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brbusinivalice August 4 2009, 07:26:45 UTC
So it had been a sham. He should have known it all along, but at the very least, Zelos was not making a scene, which was the last thing that he wanted. Delita was not the most knowledgeable of social events and gatherings...

But the last thing he wanted was to have everyone's attention on him, though with Zelos in tow he supposed that it was difficult to not get noticed.

He was not used to being so close to another person; it felt prickly and uncomfortable, foreign. If it had been his sister or his 'brother', he would have not minded the gesture as much. But this was Zelos. They had known of each other for years, but outside of the occasional banter and frequent battle of wits, there had been little interaction of any sort of intimate sort.

And with his words and that look on his face, it further served to unnerve him. Perhaps not in an angry tone, but certainly it was uncomfortable.

Why did he want to...?

This was an absurd question. One that Delita could not quite answer. He did his best to try to hide his discomfort in his movements, but the longer he stayed, the more he resolved to escape this as quickly as he could.

Maybe go outside...get some air. Or just get away from PEOPLE for a while.

"I know not why." He said. "But I am certain that you have your own reasons for wishing my company."


mirror_beauty August 4 2009, 07:45:00 UTC
As he continued to look into Delita's eyes, he slowly began to come so a standstill on the dance floor, letting go of him and smiling once more. He was very pleased with himself, he seemed to get Delita out of his shell a bit, which was all he was intending to do.

"I just want you to have some fun, I know you do not think us close friends, but I actually would like to become just that. You interest me, very intruiging you are Dely, and you don't even realize it."

Zelos thoughts were leaning toward asking him for a drink, but he seemed to be chewing on something in his head, which he didn't mind his features show off.

He simply stood there, looking at the floor, entraced, so-to-speak.


brbusinivalice August 4 2009, 08:10:03 UTC

He was unsure what to say to that. He was a loner. He didn't quite...he didn't quite go out and talk to others, and when he did, he often regretted it. Not because they brought sides of him that he didn't want to see, or because they were particularly aggravating, it was simply that he didn't have time for human relations.

He had something to do, and he had to get it done in the best way possible. For Teta, for all of those who were mistreated by sake of blood, he would change things. He would make a world where spirits like that goddamn Ghost Widow couldn't have clout, and couldn't say her poisonous words without them falling on deaf ears. And to do that he had to pass. That was the first logical step.

First, keep Prefect status, then make Head Boy. Keep his grades the highest until those of high status noticed him, and he could go onto the second step of his process: Climbing to the top of the ladder, until eventually his will would create change. He was low now, a muggle, a mudblood...


No matter how many times people had approached him, even for simple conversation, he could never stop being surprised, or maybe a bit confused by this. He was not sociable, nor was he by any means the life of the party. So he was unsure how he was 'intriguing', though from his time of knowing the man he doubted that it was what most would be thinking.

He doubted that it was because of blood. Zelos was Slytherin, but he knew him long enough to know that he made no bases on blood. Simply beauty, and other more frivolous things.

Such a frivolous young man wanted his friendship? Either he was hoping to make Delita a fool, or was much less a fool than he had originally thought.

Still the gesture was...oddly touching. And it showed, a small bit, in his voice.

"I...am unsure as of what to say. I am not certain what it is you consider 'intriguing', or why it is that you seek my friendship, but I also see no reason to refuse it to you."

Though he was also certain that he would stop his seriousness and become a child the next day. But this not-so-frivolous Zelos was at least decent company, and he did not mind it.

He could humor him for now, perhaps.


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