Title: Control Author: aviss Pairing: Tamaki/Kyouya Rating: PG Prompt: Ouran High School Host Club, Tamaki/Kyouya: vulnerability - 'I won't tell, I promise.' A/N: Late fic for the 1srt of November
Title: Dead Man Walking Author: aviss Pairing: Grimmjow/Ichigo Rating: NC-17 Word count: aprox 2.200 Prompt: Grimmjow/Ichigo: rough sex - “and dark our celebration was”
Title: Brush and Ink Author: aviss Pairing: Renji/Ichigo Rating: PG-13 Prompt: Renji/Ichigo: tattoos - “shadows on your skin” Word Count: 340 A/N: This is a bit late, sorry.
Title: Eclipse Author: aviss Pairing: Kyouya/Haruhi/Tamaki Rating: R Warnings: Threesome Word Count: Aprox 500 Summary: It was easier at nights, but sometimes the mornings weren't that bad. Prompt: morning sex - it almost made it worthy to be woken up.
Title: Tickling a sleeping Tiger Author: aviss Pairing: Akabane/Ban Rating: R Word Count: aprox 800 Summary: Ban learns some ideas are not so good. Prompt: Akabane/Ban: Forced orgasm - Realize things unfold in its due time A/N: Late fic for the 3rd, my muse was being uncooperative with this one. Sorry for the lateness.
Title: Back to back Author: aviss Pairing: Grimmjow/Ichigo Rating: PG-13 Prompt: Grimmjow/Ichigo: unexpected alliance - Some things are better left unsaid.
Title: Perfect. Author: aviss Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 304 Prompt: Tatsumi/Watari: characters who prompt a desire to get them dirty - 'I will hurt nothing in you' A/N: Late fic, very late fic for the 15th... sorry about the delay.
Title: Puzzle pieces Author: aviss Characters: Renji/Ichigo/Rukia Rating: R Warning: Threesome Word count: aprox 1.200 Prompt: Threesome - "The way we fit together." A/N: Late fic for July 20th, sorry for the delay RL was too crazy.