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GENERAL PARTYING AND AWESOMENESS~ chairismine August 4 2009, 00:45:54 UTC


Re: GENERAL PARTYING AND AWESOMENESS~ jazzy_hats August 4 2009, 01:04:19 UTC
As soon as Ryan got to the party he knew it was going to be awesome. Then again, this was Jim Kirk we were talking about. If anyone was going to throw a party it was him and his were always the best. He gave a shout out to Jim before making a bee line to the dance floor.

He was dressed up in a yellow button shirt with black slacks. He was also wearing his iconic hat that was also black and had a yellow ribbon around it. Now wasn't the time to be worrying about Professor Matsumoto, it was time to dance his cares away. Although, he did have to wonder where his sister was, she had to be around somewhere since she had helped set up.


brbusinivalice August 4 2009, 05:29:52 UTC
Now Delita was a perfectly calm individual. He had plenty of social graces, thank you, and was dignified--or as dignified as a man could be considering the fact that he was being dragged by a red-haired man in a manner that was rather...well.

Not becoming.

He had certainly had to be dragged to the dance floor--even with his muscle, which was certainly nothing to sneeze at, Zelos was stronger, keeping him in a tough grip.

Damn it.

Delita's legs stopped, standing still amongst the throng of dancers, hopefully to throw Zelos off balance so he could escape.

Social life. Dancing.



mirror_beauty August 4 2009, 05:43:17 UTC
Smiling, Zelos came to a stop with Delita, not letting go of his hand, incase he attempted to escape. Moving he body to the music, he danced with Delita, flashing him teeth from the permanent smile on his face, every so often.

"Dely, come on, loosen up and have some fun. Am I that much of a pain, to the point where dancing with me brings you so much discomfort? I tried so hard to look really nice for the occasion, and make sure that I brought happiness with me wherever I may go, are you saying I fail miserably when it comes to you?"

Zelos gingerly let go of Delita's hand, sinking to the floor at his feet, faint sobs could be heard coming from his....floored state.


brbusinivalice August 4 2009, 06:54:35 UTC
All the man could think was "Damn it ( ... )


mirror_beauty August 4 2009, 07:08:25 UTC
Zelos beamed,shooting himself up from the floor, narrowly missing a collision with Delita in his crouched state. He was smiling and no trace of tears remained on his face. He grasped the males hand in his, and moved swiftly across the floor with him in toe.

"I did ask you, I figured this would have been the eventual outcome, so I saw no need to delay it any further. Dely." He said, looking into the males eyes seriously " why do you think, it is that I wanted to dance with you? What is your opinion on this matter, if I may ask."

He left go of him, smiling, then pulled him once more into a dancing embrance now Waltzing around the room still a more serious look about his face.


brbusinivalice August 4 2009, 07:26:45 UTC
So it had been a sham. He should have known it all along, but at the very least, Zelos was not making a scene, which was the last thing that he wanted. Delita was not the most knowledgeable of social events and gatherings ( ... )


mirror_beauty August 4 2009, 07:45:00 UTC
As he continued to look into Delita's eyes, he slowly began to come so a standstill on the dance floor, letting go of him and smiling once more. He was very pleased with himself, he seemed to get Delita out of his shell a bit, which was all he was intending to do.

"I just want you to have some fun, I know you do not think us close friends, but I actually would like to become just that. You interest me, very intruiging you are Dely, and you don't even realize it."

Zelos thoughts were leaning toward asking him for a drink, but he seemed to be chewing on something in his head, which he didn't mind his features show off.

He simply stood there, looking at the floor, entraced, so-to-speak.


brbusinivalice August 4 2009, 08:10:03 UTC
...That ( ... )


notthatharry August 5 2009, 04:19:30 UTC
Having finally escaped from between Lucy and Jaina, and all the confusion those two had managed to inspire, Harry found himself exiled from his corner of safety, and now he faced a new and terrifying horizon; the dance floor.

"Hell's bells, can't I just fight a Redcap or something?"


sakeofthescoop August 5 2009, 04:43:48 UTC
"There you are," Kazumi chimed, coming up behind him. She'd started to worry that Harry had decided not to show up and was hiding somewhere. Of course, she should have known better. Harry kept his word.

"And no, you can't fight any Redcaps. For starters, there aren't any here." She had her hands on her hips. Her hair was still up in it's customary ponytail but the green hair clips made it look a little more elegant than normal. She was also wearing a short black skirt, black heels, and a green tank top with very skinny straps. Around her neck was a black chocker with a green gem in the center.

Suddenly she grinned at Harry, "And you realize we're in the middle of the dance floor, right?"


notthatharry August 5 2009, 04:59:45 UTC
Harry jumped a little at Asakura's voice, and spinning around blinked a few times at his friend. He had to admit, in a corner of his mind he rarely acknowledged, in that out fit under this lighting, she looked pretty gorgeous. Not that she didn't always look beautiful, but Harry had managed to get used to that over the months of their friendship.

Besides, once you saw someone naked, it was hard for them to surprise you too much.

For his part Harry had chosen to dress in a black buttoned-up shirt tucked neatly into black dress pants. He'd even tried to do something with his hair.

"I'm where?" Harry asked, glancing around in surprise, before sighing. Shaking his head he grinned at his friend and said, "Wow, on the dance floor with a pretty girl, this could be a very dangerous place for me to be."


sakeofthescoop August 5 2009, 19:23:50 UTC
Kazumi snorted giving Harry a look, "You're so clueless sometimes you know that."

How had he missed being on the dance floor?

Her lip twitched and turned into a smirk, "Dangerous, huh? Why? Are you a bad dancer or something?"


notthatharry August 5 2009, 19:37:22 UTC
In Harry's defense, he'd been a little unclear about where the mingling floor ended and the dance floor began, and the flow of the crowd had dragged him a little off course.

These sort of events should really have signs. Or fences.

"I'm not exactly an expert on party geography," he replied, rolling his eyes. "First time, remember?"

Oh no, he knew that smirk. "I wouldn't even know where to start," Harry answered, which wasn't technically a lie. He'd never been to a party like this before, and he wouldn't know the first thing about the kind of dances people were doing. Of course, what he had failed to mention was that he did know how to ballroom dance, and was pretty good if he said so himself.


sakeofthescoop August 7 2009, 00:56:37 UTC
Oh yeah, there was that. She laughed nervously, "Yeah, but I figured the people moving their bodies in time to the music would have clued you in detective."

Kazumi scanned the dance floor and suddenly grabbed Harry's hand, "Well, you can start with a partner and work from there, come on." She started pulling him in further towards the dancers.


notthatharry August 7 2009, 02:39:51 UTC
"Never underestimate the human capacity for being oblivious," Harry replied with a smirk.

Harry was about to say something witty and sarcastic when he felt her slender hand around his and his mind screeched to a halt for a critical second. That second was all Asakura needed to drag him to the middle of the dance floor.



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