Title: Foreplay Author: aviss Rating: R Warnings: violence Word count: 326 Prompt: Battle/fighting as sex - The pleasure of battle is as great--or greater--than sex could ever be for them.
Title: A new family Author: aviss Rating: R Warning: Non-con(ish) Word count: aprox 600 Prompt: Aristocracy and decadence - "within these walls, I am master"
Title: No good deed unpunished Author: aviss Rating: R Warnings: crack, violence Word count: 1.315 Prompt: Examination of their hollow sides - “I can’t believe I turned against Aizen for this shit”
Title: Contradiction Author: aviss Pairing: Grimmjow/Orihime Word count: 368 Prompt: Hollow hole - "It was fascinating and horrifying all at once - just like him." Rating: NC-17
Title: Shadows Author: aviss Rating: R Warnings: none Word count: 680 Prompt: Blindness - "why has darkness fallen" A/N: This was very difficult for me to finish, so I'm not even sure if it fits the prompt as it should. Sorry.