OTP Meme <3

Dec 01, 2011 17:37

1. Steve/Tony - Avengers
2. Castiel/Dean - Supernatural
3. Draco/Harry - Harry Potter
4. Charles/Erik - X-Men: First Class
5. Kirk/Spock - Star Trek

1. When did you first fall in love with ship number 1?
Very recently actually. I saw the trailer for The Avengers, and was like well fuck, yet another pairing I can't get out of my head. Then I read a bunch of fics, and watched both Iron Mans (I LOVE TONY STARK AND JARVIS) and I still have to watch Captain America, but Chris Evans...unf.

2. When did you fall in love with ship number 5?
Wow. Well, I watched Star Trek XI last in October of 2010 because a lot of people said it was really good, and I just fell in love with the movie, completely and utterly. And consequently I fell in love with the pairing.

3. What is your favorite moment of ship number 3?
Well probably the part where Draco didn't give away that it was Harry in the Manor, or maybe when Harry saved him from the Fiendfyre.

4. What will the ship be if you take the boy from ship 2 and the girl from ship 1 and mesh them? If one or both of the ships are slash, then pick and choose.
Castiel/Steve. Well they're both kind of mellow. And they're both stuck in worlds that they don't really understand at all. Castiel is an angel and doesn't understand anything humans do, and Steve is not from the modern world, so he has trouble understanding modern colloquialisms as well. They'd understand each other in that aspect.

5. Viceversa.
Dean/Tony. They're both very loud, not give a whole lot of fucks attitude. I think they'd both admire the fact that the other is helping people with their knowledge, and that they can both appreciate greasy food (Dean with his burgers and Tony with his New York pizza).

6. What's your favorite moment for ship 4?
THE SATELLITE SCENE. Actually, probably the whole movie, because it was definitely their love story, but that scene the most. I just ached with them and cried with them and guh.

7. How long was there between the time you got into the fandom and the time you started shipping ship number 3?
Like 9 years? I started reading Harry Potter when I was 8 years old, but I didn't start reading fanfiction until I was 13, and I didn't start reading slash fanfiction until I was maybe 15? And I only got into Harry/Draco I think around a year ago. I could NOT see them together at first, but a certain author made me see differently, and she's still the only one I can read really.

8. When did you start shipping ship number 4?
AS SOON AS I SAW THE MOVIE. People told me I probably would before I saw it so I went in there with that mindset, and IT DIDN'T DISAPPOINT
9. Take three random people from three of the ships and create an OT3?
Charles/Spock/Castiel. That would be a total mindfuck because Charles can read your mind, Spock your emotions and mind, and Castiel your emotions. Charles could probably read your emotions as well because he can read your thoughts, and Castiel could probably tell your thoughts from your emotions. I told you...mindfuck.

10. Rank your OTPs in order. Boring question is boring.
New question: Which one person from one pairing do you think would be most attracted to a person from another pairing?
(Thank you Lala for the new question :P)
I think that Kirk would be most attracted to Tony because, let's face it, they can both be kinds of assholes at times. They're both utter geniuses as well. Kirk would be fascinated that Tony built himself a suit, and Tony would admire Kirk for taking over a fucking spaceship and defeating a crazy alien.

pairing: steve/tony, pairing: kirk/spock, avengers, supernatural, pairing: castiel/dean, harry potter, x-men: first class, pairing: charles/erik, pairing: draco/harry, star trek xi, otp meme

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