Title: Dead Man Walking Author: aviss Pairing: Grimmjow/Ichigo Rating: NC-17 Word count: aprox 2.200 Prompt: Grimmjow/Ichigo: rough sex - “and dark our celebration was”
incredible! wow i love the way you always stick to the characters in your fics. that was awesome! lol the ending was hilarious XD lol just like grimmjow to fuck around with ichigo before he tells him the truth XD great work! i'll go off to see what else you've written
This brought much joy to my groggy mind. Much, much joy of the sinful kind. I just love GrimmIchi, a bit too much probably. This story is definitely among my top favorites, and I thank you so so much for writing it. Once I sleep and can actually form a coherent though, I'll write a better review xD
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