Title: Dead Man Walking Author: aviss Pairing: Grimmjow/Ichigo Rating: NC-17 Word count: aprox 2.200 Prompt: Grimmjow/Ichigo: rough sex - “and dark our celebration was”
I liked it a lot.. both the emotional ups and down and Ichigo's attraction and sense of justice. That was good. I like how Grimmjow seems so alien to Ichigo, but he still responds... and I *LOVED* the ending. *laughter*
Apologies, but I spotted a small thing...
Ichigo responded with socking intensity, biting and scratching and moaning and clinging to Grimmjow's lean body.
Comments 10
Apologies, but I spotted a small thing...
Ichigo responded with socking intensity, biting and scratching and moaning and clinging to Grimmjow's lean body.
socking or shocking?
And I'm glad you like it, they are so different, but yeah they can't deny the attraction.
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Thank you! I love to write the sex between these too, they have such an unhealthy relationship...
Real good work.
It is definitely one of the best.
Love the idea of Ichigo being played around by Grimmjow.
Good Work. Always cheering you on!
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