The Start of Something - Star Trek XI - Kirk/Spock - R - (2/6)

Jul 10, 2011 15:53

Title: The Start of Something
Pairing: Spock/Uhura, eventual Jim/Spock
Rating: R
Length: 1,383
Warning:Unbeta'ed. Some cursing, nothing major.
Summary: Five times Jim wanted to kiss Spock; and the one time he did.
Disclaimer: I don't own Star Trek. And no amount of begging and pleading will change that.
A/N: Updates won't be this quick in the future. I'm just transferring and organizing things!

Part 1

Six weeks into their five year mission, and James T. Kirk was bored. He’s tired of the Admiralty going easy on the Enterprise and her crew. For one, they’re the flagship of the Federation. Not to mention, they stopped Nero from destroying Earth. Jim thinks they can handle more than this ridiculous amount of diplomatic missions they’ve been sent on.

Jim slouched down in the captains chair - his chair - and sighed. He was counting the seconds until Alpha shift ended. After picking up a Deltan ambassador, they were on their way to the Gamma Quadrant to drop her off. It would take days to get there, and Jim was frustrated.

5…4…3…2… “Captain.” Spock’s voice reaches Jim’s ears from the vicinity of his right shoulder.

“Yes Mister Spock?” Jim asked, turning to give his First Officer his full attention. One second away from freedom.  As tired and frustrated as he may be, Jim is always willing to make time to talk to Spock.

“As of now, you are off-duty. Correct?” Spock asked, standing calmly at parade rest with no signs of frustration or fatigue in the smooth line of his shoulders.

Jim raised an eyebrow. “Why yes, I am, Mr. Spock. Are you, by chance, stalking me?”

Spock stared blankly at Jim for a moment, and then raised his left eyebrow in exasperation. “Highly unlikely, Captain.”

“I think I should be offended right now, but I’m going to let that slide. What do you need, Spock?” Jim asked with a lazy smile.

“I merely wished to inquire whether or not you would be amenable to partaking in a game of chess in my quarters at sixteen hundred hours.” Spock stated, not responding to Jim’s smile. But Jim thought he saw a slight warming of his eyes, and that caused a twist of warmth low in his gut.

“What an excellent idea.” Jim grinned, eyes flashing. “See you then?” He heaved himself out of his seat and stretched, aching for his soft bed in his quarters.

“Indeed, Captain.” Spock nodded, and turned to walk back to his station. Jim grinned and turned to the rest of the bridge crew.

“Sulu, you have the conn.” Jim stated and Sulu nodded in acknowledgement. Jim nodded back. “Keep up the good work. I’ll see you guys later.” The rest of the bridge crew grinned and nodded.

Jim spun on his heel and made his way to the turbolift, not noticing the stare of one particular half-Vulcan crew member.


Jim snorted into awareness and kicked off the blanket that was tangled between his legs. What the hell had woken him up? Another chime at the door drew his attention to the fact that someone was awaiting entry.

“Lights seventy-five percent.” Squinting at the sudden increase of light, he should have thought that one through, Jim made to move off of the bed. What he didn’t account for was the fact that he still had a foot entangled in the sheets.

“Fuck! Shit! Goddamn stupid fucking sheets, I swear to God - ” Jim sputtered into the cold metal floor of his quarters, not realizing the chiming had stopped. He did realize when two black, regulation boots appeared in his vision. Peering up at the intruder in his quarters, Jim smirked when he realized who it was.

“You wish you were that smooth, Spock.” Jim muttered, delighting in the hint of exasperation he could see in Spock’s eyes. While not the look of warmth and joy he was going for, better some reaction than none at all.

“Excuse me for overriding the entry codes, Captain. You did not answer in a timely fashion and when I heard the commotion, I decided the logical course of action was to enter your quarters to see that you were not gravely injured.” Spock stated blandly. “As we can both see you are in optimum condition, I think it would be best if we proceeded with our chess game now.”

“Oh whatever, Spock. You were just hoping to catch a glimpse of me naked.” Jim’s tongue darted out to lick at the split in his lip as he untangled his foot and pulled himself up off of the floor, settling back onto his bed. He scrubbed at his hair and grinned at Spock, who was successfully ignoring him as his eyes analyzed Jim’s quarters.

“Hey, I thought we were playing chess in your quarters.” Jim’s brow furrowed in confusion. Spock simply raised an eyebrow at him and shifted his stance so that his shoulders were even straighter.

“That is correct. However, we also planned to meet at sixteen hundred hours, and it is now seventeen hundred hours. It seems to me that the plan must be altered because of unforeseen events.” Spock stated evenly.

“Shit, Spock! Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?” Jim exclaimed, running a hand over his face.

“How was I to know you were sleeping, Captain? I inferred that you must have forgotten, but I had my reasons for wanting to verify that fact.” Spock looked away, and Jim could’ve sworn he saw a light dusting of green on Spock’s cheeks.

“Oh yeah? What reasons?” Jim asked, now curious. Spock opened his mouth as if to reply, but then closed it and stared at Jim, no trace of emotion on his face. Jim raised an eyebrow at him and then rolled his eyes.

“Oh never mind. Would you like to play in here then?” Jim asked as he got up and stretched, closing his eyes in pleasure his muscles cramped from sleep finally got relief. Once again, he missed the stare his First Officer directed at him. Padding over to the replicator, Jim plugged in his order. He tugged on the old t-shirt he donned for his nap, untwisted it from his torso, and settled it over his sweatpants, still oblivious to the gaze on his back. How in the world did he manage to get tangled around everything when he slept? As he retrieved his mug of coffee and inhaled the aroma, he turned questioningly to Spock.

“Spock?” He asked, tilting his head in confusion. Spock came back to awareness and blinked at his Captain.

“That would be acceptable.” Spock agreed, making his way to the small table situated against the wall. Jim’s brow furrowed as he set his coffee down on the table and took his chess set down from its shelf. Setting it on the table, he turned his questioning stare to Spock.

“Are you alright, Spock? Maybe I’m not the only one who needed some extra sleep.” Jim said softly, not wanting to offend his First Officer with his assumptions. Spock stared at him for a moment.

“I assure you, I am quite well.” Spock said, his eyes focused on the chess pieces he was setting up, placing the white pieces on Jim’s side.

“If you say so.” Jim muttered as he slumped into his chair across from Spock. He pulled his coffee toward him and took a long sip, simultaneously making his first move.

The game went on for a while, with neither Jim nor Spock that much more skilled than the other. They were evenly matched in skill and strategy, though Jim seemed to take a lot more risks. They ended up working in his favor though, something Spock was still trying to figure out.

“Check.” Spock said, with a glimpse of triumph in his eyes. Jim narrowed his eyes at the board and moved his king to safety. As Spock made his next move, Jim pretended to be studying the board, but what he was really studying was Spock.

Jim could almost see the numerous scenarios and strategies being thought of and discarded just as rapidly in the Vulcan’s eyes. What Jim wouldn’t give to know what Spock was thinking? How fascinating would that be? Jim’s gaze slipped from Spock’s eyes to his lips, set in a firm line.

The sudden urge to lick and bite and taste -

“Checkmate.” The corner of Spock’s mouth curled up slightly as he looked at his Captain.

“Captain?” Spock’s voice, tinted with something - was that emotion? - caught Jim’s attention. Blushing fiercely, he halfheartedly looked over the board, his thoughts running wild.

“Seems you’ve gotten the best of me, Spock.”

In more ways than one.

Part 3

pairing: kirk/spock, fic post: st reboot (xi), fic post

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