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Comments 786

Doctor Talk poisoninyourtea September 9 2009, 01:08:20 UTC
Joy had been setting up before the hoard of injured students and teachers were rushed into the room one after the next. She was shocked to see how many people were brought in an honestly, how bad they were. This was from a library exploding?! Quickly she assisted in bringing more people in and shoving out the people who had minor injuries because they were just taking up space and, also rushing into the back every so often to get her own set of elixirs set up. Sadly, the stock of various salves for burns, cuts and bruises was clearly not prepared for practically an epidemic so, it was only a matter of time before they end up running out of one or another.

She predicted another dozen students or so before that happened.

And no sign of this other doctor yet either (unless he was one of the ones she ended up kicking out of the room.)


Doctor Talk stuckwithidiots September 9 2009, 01:48:01 UTC
Hatori made his way into the hospital, the Konohamaru boy in his arms. What a mess. He placed the unconscious kid on the first empty bed he found and made his way to the back of the hospital. He took off his coat and rolled up the sleeves of his undershirt. This was going to get worse before it became any better, but this was something he had missed.

Being the private doctor exclusively for his family had severely limited his skills.

Spotting a woman tossing a few people from the room, he assumed that she must be the other nurse. Well, at least she was effectively making sure to clear the room from people who were taking up too much space. "I assume that you must be Joy."


Doctor Talk poisoninyourtea September 9 2009, 15:44:50 UTC
Just as she was shoving more people out of the room, a voice caught her attention and she turned around. So this was the other doctor huh? “Yes, I am. And, if I am not mistaken, you are Hatori, correct?”

She glanced behind him to see the boy that he had just brought in and her gaze drifted down to the kid’s leg. Joy could tell the kid needed a cast for that and, she wasn’t even going to ask about the post-it note on his forehead.

“Are you going to stay here?” Joy asked him as she settled more people into beds, “I need to go into the back and possibly make more healing balms. This school wasn’t prepared to deal with a mass amount of injuries to stock up properly for something like this so, I’ll possibly need time to prepare some myself.” Her own elixirs were a different recipe than the ones she had been currently handing out but it was definitely just as affective. Chinese medicine worked wonders, magic or not.


Doctor Talk stuckwithidiots September 10 2009, 13:10:45 UTC
"I am," Hatori said with a slight nod. He followed her gaze, glancing back at Konohamaru, knowing that this meeting was going to end up being quite short. He had to get to that leg as soon as possible.

He frowned deeply when Joy told him about the dwindling stock of potions and balms, finding his irritation with the way the school had been run in terms of medical care growing by the minute. "Yes, I will stay out here. I need to start working on the leg before it's too late and the muscles won't cooperate correctly to the medicine, magical or Muggle."

He looked her over for a second, evaluating her. "Take your time on preparing them. We need the best and most effective. I can handle the crowd for the time being."


After he passed out on the medical wing floor brbusinivalice September 9 2009, 01:23:24 UTC

He couldn't remember a damn thing. Nothing was right...his entire body felt like it was lead, weighing him down as he laid on...something. Something soft, something that wasn't quite what he had expected to be laying on. Wasn't he supposed to be in bed? His bed wasn't this hard, and the blanket wasn't this--


A bed? He wasn't supposed to be in bed! Last he remembered he was carrying that girl, lying her on a bed, before...

...That's right. He'd blacked out.


How long had he blacked out?! It couldn't have been too long, right? It didn't feel long. Ugh, his body. It felt so heavy. His head was throbbing, his stomach was turning...surefire signs of sleeping too little or sleeping too long. In his case, most definitely too little. With all the energy he had expended healing, he was lucky to be even waking up.


Delita Heiral let out a groan, moving to sit up.


battle_in_bloom September 9 2009, 01:27:20 UTC
Sakura glanced at Delita's bed for what felt like the umpteenth time, in between assisting the nurses with attending to the other students.

This time, he was awake.

She paused, confirmed that she was not, in fact essential to her current task, and made her way over to his bed.

"You're an idiot," was the first thing out of her mouth. "You pushed yourself way too far."


brbusinivalice September 9 2009, 01:34:13 UTC
"Yes, Sakura. Truly, your bedside manner is impeccable as always."

He held his head, feeling it throb under his fingers as his body resisted his need to sit up, to do something, to do something other than lay down when there were other things that needed to be done.

Perhaps a bit of sarcasm would at least cheer her up a bit. Allow her to know that he was all right.

But still. She was right. He had pushed himself a bit too much. Too many healing stints in one go made his body a rather limp noodle of one, or maybe a heavy stone, going on just a thread before snapping into pure exhaustion.

"...Though yes. It does seem that I have."

Not too tired for sarcasm, but much too tired to deny the truth on this one.


battle_in_bloom September 10 2009, 22:38:30 UTC
"At least it doesn't involve collapsing next to my patients," Sakura replied, faintly acerbic. Her worry came out like assery, sometimes - too much time spent around Sasuke and Axel, no doubt.

She paled slightly at the thought of Sasuke before shoving him completely out of her mind. She could deal with that later, when - she could deal with that later.

Her demeanour softened slightly at his admission that she was right. At least he was smart enough to know when he was beaten when the woman holding the stick was standing right over him. "You're staying here," she informed him. "If I see you out of bed before you've had a full night's rest, I'll put you back in it personally."


Sakura and Axel battle_in_bloom September 9 2009, 01:57:00 UTC
Sakura closed her eyes for a moment, braced herself again, before going and washing her hands for the umpteenth time. Even with magic, infection was still a danger. She glanced over at the door, and saw more students coming in carrying injured.

Casting the anti-infection charm on her hands again, she went over to them, telling them which beds were free and directing them to them. They had reached a lull in the influx of injured, thankfully.


Re: Sakura and Axel incendio_octa September 9 2009, 02:07:18 UTC
Axel was pretty certain this was the only time he had been in the Hospital Wing without having injuries of his own. It was probably the only time he'd come in her to look for someone too--or he hoped so. If something like this happened again he was calling conspiracy and jumping ship.

At any rate, he had someone to find--and of course she was up and about and helping. "Of course you'd be up and doing something to help. Wouldn't be you otherwise."


Re: Sakura and Axel battle_in_bloom September 9 2009, 02:13:03 UTC
Sakura jumped about a foot in the air and came down with her hand over her heart. Her nerves were not in the best shape, to say the least. "Jesus, Axel!" she cried, and then ran over those words in her head.

Eyes wide, she turned back to the doorway. "A-Axel?"

Abruptly the control she'd worked so hard on keeping collapsed. She stumbled slightly, and then without even thinking about it, all but threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly with her own good one. The other was strapped up, healed of it's breaks, but still numb from the spell she'd cast. Had it only been hours ago? It felt like aeons.

"What are you doing here," she mumbled into his neck. "I told you to stay in the Hall."


Re: Sakura and Axel incendio_octa September 9 2009, 02:33:01 UTC
This, this was not their normal interaction. They danced around and talked in circles. There was normally not a lot of hugging--and most relief was expressed and then glossed over with some out of place comment. Then again, today was not a normal day by any standards.

"There was something going on in there, I slipped out." He replied, cautiously returning the hug. He hoped he wouldn't get punched for sneaking away from the Hall--though he probably earned it.

"You holding up okay here?"


cuteforsamurai September 9 2009, 03:02:21 UTC
It had been a mad rush since the library had been opened up and the healers had come in, and somehow in the middle of it all, Komachi had been separated from Konohamaru. She had to find him. Her head was mostly better now, thanks to that Sakura girl who had come to her and Konohamaru and Akira, but her body still felt bruised. She didn't feel the need to explain it to everybody, not as she watched more people coming in. They didn't look like people that were in the library. They looked a lot more hurt...

She pushed through some people gathered in the room, a frustrated look on her face. Where was he? And why wasn't she taller?!


rasenganparty September 9 2009, 05:22:37 UTC
Konohamaru charged throughout the hospital wing, his casted leg hitting the floor with a thunk each time he forced himself to take another step. He was the Great Konohamaru Sarutobi! No stupid leg wound was going to stop him from what he wanted to do!!

And what he wanted to do was find Komachi. He vaguely remembered talking to her before passing out, getting woken up by his grandpa...somehow, passing out again, and waking up in the hospital wing with a post-it note stuck to his forehead. Was she okay? Did she hurt her head? Did she end up getting crushed by three thousand books after all?!

As he practically shoved his way through the crowd, he noticed a girl with brown hair moving through people. Was that Komachi? Where was she? And why wasn't he taller?!


cuteforsamurai September 10 2009, 13:00:25 UTC
Komachi turned her head, her short brown hair swiping in front of her eyes for a brief second as she caught a glimpse of Konohamaru, thumping along with a casted leg. He would try to walk around after his ordeal, like an idiot.

She stomped over to him, eyes narrowed. "You should be in a bed, not walking around," she huffed. If it had been Sister, she would have softly said that it would be better for him to rest and stay off his leg.

Good thing she wasn't like her sister very much.


rasenganparty September 10 2009, 19:10:15 UTC
"KOMACHI! YOU'RE ALIVE AND NOT CRUSHED!" Konohamaru yelled immediately, throwing his arms around her and hugging her extremely tight for a moment before pulling away with a furious red blush on his face, "...not that I thought you were crushed or anything," he added as an apologetic after thought.

He scowled at her tiny lecture, "I'll walk when I want to walk!" He argued, "Besides, it doesn't hurt that bad! I think I know what I'm doing," he muttered, the blush fading to be replaced by annoyance.


demon_download September 10 2009, 01:51:56 UTC
With all the hoop-la of the Library, and charming all those trapped with Delita, Atsuro had almost forgot that his arm was injured. The Ravenclaw finally remembered when he brushed the wound against a wall and ended up cursing like a sailor for a good 3 minutes.

But he still felt a little bad waiting in the infirmary, his slashed arm still wrapped in his own blue and black tie. There were so many people who were hurt worse....


brbusinivalice September 10 2009, 02:07:30 UTC
Hurt worse? Maybe. Delita wasn't quite thinking about it. The most that came to his mind was the fact that he was lying down for too long, and he was spending too much time doing nothing.

He was wasting a bed that could be used for someone else, for one. Second of all, he had enough strength do perform adequate first aid, at least. At least for the people who had minor injuries...

So that the more experienced doctors, like Sakura and Tsunade, didn't have to.

...Speaking of Tsunade...

There was much he needed to speak to her about.


His eyes were slightly heavy, black marks under them from obvious exhaustion.


demon_download September 10 2009, 02:18:09 UTC
Atsuro looked up at the sound of his name, only to come face-to-face with Delita. The other sixth year looked exhausted at best, about to pass out at worse. He wasn't surprised... Delita had been running most of the show inside the library. Atsuro gave his best smile at the other student, trying to look upbeat.

"Heiral. You still look like crap. Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He fell into last names easily enough. Even though he had been speaking English at least as long he slipped into Japanese formality more often then not.


brbusinivalice September 10 2009, 02:40:03 UTC
At least he wasn't browbeating him. There was that, at least. Though truthfully, he only felt slightly tired. Though perhaps that was more of his second wind, but if he had the energy, he would do what he could.

And that nagging voice in the back of his head said something, but he couldn't quite make it out.

"I will live. It is but a minor setback, nothing more."


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