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Comments 251

GENERAL PARTYING AND AWESOMENESS~ chairismine August 4 2009, 00:45:54 UTC


Re: GENERAL PARTYING AND AWESOMENESS~ jazzy_hats August 4 2009, 01:04:19 UTC
As soon as Ryan got to the party he knew it was going to be awesome. Then again, this was Jim Kirk we were talking about. If anyone was going to throw a party it was him and his were always the best. He gave a shout out to Jim before making a bee line to the dance floor.

He was dressed up in a yellow button shirt with black slacks. He was also wearing his iconic hat that was also black and had a yellow ribbon around it. Now wasn't the time to be worrying about Professor Matsumoto, it was time to dance his cares away. Although, he did have to wonder where his sister was, she had to be around somewhere since she had helped set up.


brbusinivalice August 4 2009, 05:29:52 UTC
Now Delita was a perfectly calm individual. He had plenty of social graces, thank you, and was dignified--or as dignified as a man could be considering the fact that he was being dragged by a red-haired man in a manner that was rather...well.

Not becoming.

He had certainly had to be dragged to the dance floor--even with his muscle, which was certainly nothing to sneeze at, Zelos was stronger, keeping him in a tough grip.

Damn it.

Delita's legs stopped, standing still amongst the throng of dancers, hopefully to throw Zelos off balance so he could escape.

Social life. Dancing.



mirror_beauty August 4 2009, 05:43:17 UTC
Smiling, Zelos came to a stop with Delita, not letting go of his hand, incase he attempted to escape. Moving he body to the music, he danced with Delita, flashing him teeth from the permanent smile on his face, every so often.

"Dely, come on, loosen up and have some fun. Am I that much of a pain, to the point where dancing with me brings you so much discomfort? I tried so hard to look really nice for the occasion, and make sure that I brought happiness with me wherever I may go, are you saying I fail miserably when it comes to you?"

Zelos gingerly let go of Delita's hand, sinking to the floor at his feet, faint sobs could be heard coming from his....floored state.


THE FOOD TABLE chairismine August 4 2009, 00:46:13 UTC


rasenganparty August 4 2009, 01:27:34 UTC
Konohamaru smirked as he entered the party, knowing that with his disguise no one would recognize him. So what if James had said he was too young for the party? He so wasn't, and Konohamaru was about to show them all that he wasn't too young for anything!!

A hand went up to readjust the goggles that covered his face, while the other smoothed over the fake mustache he had made that morning instead of doing his homework. The disguise. Was. Fool. Proof.

His eyes looked around the room, and he was surprised by how many people were already here. However, his mouth dropped open when he saw the seemingly unattended butterbeers by the refreshments.

"Score!" He yelled victoriously as he rushed towards them, the tail ends of his scarf trailing out behind him.


scroll_heir August 4 2009, 02:24:54 UTC
The butterbeers were calling to Catty. She made her way over to the table, pushing past the people who were partying around her. As sh reached for a glass, she saw the mid--

Since when had there been a student midget at Hogwarts?

His declaration made her giggle. There was no mistaken this midget. He was part of her House, after all, and how many times had she heard that loud voice?

In a quick flash, she stood behin Konohamaru, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. "Shouldn't dangerous wizards be in bed at this hour?"


rasenganparty August 4 2009, 02:39:34 UTC
Konohamaru did not squeal when he felt arms latch around him. He protested. In a manly,grownup voice. The worst part? The butterbeer that he had finally managed to get his hands on flew out of his grip, spilling out onto the floor.

"Hey, you made me spill my drink!" He protested, before realizing that he knew who was behind him. He cleared his throat, deepening his tone, "Um, I mean, um, don't you know that dangerous wizards never sleep?"

Smooth, Konohamaru. No way she'd know.

Oh crap, she probably knew.

He frowned, well, he wasn't going to be the one to blow his cover!! That was something a first year would do.


Le band and people messing with the jukebox~ chairismine August 4 2009, 00:47:29 UTC


For now, Just the band. chainedlotus August 4 2009, 01:09:30 UTC
Ren had set up everything prior to the party starting and after everyone starting coming in and settled themselves into the room, that was his cue to gather the others and head up on stage. It was a small set and Ren had spent most of the week learning to play guitar while simultaneously having the drums play by charming them. It took more concentration then he was used to to hold up the charm while playing but, if the drums were only going to provide a steady beat, he figured he could manage a good dozen songs.

Once the little band he pulled together was set up on stage with instruments in hand, he flicked his wand over to the jute box to shut off the music and cast his charm onto the drumset behind them. It was their turn now.


ultra_heroine August 4 2009, 01:59:11 UTC
Haruhi had to remember not to grip the microphone too tightly.
She'd been practicing all week- both with Ren and on her own, and she was pretty sure she'd be alright.

She was still annoyed that she wasn't good enough yet with the guitar to play that too. Relieved, because it meant that she could focus on singing, but annoyed because she was sure she could do it.

She took a deep breath and noddded at Ren with a grin. She was going to do this~


diablorojoygris August 4 2009, 02:26:52 UTC
Chad arrived, wearing sunglasses and a colorful Hawaiian shirt that he wore when he didn't have to don robes for classes, and hauled his tremendous bass guitar toward the stage. After practicing with Haruhi and Ren, he felt more composed as a player.

After setting up on stage, he towered over his other two bandmates, but didn't worry about stealing the show. Between what had happened at the practices with Haruhi's diva like attitude and Ren's rockstar antics, he would simply be filling in the pocket. He plucked a string to make sure the sound was working, and then nodded to both of the band members showing he was ready.




Jaina couldn't believe she was here. She most definitely wasn't one for partying, but the stress from this week had made her one for drinking. She looked around the room, surprised, but not too surprised at the turnout Jim had. Kirk always did know how to throw the best parties.

She sighed as she made her way to a rather obscure corner, hopefully out of sight from the rest of the room. Just a calm, peaceful evening where she could snag some of Jim's drinks and be on her way. That was all she wanted.

She practically sank into the comfy chairs, letting out a long breath of relief. Ah, peace and quiet. Finally.


notthatharry August 4 2009, 01:05:53 UTC
Harry had been sure to make clear he was only at the party under protest to Asakura, but sadly his best friend had enough blackmail on him to embarrass him enough that he'd never be able to show his face in public again, not to mention probably land him a fair amount of detention, and so here he was. He knew she was just trying to get him to open up more, but for all his recent sociability, he was still really awkward around large groups.

That was why he was currently perched in one of the comfy chairs with a small scroll he was taking notes on, mentally reviewing Asakura and his investigation into the lightning curse.

They could make him party, but they couldn't make him enjoy it! He knew he was being irrational and stubborn, but that didn't mean he didn't get some satisfaction out of it.

Looking up to Jaina, he nodded briefly, then went back to work.


abovetwinsuns August 4 2009, 01:09:46 UTC
Jaina frowned in confusion at him, wondering where she knew that face, before it clicked.

"Harry, right?" She asked, having never seen him face to face. She tilted her head, trying to get a look at his scroll, "Did you bring homework to a party?"


NEARBY CORRIDORS~ chairismine August 4 2009, 00:50:24 UTC


Re: NEARBY CORRIDORS~ whitelotustea August 4 2009, 02:33:34 UTC
Though he had been dead for sometime and acknowledged that his membership in Hogwarts as a teacher had been void, Iroh felt attached enough to the school to share some of the responsibilities of a teacher. He had heard through the walls about the party, and as much as he didn't want to rain on Kirk's parade, he would've rather been there to notify others in case something went wrong.


POTENTIAL PARTY CRASHER. I'm in ur hallways tryin to find a way in avis_elemental August 5 2009, 04:33:00 UTC
Okay, so Aang probably shouldn't be here. He was probably going to get caught, but a party really couldn't be passed up that easily. It was a PARTY, with dancing and drinks and cool older kids and dancing.

Aang's one true weakness--a dance. If given the opportunity to break a move he would immediately drop everything to do so. That being said, Jim Kirk's party was one event he really, really wanted to get in on. Now if only he could tell which room the sound was coming from...


Re: POTENTIAL PARTY CRASHER. I'm in ur hallways tryin to find a way in angelicyouth August 5 2009, 14:19:07 UTC
Pit, a big fan of social gatherings not to mention desperate to make new acquaintances/reacquaint himself with old ones (whoever they were), was ecstatic to hear the news of a big party being planned. His joy was instantly popped, however, at the unfortunate age limit. What was this madness? Younger students knew how to have fun just as well as the older ones.

The 2nd year decided to check it out anyway, if only to kill his boredom. As he neared the 'venue', he caught sight of a bald student he doubted was old enough to be allowed in. Partners in crime?

Pit snuck up behind the kid, tapping him lightly on the shoulder. "Hi! ... You're not old enough to get in, are you?" If he was, then wow, talk about youthful aging.


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