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Comments 107

keywords impassive_eyes December 27 2009, 01:25:19 UTC
Sasuke was, mortifyingly, apparently the first to arrive.

"Fantastic," he muttered under his breath, as he made his way to a table, nodding to Professor Holmes as he went.

[[ ooc: Sasuke has no choice but to be social tonight! Throw someone at him who doesn't usually talk to him? 8D ]]


pissedoffpussy December 27 2009, 23:26:11 UTC
His first week here and he's already being forced to attend some stupid dinner. Kyo hadn't bothered dressing up or anything, why should he? Despite his reluctance to attend, he had shown up slightly early. It was probably an attempt to get this over with as soon as possible.

Kyo sighed, pulling a chair out and taking a seat near someone he was pretty sure he shared a room with. "This is stupid. Shouldn't he be worried about us passing our exams or something," Kyo muttered.


kleptoking December 28 2009, 01:03:31 UTC
Against the green décor, Bakura stood out wearing his blood red robe and rings made from pure gold on his fingers. Sure, he was wearing the colours that were associated with the Gryffindor house but, he didn’t give a damn. These were his clothes and, when told to ‘dress up’ for the occasion, he had to wear some accessories he had acquired over the years

He would enjoy just finding an empty corner back in the common room but, no, this was a forced social event for the lot of them and what he wanted was no longer an option. So, Bakura went with the easiest and least painful choice and sat next to his roommates, as they were the most familiar. Well, not the new one of course, Bakura never spoke to him much but, Sasuke was someone he had spoken to a few times in the past. “Ridiculous,” He growled, watching as more of their housemates entered the room, “This is just asking for bloodshed.”


impassive_eyes December 28 2009, 03:57:44 UTC
Oh, great. The roommates had arrived. Sasuke hadn't really spoken to Kyon much yet (not that he really spoke to the other two much in the first place), so maybe now was the time.

At Bakura's remark about blooshed, Sasuke snorted. "Keeping us all in one House is asking for bloodshed," he muttered. "And I really don't think Holmes gives a damn about our grades in classes that aren't his," he added to Kyon.


eternalbanquet December 27 2009, 04:50:36 UTC
Akito arrived fairly early, making her way to the table with a cheerful expression and a quick "Hello" to Professor Holmes.


no_souls_here December 27 2009, 06:03:22 UTC
"Not thrilled" was a grievous understatement, Ciel was absolutely dreading the whole affair. He'd attended his share of parties in the past, even hosted his own but was held no great love for them. Everyone putting on airs, the mindless chit chat... all equating to one thing; a complete waste of time. Well.. unless it was somehow business related, which this dinner was not.

Still, the boy arrived on time. A quick glance around the room indicated he might even be early. Failing to address any of the occupants he found some place to hover by the table.

While it was true, Ciel had made a deal with Jim, he'd neglected to alter Sebastian's orders. Oops.


abovetwinsuns December 27 2009, 14:13:04 UTC
It was with great trepidation and no small amount of annoyance that Jaina forced herself through the doors of The Grand Room. Her eyes widened as she took in the fancy green spread, as well as the fact that housemates other than Kirk had managed to show up and not manage to kill each other in under the five minute mark.

Still. House pride and all that.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before nodding in greeting to the other students and staff members in attendence, "Professor Luxord," she said politely, if a bit stiffly when she took her seat.


shutterbugflash December 28 2009, 02:40:08 UTC
Flash entered the dining room set up on the fourth floor in a pretty, sleek black robe. Because there’s nothing better then classic black. She knew pretty much everyone in the room but, it was a bit of a stretch to say any of them were friends that she was willing to socialise with in a little get together like this. However a few of them, she was a bit more fond of them compared to others.

“Solo,” She drawled with a grin as she approached the other girl, “It’s been a while. How goes with the extra Quidditch practices?”


chairismine December 29 2009, 04:20:19 UTC
Formal dress, Luxord had said, and so formal dress it was.
On his best behaviour, he slipped quietly into the hall. He wasn't going to give Luxord any reason to go back on their deal and if that meant keeping everyone in the room until at least the end of the first course, then Jim was on it.

Though the keeping everyone in the hall could wait a few minutes...

"Flash," Jim smiled warmly at his housemate as he approached the two girls. "You're looking great tonight." he nodded his approval at the sleek dress. You could never go wrong with black.

He turned to look at Jaina, who was not waiting for him in the Common Room. "I see you've found my date," he added, gently taking her hand and kissing it with a mischievous grin.


abovetwinsuns December 29 2009, 07:07:38 UTC
Jaina felt a corner of her mouth tug up at Flash's question. She had yet to learn the humor behind the inquery, "The usual. Sweaty, dirty, occasionally painful-"

She paused when she saw Kirk walk in, her eyebrows shooting up slightly at the bowtie and suit. She should have known he'd be the type to go all out for these sorts of things.

...Not that she'd been much better. Jaina was in a dress, a red one-- the only one she brought with her to school, and she found herself wishing she hadn't when-

Jaina paused. Her eyebrow arched. James Kirk kissed the back of her hand.

Date. Oh. Right.

"You were taking too long," she said noncommittedly, retracting her hand and turning her attention back towards Flash, "Did those tests help at all?"


bloodycinematic December 27 2009, 20:46:03 UTC
"I'm here~" called the sing song voice of one certain wild Proffessor. He seemed to be the only one so far that WANTED to be here. Dressed to impress he wore his house colors proud, his hands pushing up a little on his robes to accent them around his curves.

He was sure to make sure to get a good seat near the head of house, arms flopping onto the table with a wide grin. He'd wink a bit at a few hunks, his enchanted eyelashes sending out faint hearts.


maestoso_tempo December 28 2009, 01:41:22 UTC
Luxord glanced over as Grell practically spun into the room. If Luxord didn't know the man better he'd swear he was drunk, but he knew this was just how Grell acted. Well, at least he wasn't the only professor here now. Then again, he wasn't sure how Grell was an improvement on the situation.

Entertainment at least, but hardly much help.

"Welcome to the party Grell," Luxord said in greeting. He glanced at the students at the table and sighed, muttering under his breath, "if you could call it a party."


This looks like a professor thread :3 poisoninyourtea December 28 2009, 03:42:55 UTC
Heels clicking as she entered, Joy took a glance around at the atmosphere of the room and, to say the least it was very sombre. She had heard that most of the people here were attending against their will, apparently the whole lot of them weren’t the most social bunch unless it was for reasons like business pleasures. Children had to one day that sometimes you are forced to be with unpleasant company but still had to keep an inviting face.

She walked over to a seat near the head of the table with the other professors, sitting down with a polite nod of her head, crossing her legs so the slit up her dress parted to reveal more of her thigh to those who dared look.


X3 bloodycinematic December 28 2009, 04:20:01 UTC
Oh, Grell looked. Boy, did he look. His eyes shifted around the table at all the dismal faces, putting a lush pout on his slips as he scooted over closer towards Luxord. His attention was stolen by the forlorn greeting, smiling cheerfully as if he brighten his spirits. "You know this house has never been one enjoy its parties. Even back when I came to this school"

"Stiffs and snobs, nobles and dignitaries." His eyelashes batted a little at the insults, though he was rather polite about it. Looking down at the other proffessor wandering in, he looked, down at her parted dress then back up to her face. Yes, he looked, "My aren't we darling tonight?"

Turning back to Luxord, he leaned over the table, fingertip tapping his right cheek, "Should I go fetch... others?"


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