The Start of Something - Star Trek XI - Kirk/Spock - R - (5/6)

Dec 19, 2011 22:26

Title: The Start of Something
Pairing: Jim/Spock, Chekov/Sulu
Rating: R
Length: 649
Warning: Unbeta'ed. Some cursing, nothing major.
Summary: Five times Jim wanted to kiss Spock; and the one time he did.
Disclaimer: I don't own Star Trek. And no amount of begging and pleading will change that.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Jim came into awareness the next morning wrapped in a cocoon of warmth. He pressed his face into the pillow under his face and inhaled the spicy aroma that it was enveloped in.

Funny. He didn’t remember having a pillow that smelled spicy, or was that warm for that matter. Jim slowly opened his eyes, freezing when the sight of pale skin greeted him instead of his normal, white pillowcase.

“What…?” Jim muttered, blink owlishly at Spock’s neck, before shifting his gaze down the line of the bodies to where their legs were tangled together under the blankets. Scowling in confusion, Jim finally looked at Spock’s face, jerking back when he realized Spock was awake and staring at him.

“Are you well, Jim?” Spock asked quietly, lifting a hand to press against Jim’s forehead, his eyebrows drawn down in concentration, causing a little wrinkle to appear between them.

A wrinkle that Jim wanted to press his lips to until it smoothed out.

“Fuck.” Jim exclaimed, scrambling away from Spock and off of the bed. His knees buckled as soon as he hit the floor, and he found himself sprawled face first on the floor of his cabin.

“Jim!” Spock quickly got out of the bed behind him, and bent to help Jim up. Jim scrambled away before Spock put a hand on him, because he didn’t think he could control himself.

“Don’t! Just…don’t.” Jim said, backing himself up against his desk. Spock stared at him with what looked like confusion in his eyes.

“Jim. What is the matter?” Spock asked, taking a step closer to Jim, but stopping when Jim stumbles back against the desk.

“I just can’t anymore, okay?” Jim says, trying to steady himself.

“Jim. I do not understand.” Jim sighed in frustration and clenched his fists.

“Being around you is torture, Spock!” Jim cried, “You don’t know how many times I’ve wanted to kiss you or, fuck, just be with you, and not just during shift. I want to come back here at the end of the day and be able to know you’ll be here, and I fucking can’t!”

Spock looked shocked. Or, as shocked as it was possible for a Vulcan to look.

“Exactly what is stopping you?” Spock asked, and Jim froze.

“What? You…what the - Uhura!” Jim croaked, the frustration and confusion make tears well up in his eyes. “Fuck.” Jim scrubbed his eyes ferociously with the back of his hand, turning away from Spock and leaning heavily on his desk.

“I think you should go.” Jim said quietly, wishing Spock would just leave and never, ever say a word about this again.

“Jim, I do not believe you understand.”

“I understand perfectly, and I really can’t do this.” Jim whispered.

“No, Jim-“ Spock started before he was interrupted by an incoming message on Jim’s terminal.

Jim accepted the message, and turned his attention to the face of Bones on the screen.

“What’s up, Bones?” Jim asked, still silently willing Spock to leave his quarters.

“How’re you feeling?” Bones asked, scrutinizing Jim carefully, and Jim could see the suspicion in his eyes.

“Oh, I’m just great.” Jim said, ignoring the look Bones shot him. “Anything else?”

“Yeah. Get your scrawny ass down here so I can make sure you’re really okay. If you dawdle, there might be more vaccinations in your future.” Bones said, before ending the transmission.

Jim turned around avoided looking at Spock.

“You heard him, Spock. I can’t ignore orders from my CMO.” Jim said, inching towards the door.

“You have never listened to him.” Spock said, almost glaring at Jim, “I request you stay for a moment so I can-“

Jim was glad that he was closer to the door than Spock.

He hoped he didn’t look as ridiculous as he felt when he ran out of the room as fast as he could.

He wasn’t childish, remember?

Part 6

pairing: kirk/spock, rating: r, star trek xi, fanfic

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