mayday, mayday; permission to land

May 11, 2010 06:37

WHO: Hikaru & Kaoru; and so very much open
LOCATION: Great Hall
WEEK: 57
TIME: Monday, mid-day
WHAT: The twins are talking, snacking and sorta-studying. Plus, anyone that comes up and talks to them might get to play a fun game~
RATING: PG, tops.

we're in danger of crashing )

❧hikaru hitachiin, !open, kaoru hitachiin, ❧elizabeth middleford

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Comments 51

devilishkaoru May 11 2010, 11:12:13 UTC
Kaoru let out a light laugh, as usual after so long he noticed Hikaru seems to be in one of those types of moods. "I know it's boring, but if we don't get the work done and we fail we'll get a Howler from mother...remember the last time we got sent one, it wasn't very nice."

He closed his book looking down at what he had written, not sure as to why the teacher had asked them to do this in the lesson in the first place, after all they weren't exactly at that age yet to be able to understand what some of it is. Kaoru pushed the book to the side as he glanced over at Hikaru, who had leant on him and still was, "Are you stuck on something, is that why your complaining?"


devilishhikaru May 11 2010, 11:30:09 UTC
"Well, I'm not saying push it aside completely but rather just for the moment. I'm not interested in getting a Howler myself." Which he would admit some surprise in seeing again, he really didn't think their mother paid all that attention concerning them and their schoolwork what with being so busy with her own work, it was rare for her to be in the country let alone at home... but he supposed she had always been someone full of surprises.

He closes his eyes, shrugging slightly to the question. "Not really, it isn't easy but I'm not stuck per say. Guess I'm thinking to hard on other things I can't really focus on much else. And come on Kaoru, I would hardly call this complaining..."


devilishkaoru May 11 2010, 11:36:24 UTC
"Thinking? Thinking of what?" he asked looking slightly confused, as he usually didn't think his brother would think all that much without something mischievous behind it anyway as he continued with talking "...besides anything you say always has a hint of complaint...though I'm the only one who notices this."


devilishhikaru May 11 2010, 11:43:03 UTC
"Good question." He mutters with a slight look confusion on his own face, sifting away from the other to prop his elbow up on the table and resting his chin in his open palm. And to explain to someone what's on your mind when you're not completely sure about it yourself. There's a snort of laughter at Kaoru's comment, giving the other a small look.

"At least someone does."


timefordressup May 11 2010, 21:37:16 UTC
Lizzie was holding her books when she came into the great hall. Only a few of them, five to be exact. She spotted her new friend and... his twin? Twins?! That was wonderful~! "Kaoru!" She skipped over to the twins and then looks between them. "Wow, identical twins~! That must be very fun" She put her books down ext to then and then curtsied. "Hello brother of Kaoru, I am Elizabeth Middleford."


devilishhikaru May 12 2010, 01:26:43 UTC
Hikaru perks up a bit at the sound of his brother's name being called by someone he didn't know, glancing over in time to be greeted by the sight of the young girl skipping toward them. Raising a brow to this and giving his brother a slow look and musing, Kaoru sure attracted the weird ones. Nevertheless, he gives Elizabeth a small look and shrug at her statement. It could be fun, but usually only to them.

"Hikaru." He returned lightly, still looking toward the bundle of blond curiously.


timefordressup May 12 2010, 01:46:34 UTC
Lizzie smiled happily at him. "It's wonderful to meet you, Hikaru." she sat down so that she could see both of them. "It really is striking how closely you look alike. Not the same person, but I'm sure you can fool a great many people." After all, it was her lot in life to notice small details in some people and remember their names. It would be terrible of her if she forgot any of the names of the people she knew! Especially those close to the queen. "Are you both well today?"


devilishhikaru May 12 2010, 03:05:08 UTC
Hikaru returns the pleasantry with a small sound, sending another brief look toward Kaoru before turning his focus back on Elizabeth as she spoke. Her words concerning them made it hard not to smirk a little as he sighs, "Try everyone." He says lightly, a sigh to his voice.

"Could be better, but it isn't terrible. How about you?"


l33t_magician May 11 2010, 22:41:03 UTC
Having just left a particularly tedious class, Brietta found herself drifting into the Great Hall. That potions professor.. really knew how to get to her by doing so little. The very idea. Testing their concoctions on other students? She wouldn't stand for it.

Though it might be amusing to test said potions on the Professor himself.

Releasing a faint sigh the girl swiftly let that idea go before heading towards the Gryffindor table when something-- no two somethings caught her eye. Twins? She blinked a few times to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her, but no the two of them remained.


devilishhikaru May 12 2010, 01:31:00 UTC
He really wasn't paying a lot of attention to the other's busting around them, back off into his thinking as Kaoru seemed intent on reading. Though it wasn't hard to notice the looks coming from near the Gryffindor table, blinking in turn himself with her own blinks. Hikaru look a moment to glance toward his brother and then back to himself, they didn't have anything on them so he was a little confused by this staring.


l33t_magician May 12 2010, 01:54:53 UTC
It was as if someone had cast a duplication spell, if there were such a thing outside of a certain spell she'd crafted herself. Noticing that she'd been spotted, Brietta sheepishly cast her eyes to the floor. Nobody enjoyed being stared at, and it had been quite rude of her to do so.

She walked closer to the twins, intent on apologizing for her actions. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I just--". She trailed off. How should one finish that statement without being insulting in some fashion. I've just never seen any twins here before. Like there was something unusual or backwards about their just being twins.

"I just-- don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting". GOOD SAVE.


devilishhikaru May 12 2010, 03:12:53 UTC
Maybe always having someone that looked exactly like him made him a little biased to just how rare it was or maybe it was a life growing up and hearing the same thing; how much they looked alike, how much the acted alike, how they might as well be the same person. He shakes his head, ridding himself of those thoughts and instead looked back the girl that was now walking closer to them.

Admittedly, there might be a small look of surprise on Hikaru's face at the apologize. Really, not expecting it at all--years and year of getting stares and this was the first he probably remembered someone apologizing about it.

"You're right..." He said lightly, trailing off himself for a brief moment before speaking again. "Hikaru Hitachiin and this is my brother Kaoru."


naturalheroine May 12 2010, 23:09:23 UTC
All Haruhi wanted to do before her next class was have a light snack and squeeze in some extra studying. That was how she found herself in the Great Hall with a bowl of strawberries and a pile of textbooks in her hands.

As she made her way toward the Ravenclaw table, she noticed the twins and, recognizing them from the classes they shared together, raised her hand in greeting. Haruhi knew they weren't the types to interact with others much, but it never hurt to be polite -- and she wasn't entirely expecting the gesture to be returned.


devilishhikaru May 13 2010, 07:58:03 UTC
And how right you are Haruhi, Hikaru though does notice the raised hand but really at first figures it's not toward the two of them. Sure he recognizes her from a few of their classes, but beyond that there isn't a lot more he thinks about the girl... so frankly the gesture in greeting is a little on the side of strange in his mind. So he shrugs it off, turning his attention back toward Kaoru.


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