Jan 18, 2010 19:25

In perfect timing with the award season, here are the results for our very own S/U awards.
Thanks so much to everyone who nominated and voted - you were A LOT :D

Just one small note: as someone pointed out not every fanfiction was nominated in the right category. I realised when it was too late, and posting the voting again would have meant make everyone vote for a second time. I really hope no one was penalized by this mistake :/ I'm sure it wasn't - but sorry just in case. I didn't checked the noms properly ;___;


This is for everyone who wants to know how many votes they got. WHO VOTED FOR WHAT won't be made public! These are just the tallies. Click on the link below to download the file! If you don't want to know how many votes you got, don't download it! (And maybe don't make the tallies public in the comments! There are a few people who don't want to know them.)


Let me know if you have any troubles downloading it ;)

Awards are beside every winner's username :D If you spot any error, please let me know.

Just one more thing:

Best Short Fic: Sweet As the Vestry of the Oracles | by azephirin [award]

Best One-Shot: Po-wak (aftermath) | by salr323 [award]

Best Multi-Chapter: Miscommunication | by salr323 [award]

Best WIP: Nar | by mirandariver [award]

Best Series: Descartes' Error | by startrekwriter [award]

Best Fluff: Baby Book | by nerdielady [award]

Best Angst: Biological Imperative | by dirtyzebra2005 [award]

Best Smut: The Love Letter | by ewinfic [award]

Best Action: The Vulcan | by startrekwriter [award]

Best Humour: The Benefits of Fresh Air | by Mariole [award]

Best Character Study: Break | by yahtzee63 [award]

Best Threesome: Surak and Socrates Want You to Masturbate | by igrockspock [award]

Best AU: A Compass Wouldn't Help At All | by rawles [award]

Best Star Trek XI: Of Two Worlds | by yahtzee63 [award]

Best Star Trek XI Pre-Movie: Descartes' Error | by startrekwriter [award]

Best Star Trek TOS: Familiar Strangers | by bana05 [award]

Best Overall Star Trek XI Author: startrekwriter [award]

Best Overall Star Trek TOS Author: TIE! bana05 [award] & recumbentgoat [award]

Best Outside The Community: The Island | by Spock Jones [award]

Most Creative: Halo Redux | by evelynwordsmyth [award]

Best Song Choice: Chasing Cars | by breakattiffanys [award]

Best Angst: Breathe Me | by jlneveloff [award]

Best Fluff: Candyman | by fragilepixie411 [award]

Best Video Manips: Halo Redux | by evelynwordsmyth [award]

Best Storytelling: Don't Forget | by rawles [award]

Best AU: Candyman | by fragilepixie411 [award]

Best Outside The Community: The Scientist | by Flomuk [award]

Best Spock: TIE! Comfort | by brakish [award] & Spock, through the looking glass science goggles | by r0ck3tsci3ntist [award]

Best Uhura: Slow Burn | by lija_chan [award]

Best G-PG13: Mind Meld | by reetajoan [award]

Best R-NC17: At Your Best You Are Love | by lija_chan [award]

Most Original: TIE! Stars | by irrel [award] & Captured | by Reetajoan [award]

Best Spock/Uhura + PLUS ONE: Spock Blocked | by irrel [award]

Best Outside the Community: Uhura Loves Spock | by Stanley Chow [award]

Best Star Trek XI Icon: Link | by topazera [award]

Best Star Trek TOS Icon: Link | by oltha_heri [award]

Best Use of Text: Link | by breebree16 [award]

Best Large Graphic: Link | by batsyx [award]

Best Zachary/Zoe or Leonard/Nichelle graphic: Link | by nicole9514 [award]


! spock/uhura awards 2009 !

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