[Log] First Dueling Club! (OPEN!)

Nov 10, 2008 12:04

Name(s): Rangiku, Cloud, Ashe, Shalice, anyone who is interested in the Dueling Club (either for Dueling or learning or just watching)
Location: Great Hall
Day: 12
Time: After classes, before dinner
Rating: PG-13, to be on the safe side (swearing and uh, dueling violence - because you know what our staff, faculty and students are like.)

Dueling Club extravaganza! )

❧sora griffith, ❧link virtus, ❧seifer almasy, ❧ikkaku madarame, ❧cloud strife, ❧sasuke uchiha, ❧roxas, ❧rangiku matsumoto, ❧edward elric, ❧toph bei fong, ❧shalice tilman-sinclair, ❧naruto uzumaki, ❧larxene smith

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Comments 199

Intro Dueling Club! bring_me_sake November 10 2008, 20:58:11 UTC
Re: Intro Dueling Club! sisterpsyche November 11 2008, 00:28:24 UTC
Making her way into the Great Hall, Shalice was met with the sight of her blonde friend pacing and swinging her sword. "Hey, Ran! I see you've sort of recovered from your wine frenzy last night," the redhead said, walking over to the other professor. "Are you feeling any better?" she asked. "Did the potion help?"


Re: Intro Dueling Club! bring_me_sake November 11 2008, 00:32:15 UTC
Rangiku turned, katana still in hand, and smiled at Shalice. "Only sort of," she replied jokingly, and she placed Haineko back on the table.
"Thank you for getting me back to my office," she added softly. "...And for the hangover potion."

The blonde shook herself, willing herself to be more upbeat. This was meant to be fun, after all. "So!" She continued brightly. "I was thinking you could do a demonstration duel with Cloud after I do an introduction. Is that okay with you?"


Re: Intro Dueling Club! sisterpsyche November 11 2008, 01:04:17 UTC
"Hey, it was no problem," Shalice said, smiling back Rangiku. "I thought you might need it, as trashed as you were."

She nodded in response to her friend's question. "Of course, that's fine. I'll talk to him when he gets here about what we're going to do." Her grinned knowingly at the blonde. "So, are you going to fight Ashe to work out your..." she paused, her eyes twinkling, "frustration?" she asked teasingly.


Ashe & Ran Duel bring_me_sake November 10 2008, 20:58:43 UTC
(Pretty much Ashe & Ran only)


Re: Ashe & Ran Duel bring_me_sake November 16 2008, 03:53:57 UTC
As the other two professors walked away, the blonde turned and picked up another sword from the table. Time to get this show started, she thought to herself, trying to stamp down the nervous feeling that was starting to writhe in her gut. Pull yourself together. Come on.

Moving to the other dueling area she'd prepared for the teacher duels, Rangiku agitatedly pushed a hand through her hair. She looked over her shoulder to where she had seen her friend before and called out. "A-- Professor Ashe...lia." Ran cringed internally at how awkwardly the name stumbled from her lips.

She cleared her throat, forcing herself to sound upbeat. "Professor Dalmasca! Could we speak for a moment?"

Oh god. That was not any better.


Re: Ashe & Ran Duel nethiciteashe November 16 2008, 19:37:16 UTC
Ashe had been holding herself to observing and being sure the students were okay with what was going on and the rules. When Rangiku called out to her, the Transfiguration professor's brows knit together. What...? Since when did Rangiku call her anything but... Oh .. right..

"Of course, Professor Rangiku," came the polished answer as Ashe headed over to see what her friend wanted. If Ran was expecting for them to talk easily as if nothing had happened, Ashe would try, though she made no guarantees about anything.


Re: Ashe & Ran Duel bring_me_sake November 16 2008, 19:45:26 UTC
Rangiku distracted herself with carefully examining the swords - unnecessary - as Ashe joined her.
"I..." She trailed off before she even began. "I was wondering if you were still interested in doing a demonstration duel." The words lacked her usual buoyancy, although a smile was firmly in place.

"We could even make it interesting, if you want," she continued without thinking, trying to save the situation from any awkwardness that might arise from Ashe being quiet. "Magic and swords?" She twisted the second sword in her hand so she was holding the blade, offering the handle to Ashelia.

The "How are you?" and "I'm sorry" she really wanted to say couldn't quite make it out. Maybe this was a bad idea.


Observation bring_me_sake November 10 2008, 20:59:35 UTC
Re: Observation impassive_eyes November 10 2008, 21:35:40 UTC
Sasuke had heard about the dueling club, and he was eager to see a sword duel between two masters play out. He himself had some experience with Japanese short blades--kunai, chokutou--but nowhere close to the level of a master. He also was itching to ask questions about the making of magical swords--mixing magic with metallurgy in the forging of the blades, for example, or crafting handguards with dragon heertstring or phoenix feather to give it the channeling qualities of a wand. This was one thing that Sasuke actually took great interest in, and maybe got a little excited about, even.

But he couldn't have anyone knowing that, of course, so he had his best apathetic face on as he folded his arms and leaned against the wall.



Re: Observation tipofagunblade November 10 2008, 23:25:54 UTC
Seifer planted himself in a seat next to Sasuke, holding Hyperion in its scabbard tight in his hands. "Hope you don't mind." He drew a large polishing cloth from his pocket and began to unsheathe his gunblade. It was long and had a stunning silver blade, with jagged serration close to the hilt, which appeared to be an actual handgun. "It's called Hyperion," Seifer added without looking to Sasuke.

"I meant what I said in the Common Room. You do have potential to be among the best of the best around here. Although Larxene and Azula and Ghost Widow have a strange sense of pride, to say the least, I act as mediator to their group and the other Slytherins. I hate that Larxene was making you feel uncomfortable. But you know how she is. Point is, I'll watch your back so long as you don't stab mine, right?" He added the right while checking the direction of the blade, pointing it toward the open floor and making sure it was completely straight.


Re: Observation toywiththeworld November 11 2008, 00:26:22 UTC
Larxene wandered up behind Seifer and flicked a kunai out, tracing it lightly down his arm. The sleeve parted with barely a whisper as she sauntered around him to stand between the other Prefect and Sasuke.

"Uncomfortable?" she echoed, raising an eyebrow at Sasuke. "Oh, baby. I didn't hurt your feelings, did I?" She looked over her shoulder at Seifer. "You're so...cute, Seifer. Really, pride? Me?"


Cloud & Shalice Duel bring_me_sake November 10 2008, 20:59:51 UTC
Pretty much Cloud & Shalice only


Observation bring_me_sake November 10 2008, 21:00:13 UTC
Re: Observation link_to_the_net November 11 2008, 03:06:10 UTC
Link walked in and took a seat by himself. It bothered him a little that he was a bit late, and that the only other people here seemed to be Slytherins. They seemed to be crowding around where Professor Ashelia and Rangiku would be dueling, so not wanting to feel like the odd one out, he went over to the area where Professor Cloud and Shalice were.

He was here to observe today. It wasn't as much fun, but you could learn a lot by watching others.


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