believe a rich, dark green would suffice as well." Dark colors would be good in a common room with a lot of activity. You never knew what kind of spills or messes could get on the carpet and a dark color would help conceal that.

Luxord flicked his wand and the floor beneath their feet started to sprout carpeting like some kind of strange grass. It was a dark, rich green that was a common color to any Slytherin. "What do you think?"


devilishkaoru July 12 2010, 13:30:59 UTC
He at least nodded in agreement about the carpet, since the common was based in a dungeon so it gets cold easily when you don't have a fire running. Finally deciding to stand up on his feet Kaoru looked down again to see carpet magically appear, as he noticed the colour.

"You have a point about the color scheme, a dark color can cover up things but at the same time can make a place seem darker to, so maybe we need some color at least somewhere."


maestoso_tempo July 16 2010, 17:43:20 UTC
Kaoru had some wonderful suggestions and Luxord was rather glad that someone was here to aid him, even if it was just advice. He nodded, "Yes, just because we live in a dungeon doesn't mean we have to have the decor reflect that in terms of being dark."

The wall color was harder to determine however. Not only did he have to think of something lighter but it had to be a color that didn't clash horrendously with the green. "Well, Mr. Hitachiin, what lighter color would go well with the dark green carpeting. You seem to have a better eye for this than I do."


devilishkaoru July 16 2010, 19:50:32 UTC
Kaoru had to think for a moment of colors that would go with green and were also lighter than it as well, to help cheer up the room. "Colors that go with greens are, any earthy colors like browns, purple is also another color that goes as well as, cream colors, silver, gold, bronze, orange, although that is not a good idea to try and grey, but out of all of those creams seem the smartest idea, but that might be a little too bright."


maestoso_tempo July 18 2010, 22:29:27 UTC
"I think we might be able to manage a cream that isn't too bright," Luxord remarked, studying the walls. Darker cream colors would look nice, be neutral, and still go with the carpeting. The Professor flicked his wand toward the walls and the white started to disappear as a dark, rich cream color started to spread over them. As an added bonus Luxord included silver stripes that rolled down the walls in thin lines, making them room seem bolder. "Well," he asked Kaoru, once the paint was up.


devilishkaoru July 19 2010, 07:04:32 UTC
Cream with a bit of silver, well the Professor did know how to mix to up he'd admit that. "I like how you added the silver of the Slytherin colors to the wall, not even I would of thought of that professor." The room did look better than it had done previously and still at the same time kept with the Slytherin theme of the colors as well. "I think it's going pretty well with make it seem bright but at the same time keeping with the theme of the house."


maestoso_tempo July 23 2010, 19:58:58 UTC
It was nice to be complimented by a student, honestly he felt under appreciated sometimes. Though, to be honest, he had a feeling not all of the Slytherin students would appreciate the change as much as Luxord did. Again he reminded himself that he was the head of house and if they had a problem with it they'd just have to accept it (or possibly talk to Cid but Luxord had a feeling that the headmaster wasn't going to care either). "Well it only occurred to me just as I was about to add the color. I agree it does add a nice accent to the wall though."

"Furniture seems like it should be next."


devilishkaoru July 24 2010, 05:54:01 UTC
"For furniture it needs to have a theme to go with the room, that goes with the feel of the room at least anyway." Tilting his head slightly while thinking of a theme. He didn't think of anything off the top of his head as to what kind of theme, but knew the colors if any had to be similar or the same as the rest of the room if not darker, but he wasn't going to say this yet.


maestoso_tempo July 28 2010, 20:22:14 UTC
The stripes of the run made Luxord think of parlors from the 1900s, but the point of this exercise was to modernize, so Luxord decided to go with a nice balance between the two eras. He transfigured two large sofas that had very plump cushions and were a dark green with silver pillows. He then brought up several cream colored recliners as well as a love seat near a darker corner (yes, he knew what some of the couples might be interested in).

For more light he also brought up a few lamps and of course finished it all up with a variety of dark wood tables; some in-tables near the couches as well as a few low-seated tables so that students could sit on the floor and work comfortably. Most of the furniture was cream colored or green with more silver accents.



devilishkaoru July 29 2010, 15:25:15 UTC
"I think you did a brilliant job professor," he raised a thumb as if to say good job in his own little way, as he looked around at the common room, "I'm sure everyone would like the new layout of the place, it still goes with the Slytherin theme but the cream colors makes the place a little bright than it was before."


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