CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS // UNDERAGE Prompts Post // October 1-15

Oct 01, 2013 12:48

This post is for ANY AND ALL UNDERAGE PROMPTS. This means any pairing where one or both persons are under the age of 18.
They can not be aged up or mentioned in passing. Use OCs or someone else to fill the void.


prompt post, underage prompt post

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REQUEST: Jared/Jensen, human consent, size difference, age difference, dub-con, angst lovekevinjonasb October 1 2013, 21:45:10 UTC
Because I think there´s not enough consent-fics out there, I´d love to read a story about one of the J´s being the very young consent (no younger than 10 please) of the other J (maybe ´round 30?). The young consent is shy and scared of course because he knows what´s expected of him. Maybe J1 has to sit through a long ceremony or the festivities and he´s working himself up, thinking that J2 will just savage him so J2 has to work a little to get J1 (shying away from touches, barely saying a word etc.) to trust him.

Pov´s of both of them would be great. Up to author how they ended up together (arranged marriage or a virgin offering to a god or whatever) as long as there´s lots of scared wide eyed underage J1 and lots of extreme horny but caring J2. I prefer Jensen being the underage J1 but it´s no must-see.

No non con or watersports and please no cying during sex.

Thanks :)


Filled: I am a God 1/? Jared/Jensen, consort!Jensen, size difference, age difference, dub-con lovemelikesatan October 21 2013, 19:41:01 UTC
So I read consent as consort - I hope that's what you meant ( ... )


Filled: I am a God 2/? lovemelikesatan October 21 2013, 19:42:26 UTC
Jensen was the kind of pretty-beautiful-gorgeous-hot that only existed in the anime porn Jared watched when he was still in high school. Jared was sure the light bursts of sparkles and hearts and starts hovering like a halo around Jensen's matted hair weren't even figments of his imagination or dehydration. He was only 13, only a boy, but Jared hadn't been able to look away from him. Jared's hands ached to touch him and Jared's mouth ached to lick the rain from the hollow of his throat, the dip between his delicate collar bones, the sweet belly button he could see through the thinness of the boy's shirt. He didn't think he'd ever been so thirsty in his entire life as he had when he saw Jensen battered in the rain, and he'd been walking without water for nearly a day ( ... )


Filled: I am a God 3/? lovemelikesatan October 21 2013, 19:43:24 UTC
Although if anyone could perform such a feat, Jensen would be the one to do it. There is power in his touch. Jared has seen it when Jensen puts his hand on Yevlyn's shoulder and her worries drain from her body, when Jensen pets a spooked or wild animal and it calms, when Jensen holds a crying child and the pitiful wailing stops. Jared has felt it pouring from Jensen's palms into his body when Jensen takes him by the hand to lead him here or there, when Jensen attends to his bath and carefully washes his hair, rubs oil into his back and chest, soft cheeks on fire as he skits across Jared's frankly obscene erection. Jared felt Jensen's power the first time the boy tugged his hand to show him inside a hut. It had surged through him like an electric current and he'd been helpless to do anything but follow Jensen, follow that touch and those words ( ... )


Filled: I am a God 4/? lovemelikesatan October 21 2013, 19:44:12 UTC
More of Jensen's lovely form is bared as the boy nears the altar. When he is only a few feet away, Jared's gaze roams his chest, catches on one exposed nipple and darts to the other, barely hidden by gauze. Swallowing, he runs hungry eyes down Jensen's abdomen, follows the path he plans to set with his fingers and tongue and teeth. He nearly groans aloud when his gaze finally settles on that soft, secret place nestled between Jensen's thighs. The outline of Jensen's sweet little cock is nothing more than sensuous, teasing swell, but it makes Jared's own cock twitch. As Jensen moves and the fabric sways, Jared can make out the light, dusty pink of Jensen's balls ( ... )


Filled: I am a God 5/? lovemelikesatan October 21 2013, 21:13:31 UTC
Jensen turns to face Jared and finally, finally opens and raises his gaze. Jared is prepared to have his breath stolen and his heart stopped again by all he'll find there. Instead of peace, though, peace and beauty and strength and an adoration for his people that makes Jared ache to be one of them, there is a shining sheen of tears. There is that sweet, fresh, dew coated vulnerability that haunts Jared's wet dreams, but there is also fear. Fear. Jared's stomach twists in nausea and unconsciously, he takes a step back ( ... )


Filled: I am a God 6/? lovemelikesatan October 21 2013, 21:14:36 UTC
Jensen shudders, and it makes Jared ache. He wishes he could just freeze frame this mess and call Jensen into a huddle, wrap his warm, heavy corded arms around Jensen’s small, shaking frame, kiss his hair, ask him what he’s so afraid of and promise to protect him from it. But Jensen won’t meet his gaze again, and the Lithian’s are still singing, and Yevlyn is still speaking ( ... )


Filled: I am a God 7/? lovemelikesatan October 21 2013, 21:15:48 UTC
Jensen joins their chant, crying more steadily as he sings. His honeysuckle voice is wavering but still sweet enough to make heat curl through Jared’s body. For a moment, Jared can only watch, entranced by the tragic tone of beauty surrounding Jensen ( ... )


Re: Filled: I am a God 7/? lovekevinjonasb October 22 2013, 17:42:59 UTC
Thank you so much for the fill! This is exactly what I hoped for with all the shaking and crying and Jared being all sweet and protective. I love the way you´re describing how divine Jensen looks to Jared though Jared is the one who´s supposed to be a god. This is so diffrent from everything I´ve read before and I really, really love it so far :D


Re: Filled: I am a God 7/? lovemelikesatan October 28 2013, 17:26:01 UTC
Yay! I hope you enjoy the next parts too!


Filled: I am a God 8/? lovemelikesatan October 23 2013, 21:58:09 UTC
He realizes that words aren’t helping the situation. So he clenches his jaw, grasps Jensen’s shaking wrist, and pulls them both to their feet. Jensen cries out and Jared mentally soothes the ache he’s yanked in ( ... )


Filled: I am a God 9/? lovemelikesatan October 23 2013, 22:00:48 UTC
But Jared had smiled at him, soft and shy, like the children of the village when they offered Jensen gifts. The god’s face had been red. Jared had made gentle sounds at him, and though Jensen hadn’t been able to understand the words then, he had understood the tone. He felt the tenderness of Jared’s voice in his heart ( ... )


Filled: I am a God 10/? lovemelikesatan October 23 2013, 22:01:51 UTC
Jensen does not understand the sputters his god makes. He wills his body and heart not to tremble as Jared moves towards him, eyes and fingers frantic. Jared collapses on his knees at the edge of the bed, dropping his elbows and palms heavily, watching Jensen with a gaze as open and clear as the sea ( ... )


Filled: I am a God 11/? lovemelikesatan October 23 2013, 22:02:39 UTC
"It..." He shakes his head, attempting to clear the terror and fog there, and clears his throat of fear. "You make the our lands fertile and good. You keep them sweet and young. I am your gift, god Jared. Your reparation. We ravage the land you make bloom, and so you will ravage what the Lithians have make bloom ( ... )


Tagged! debauchedsock October 27 2013, 09:38:08 UTC
This is currently tagged as a WIP, please reply to this comment with an updated list of kinks as and when you introduce new ones, as well as when you've finished the fic so I can add the appropriate tags.

Thank you for the fill. :)


Re: Filled: I am a God 11/? melitta4ever October 28 2013, 03:35:53 UTC
This is so beautiful. A heart wracking dub-con disguised under lost in translation comedy.


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