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Jaina couldn't believe she was here. She most definitely wasn't one for partying, but the stress from this week had made her one for drinking. She looked around the room, surprised, but not too surprised at the turnout Jim had. Kirk always did know how to throw the best parties.

She sighed as she made her way to a rather obscure corner, hopefully out of sight from the rest of the room. Just a calm, peaceful evening where she could snag some of Jim's drinks and be on her way. That was all she wanted.

She practically sank into the comfy chairs, letting out a long breath of relief. Ah, peace and quiet. Finally.


notthatharry August 4 2009, 01:05:53 UTC
Harry had been sure to make clear he was only at the party under protest to Asakura, but sadly his best friend had enough blackmail on him to embarrass him enough that he'd never be able to show his face in public again, not to mention probably land him a fair amount of detention, and so here he was. He knew she was just trying to get him to open up more, but for all his recent sociability, he was still really awkward around large groups.

That was why he was currently perched in one of the comfy chairs with a small scroll he was taking notes on, mentally reviewing Asakura and his investigation into the lightning curse.

They could make him party, but they couldn't make him enjoy it! He knew he was being irrational and stubborn, but that didn't mean he didn't get some satisfaction out of it.

Looking up to Jaina, he nodded briefly, then went back to work.


abovetwinsuns August 4 2009, 01:09:46 UTC
Jaina frowned in confusion at him, wondering where she knew that face, before it clicked.

"Harry, right?" She asked, having never seen him face to face. She tilted her head, trying to get a look at his scroll, "Did you bring homework to a party?"


notthatharry August 4 2009, 01:21:57 UTC
Harry glanced back up at her and said, "Yeah, you're," he paused for a moment before coming up with a name, "Jaina?"

He glanced down at the scroll then said, "No, of course not, what kind of dork does that? This is my own project." His tone indicated he was well aware that wasn't any better than bringing homework.


abovetwinsuns August 4 2009, 01:31:03 UTC
Jaina gave a lopsided grin, pleased that he had remembered her name, "Yes, that's me," the grin grew, "I was actually thinking of bringing my homework to the party, but I figured I'd never hear the end of it from my housemates."

She craned her neck, curiousity getting the better of her, "Your own project? About what?"


notthatharry August 4 2009, 01:38:53 UTC
Harry grined in return, leaning back in his chair. "Ah good, awkwardness averted. Yeah, that was my plan as well, but I came to the same conclusion. Great minds, huh? So, who made you come?"

Glancing down at the notes, Harry looked up with an easy shrug. "Just running a little investigation into something that's been bugging me, nothing big."


abovetwinsuns August 4 2009, 01:47:17 UTC
Jaina smiled lightly, "No one. Well, I suppose you could say that I've been forced to go to enough parties over my years at Hogwarts to know that I need to show up or I'll hear about it later," she tilted her head to the side, "Nothing big? Then why did you feel like it was necessary to bring to Jim's party?"


notthatharry August 4 2009, 02:03:01 UTC
"Ah, giving into the inevitable? You're a far smarter person than I."

Wincing slightly at being caught, he never had been a good liar, Harry smiled sheepishly and replied, "Well, a friend and I are looking into where that student got that curse a few days ago to help Professor Rangiku."


abovetwinsuns August 4 2009, 02:12:18 UTC
Jaina could feel her previously good mood go sour at the mention of the incident involving Professor Rangiku. Just the thought of Ophelia made her fingers curl into a fist.

"...oh, I see," she forced down the irritation, going for a weak grin, "Any progress?"


scroll_heir August 4 2009, 02:16:39 UTC
Catty, being the party girl that she was, could not avoid glancing into the corner, where she knew people would be. They came to the party, but didn't join. Normally she wouldn't make a beeline straight for this area, but she couldn't help it. Not only did she find her newly established friend (and alien movie buff, of course) Harry, but Jaina as well.

She grinned at them, though she made her voice as serious as possible as she placed her hands on her hips, only mildly glaring at them. "What are you two doing in the corner? Harry... Is that work?" She hoped that she could pull off the overdramatic tone, one she had heard from Zelos only too often.


downwithdebs August 4 2009, 02:22:16 UTC
Lucy sidled up shortly after Catty. She'd spotted Jaina and... what, that Harry kid? a few moments prior, following her fashionably late arrival. As her the norm, students made way as she strolled through the room. Moving past Catty, though (that was her name right? Well, whatever) she slid into the chair next to Harry and took a drink of whatever-the-hell was in this bottle she'd picked up. Apparently not the strength of drink she'd been looking for. Ugh, Kirk. Disappointing.

"You know that's pretty much screwing with the whole party system, right? We bend the rules, have a party, do fun stuff and you sabotage the fun by bringing work. Not classy, guys." Still, she flashed them her most charming grin. It never hurt.


notthatharry August 4 2009, 02:28:47 UTC
Harry winced when he say Jaina's expression crumple, mentally kicking himself. This was why he didn't go to parties, he always ended up ruining things.

"A little, we need to track down the kid who did the zapping first," Harry explained.

Luckily he was saved from any further awkwardness by Catty's arrival. Of course, that also meant he'd been busted. Grinning sheepishly, he joked, "Of course not, this is a list of possible dance partners. I like to be organized."

He supposed he should have expected his project to be a beacon of ridicule, and sighed helplessly as Lucy plopped down next to him. "Look, I'm putting the work away. See," he held it up dramatically, "Putting it away."


abovetwinsuns August 4 2009, 02:34:01 UTC
Jaina rolled her eyes, realizing that she had been targeted by two of the most insistent people she knew.

"Just...relaxing, I didn't realize that was a crime," Jaina mumbled, knowing that the quiet wasn't going to last very long. She looked across to Lucy, grinning back at her, "When have I ever been classy?"

She then looked at Harry, realizing that she may have finally found a kindred spirit in this, "Has she been bothering you too?" She asked, but for once there was humor in her eyes as she looked over at Catty.


scroll_heir August 4 2009, 02:41:52 UTC
Catty watched as the older Slytherin girl moved past her and took a seat next to Harry. She smiled at her, glad to have found someone else who believed in party ethics.

She clicked her tongue at Harry, sighing at him. "A list of dance partners? Would I happen to be on it?" She grinned as she teased him, moving to sit on the arm of his chair.

Her attention was diverted to Jaina, and she would have felt insulted if not for the glint in her eyes that was not exasperation. "I don't bother. Much."


downwithdebs August 4 2009, 02:50:35 UTC
"Damn right you are. That shit comes out again and you're mine, pipsqueak." 'Pipsqueak' being a guy that was very possibly taller than her, but she figured she could take him. Or her reputation could, anyway.

"There might have been one time," Lucy replied with a casual shrug, tipping back a little. She thought about, leaning back against the chair and made an expression of exaggerated thought. "Wait. I'm thinking of a different quidditch spaz. My bad."

Her grin returned and she laughed into her bottle. "She's pretty much stalking everyone, what I heard."


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