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Comments 74

catcrossedpath April 23 2010, 04:23:40 UTC
Despite his complaints, every once and a while this job actually had its perks, and this was one of those times. Good company and more importantly good booze promised to make up for the paperwork and damaged students from last week. Sighing, Kakashi stared down into his reflection. He was worried about all of his students, there were too many who had been on the edge before, and this might be just the catalyst to send them over it.

Oh for the days when he didn't have to care about anyone.

Still, this was a party, and life was too short to waste good celebrations. So he stood in the corner, watching the antics of his fellow staff with amusement. A glass of that fine booze was clutched in his hand, and even though it never seemed to go near his masked mouth it still continued to empty itself. Almost as if some ninja was drinking it.


Fang, meanwhile, was swiping a few of the appetizers from one of the tables, despite Vanille's insistence that they wait for everyone to show up. She was less concerned about socializing, to be honest -- despite her flirting, she had very little desire to make any new friends. But if Vanille wanted a party, she was getting a party. That was the way things had always been, and Fang wouldn't have it any other way.

A smile quirked at the corners of her lips at Vanille's accomplished look, and she went to stand next to her. "The snacks are pretty good."

Fang was less sure about this school, and the circumstances that surrounded it, less sure about the people. But she wanted things to be nice for Vanille...for the both of them, here. She'd keep an eye out, like she'd always done, and make sure they avoided as much unpleasantness as they could.


sisterpsyche April 26 2010, 05:46:58 UTC
Shalice was never one to turn down a party, especially not when she was sad about her best friend leaving again. At least this time she'd had the decency to say goodbye. Parties made trying to shake off a bad mood a lot easier, and there were a lot of new professors it might be good to meet. She was particularly interested in saying hello to the one who'd asked her out to drinks, though she hoped she wouldn't cause a... domestic disturbance this time.

The professor wasn't hard to spot, easily the most exotic looking woman in the room. Shalice made her way to the table for a stick of fruit and cheese, and turned to introduce herself. Properly.

"Professor Yun, right?" she asked, holding out her hand to shake. "I'm Shalice. Professor Tilman-Sinclair. We met already. Sort of."


tearsthesky April 26 2010, 17:46:37 UTC
Well, that was a nice surprise. Fang grinned in her lazy, unconcerned way, shook Shalice's hand. "That's right. Most people call me Fang. It's good to meet you in person."

Her grin went a little lopsided, and while on anyone else it might look sheepish, on Fang it merely looked sly. "Sorry I had to stand you up. Seems Vanille wasn't as keen on the idea as I thought." Now, Fang was completely dedicated to Vanille, of course, but she appreciated good looks, and it had the unfortunate side-effect of getting her in a hell of a lot of trouble.

Shalice was very good-looking. "Maybe a party's a better way to get acquainted with you anyway. She can keep an eye on me."


sisterpsyche April 26 2010, 23:44:09 UTC
"Fang, then." Shalice grinned back. The woman's nonchalant attitude was refreshing, and infectious. She could tell Fang was strong, would have known even if she hadn't been Weapons Mastery professor, simply by the easy way she carried herself. She'd seen it in many of her Auror friends. People who could defend themselves could afford to look unguarded, but there was always an undercurrent of strength noticeable to those who knew how to see it, and a nasty surprise for those who didn't ( ... )


hesgottheguns April 23 2010, 05:55:50 UTC
It had been a while since Han had attended any sort of party. And hey, free drinks. Of course he'd show up. He snagged a drink off the tray, and proceeded to lounge by the window, eyeballing the assembled crowd of his collegues.


FREE FOOD OMG IT'S LIKE THE DEAN BAT SIGNAL protecthim April 23 2010, 06:27:47 UTC
Dean had been walking the halls, thinking about where he and Sam should start their investigation into the incident last week, when his free food senses started tingling. Never mind that he had had dinner about forty-five minutes ago. Forever a child of the road, Dean was used to grabbing food where he could find it, because he was never sure where his next meal would come from. Sort of like a bear who is constantly on the verge of going into hibernation. Or just greedy, whatever.

Dean walked into the Staff Room, took a quick mental survey of the people inside and flashed a ridiculous (he thought it was charming, sadly) smile around the room. Then he made a beeline for the appetizer table and took a massive mouthful of the meatiest looking thing he could find.


WAIT HE FORGOT ROBIN BRB protecthim April 23 2010, 07:00:53 UTC
Dean was marveling over the little cheese shaped like a Moogle when he was struck with an important thought-where was Sammy? Then he answered himself: probably reading a book or something, like a nerd. Well, as a responsible big brother it was his duty to fix that. He had to ensure his little brother got the right amount of social activity. So, with a last loving look at the appetizer table, he stuffed his cheeks with a handful of pastries and sprinted out of the room.

...Only to return about ten minutes later, with a protesting Sam in tow.

"Come on, Sammy! We gotta actually meet these people, we can't just talk to them through our little journals," he said, slapping his brother hard between the shoulder blades. Then he used that hand to bring Sam's head down close to his.

"Besides," he whispered, "what better way to get intel than to ask the staff? Sure beats creeping around in the dungeons."


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"Yeah, I get it, Dean." Sam muttered, having stopped resisting about halfway through being dragged here. They tended to do their best information gathering in person, and as a team the two of them could find out just about anything. A party with the rest of the staff was a great excuse to socialize and make the rounds, asking questions and seeing who knew nothing and who was hiding something.

The trouble was just yanking Dean away from the appetizer table to ask questions. Then again, sometimes, the people were nice enough to come to you.

"Uh, hi," Sam said smoothly to this new addition, holding out his hand to shake. He didn't recognize the other man, but Dean seemed to know him somehow.


watchesthesky April 23 2010, 10:58:27 UTC
Serah wondered how this was going to go as she pushed open the door to the staff room. So far she had only been here for a couple of days and she couldn't really say they had been very fun. Still, she hoped to get her mind off of missing Snow and maybe meet some new friends.

Entering the room she took a glance around and made her way towards the drink table.


brightensthesky April 24 2010, 00:41:49 UTC
Vanille, upon seeing a new arrival who looked about her age, quickly grabbed a couple drinks and made a beeline toward her. Good thing she was heading in the right direction.

"Hello!" It was an enthusiastic greeting, what with Vanille being an enthusiastic girl. "I'm Vanille! Would you like a drink? It's... um..." She held one cup out in offering and took a sip from the other. "Vodka and cranberry juice! I think."


watchesthesky April 25 2010, 11:43:09 UTC
Serah smiled at the girl, she hadn't seen any other staff around her age since she'd arrived, and took the cup from her.

"Thanks. I'm Serah," She told her, taking a gulp of drink, "How long have you been working here?"


brightensthesky April 26 2010, 05:06:11 UTC
"Um," Vanille scrunched up her face, thinking for a moment. "About a week! Me'n Fang got here just before the boggarts." A slight shudder was the only hint she gave that she was not entirely over the events. She couldn't be a downer at her own party, after all.

"Not really what I was expecting for Care of Magical Creatures!" She shrugged and smiled brightly before taking another sip of her drink. "Do you teach?"


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