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Comments 90

chainedlotus September 1 2009, 23:07:03 UTC
The great hall was getting more crowded by the second as student after student was being filed into the room. He had to be grateful for that atleast since everyone was in such a panic that no one paid much attention to him. When the alarm rang through the school, he was just heading towards the Room of Requirement for his routine hit of some cocaine but, he became swept up in the mass of students that were panicking and sent into the Great Hall for safety. Ren cursed his luck since now, with no way to leave, he had to endure silently while his body craved for the drugs that gave him his stability ( ... )


bamf_inthenight September 2 2009, 02:31:31 UTC
Kurt closed his journal with a sigh, hoping that Galatea wouldn't go too overboard in her desire to rescue Miria and Sakura. There was nothing he could do to help, and he was sure they'd both be fine.

The first and second years he'd brought down from the common room had grouped off and were discussing the events in loud and slightly worried voices. They'd be fine without him.

Looking around the hall for someone he knew, he spotted a figure sitting against one of the walls. With a wry grin, he set off for them, being careful as he always was in a crowd, not to bump too closely to someone. Though the chances of anyone really noticing his fur in this excitement were very low. Kurt was relieved that whatever the magical explosion had been hadn't effected his image-charm, else he'd have been in a deep pot of boiling trouble.

"Hey~" Kurt said with a wave, sliding down the wall to sit next to Ren. "Exciting day so far, isn't it?"


chainedlotus September 2 2009, 02:51:02 UTC
Raising his head to see who had decided to sit next to him, Ren offered only a weak smile, trying to mask the irritation he was feeling in his skin as much as he could. Kurt wasn’t a bad guy. He was easy going enough to not be too worried but, at the same time, the guy was smart. Despite Ren was pretty sure most wizards couldn’t pick up the basic signs of a drug addict, he wasn’t so sure most of the time if there were any exceptions or not.

Trying to relax a bit, he winced at the stinging pain in his hands. He looked down, realizing that he ended up clenching his hands tightly enough for his nails to dig little, red cresent marks right into his palms, frowning at how his fingers were shaking and twitching. “Yeah,” He responded looking around a bit, “Always fun to be in a room full of panicked students and teachers guarding every door.”


bamf_inthenight September 2 2009, 11:48:03 UTC
Kurt laughed and shook his head. "I can think of a few things I'd like better..." he commented, trailing off and looking around the room.

He tried not to stare at Ren too much out of the corner of his eye. The guy did not look too good. Whether it was the excitement or something else, Kurt hadn't a clue; and he didn't feel he knew him well enough to say anything.

"Accio waterbottle~" Kurt held out his hand, waited a few seconds and then deftly caught the flying bottle out of the air. "It's hot in here," he commented, taking the lid off and drinking a little.

He then held it out, offering the bottle to the Gryffindor. Water was good for sick people, right?


sisterpsyche September 1 2009, 23:14:21 UTC
Upon hearing the Headmaster's announcement, Shalice's heart had damn near pounded itself right out of her chest. The bitch was alive again. Sort of. For all intents and purposes. She was wandering around able to actually carry out her threats, and that absolutely terrified the redhead.

She'd herded up all the Gryffindors she could find, though she was sure some of the braver dumber ones had gone off to be heroes, and she'd definitely have to start planning detentions for them to last the rest of their years here, but she was out of focus, unable to calm the fear churning in her gut. Something was going to happen, she could feel it. But for now she had to focus on taking care of the students, on making sure that terrible ghost creature didn't harm any of them.

Shalice closed her eyes and, raising her arm, began to chant. A large, silver-white bubble dropped from the tip of her wand and grew, spreading to envelop the students in a shimmering glow.

One shield down, she thought, and tried to decide which to cast next.


prideb4thefall September 2 2009, 00:46:12 UTC
Byakuya's speciality was in the subtle, surreptitious forms of magic, alrthough he excelled at the flashy sort as well. Still, he preferred simple, undetectable magic and thus was working his way around the Great Hallm quietly sheilding.

It was entirely by accident that he worked his way around to Shalice, or at least that's what he told himself. He certainly wasn't worried about her, knowing of the fued she had with Belladonna and the special hatred the ghost held for her.

"Shalice." A pause. "Do you require any assistance?" It wasn't a slur on her skills, although she might take it that way, but a genuine offer of assistance.


sisterpsyche September 2 2009, 10:41:24 UTC
"Byakuya." The word was caught somewhere between a relieved sigh and an an annoyed grunt. Not that she was annoyed at him. It was just sort of a reflex where he was concerned, even if they'd reached something of an understanding since her backfired spell. She could, perhaps, even admit to herself that she was glad to see he was all right.

"Any shields you know would be useful. Anything defensive." It did not occur to her to take offense to his offer, though normally it probably would have. She was just too nervous, too afraid, and too focused on protecting the students to indulge in petty squabbles over pride.

Shalice raised her wand again, and this time a dark green bubble floated out to expand and cover the crowd.


prideb4thefall September 9 2009, 00:06:32 UTC
Byakuya was taken by surprise by a small spark of amusement at tone to her voice. He paused for a moment, and then ignored both feelings, deeming them unnecessary at the present time ( ... )


onewithdarkness September 2 2009, 01:54:23 UTC
She didn't want to leave but, with students and teachers looking around in every corner of the school, she was pretty much forced into the Great Hall with...almost the whole school. To say she hated this moment was pretty much the biggest understatement in the world.

So, she avoided it all as much as possible, taking a big, black curtain and draping it over her head and sitting in the shadows under a table where no one could see her. She liked it in there. It was very soothing to be by herself in the darkness.


genovese_roche September 2 2009, 02:03:40 UTC
With a disgusted snort, Rorschach moved to another part of the Great Hall, as far from Hades as possible. The other professor rubbed him in ways that masked man could not fathom. His face continued to shift shapes as he stood beside a table.

If he weren't paranoid highly on edge due to the explosion, he probably wouldn't have wanted to check under the table first, waiting for something to pop out at him.

Unfortunately for the hidden, shadowed mass, he was good at what he did best.


onewithdarkness September 2 2009, 02:58:58 UTC
She wasn’t expecting anything remotely interesting to happen while she was down under the table and she liked that. Sunako was one with the darkness that she resided in. She definitely was not expecting someone to look under the table that she was sitting under and see her there, or atleast see the heavy black curtain that covered her with the exception of maybe her face if they looked hard enough.

…She could only stare slightly when someone did end up looking underneath the table and was surprised to see a lava lamp staring back at her.


genovese_roche September 2 2009, 03:24:24 UTC
"What?" He grabbed the black curtain, pulling it off to reveal the girl. There were sparingly few times that Rorschach was somewhat close to the term "stunned", and this just happened to be one of those times. Why was she hiding under the table with this curtain? He stared at her for a minute just as she stared at him. "Why are you under here?" He asked gruffly.


undoerofknots September 2 2009, 06:02:01 UTC
This might have had an odd sense of familiarity. An involuntary shudder reverberated from her shoulders, as she slowly sank to the ground, with a complete look of disapproval. Having been escorted to the Great Hall, Lady at least took a space near the wall, she sat. And stared.

If this was a demon, this place would be screwed. Lady added bitterly in the back of her mind. It almost reminded her how her mother had rushed her out, and-

No, no, this is completely different, don't be so overly-dramatic. She'd gotten better, to say the least. Though if anything, she flopped her hands over her head, gave a small, frustrated sigh. This merely seemed like a perfect time to crack open a book she brought from the restricted section, back on Demonology, at least making the most of her time ( ... )


whoaismyhairout September 7 2009, 16:50:01 UTC
Hades was continuing his highly dignified moping as he walked along side the edges of the Great Hall, eyes rolling at such a consistancy that he was sure he'd be dizzy for weeks.

It was through this absolutely riveting patrol that he caught sight of Lady, a student of his with an attitude problem. That not surprising, really. Looked like she was moping. Hades hated moping when it wasn't either his own or caused by him.

"Aw, what's eating the little sunspot?" He asked, going so far as to pinch her cheeks in a mocking manner.


undoerofknots September 8 2009, 04:41:01 UTC
And that would be enough to jerk her head back up, tense pair of shoulders. No, no, she wasn't upset, she was tired. Once or more, she fell asleep in a class, purely from insomnia the night before. She blinked, realizing who was bothering her, and a very annoyed look might have been visible in Lady's face, if it weren't for her hand.

A sigh. Lady dropped her hand and manage to recover -- like any Arkham family member would, and level with a gaze, "What?" Lady could cover, or so she hoped. Gruffly, she would just pick up her book, and go back to attempting to look busy, "Nothing. This boring, there's nothing to do here and the first years are driving me up a wall."


roaring_blues September 2 2009, 07:49:21 UTC
The fur on the back of Hank's neck was on end, for once in his life glad for his physique. He had been ushering children into the great hall regardless of their house and those who refused to listen or showed any sign of being rebellious were simply picked up and tucked under his arms to be easily carried then dumped in the hall.

This was his third trip from about the grounds, only finding two children to look less than pleased to be manhandled by a beast covered in blue fur. Dumping them he decided to take a breather "Oh my, some of our students are quite lively today" He mused, finding it rather funny.

Now if only he could find where he had shed his suit jacket and tie, they were custom ordered and it simply wouldn’t do to loose them.


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