CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS // UNDERAGE Prompts Post // October 1-15

Oct 01, 2013 12:48

This post is for ANY AND ALL UNDERAGE PROMPTS. This means any pairing where one or both persons are under the age of 18.
They can not be aged up or mentioned in passing. Use OCs or someone else to fill the void.


prompt post, underage prompt post

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Filled: I am a God 4/? lovemelikesatan October 21 2013, 19:44:12 UTC
More of Jensen's lovely form is bared as the boy nears the altar. When he is only a few feet away, Jared's gaze roams his chest, catches on one exposed nipple and darts to the other, barely hidden by gauze. Swallowing, he runs hungry eyes down Jensen's abdomen, follows the path he plans to set with his fingers and tongue and teeth. He nearly groans aloud when his gaze finally settles on that soft, secret place nestled between Jensen's thighs. The outline of Jensen's sweet little cock is nothing more than sensuous, teasing swell, but it makes Jared's own cock twitch. As Jensen moves and the fabric sways, Jared can make out the light, dusty pink of Jensen's balls.

Just as Jared thinks he's going to fall to his own knees, just push the fabric away and swallow that tempting flesh, just push his tongue up between them and lick the taste of Jensen's skin until those sweet balls are pulsing with what will surely be even sweeter come, Jensen steps beside him.

Jared takes another deep breath. He reminds himself and his cock to calm the fuck down. He's been waiting for months to have Jensen, to be inside of him. He's managed to wait through lonely nights when the scent of Jensen perfumed his hut, leaving his head too full of honey to think or sleep. He's waited through the ritual baths Jensen has given him. He waited when he taught Jensen how to get himself off, whispered the words right in his ear as he held Jensen's wrist and drug Jensen's fist up and down his leaking little dick, telling Jensen a god required a consort who knew of pleasure. He's waited so very, very patiently. He can wait a little longer for the ceremony to take place.

Chest looser and pants tighter, Jared tries to catch Jensen's gaze. He wants to see the gorgeous calm of peaceful oceans in Jensen's eyes. Those beautiful greens always center him. When he can't perform his miracles and when he's missing home and when he's tired of the jungle heat, he can peer into Jensen's eyes, and everything that hurts or stings inside of him melts away. Jensen makes his soul feel warm, calm.

But Jensen isn't looking at him. His lovely eyes are on the blades of grass, watching as they dance in the wind.

Jared frowns.

"Hey," he whispers, glancing at Yevlyn to see if his voice has disrupted her. Her own eyes are still closed and her mouth is still moving. "Hey, Jensen," he murmurs again.

Jensen's head remains bowed and Jared's frown deepens. He doesn't remember anything about Jensen not being able to look at him during the Binding.

"Jensen," he tries again.

"We must remain quiet," Jensen finally answers.

Jared can feel himself pouting. He should have outgrown his sullen moods by now, but he can't help the sulk that sinks into him when he doesn't get what he wants - what he needs, really, which is just for Jensen to look at him.

"Jen - "

"Quiet," Jensen says softly. "We must remain - "

"Just," Jared blurts, louder than he meant. He winces. He glances around but still, none of the Lithian's has noticed his indiscreet murmurs. "Just look at me, Jen."

Jensen breathes in through his mouth, eyes closing as he exhales. He's trembling, Jared realizes, and he frowns again. He's going to reach out, grasp his shoulder, slide his arm around Jensen's waist, hold him until his shivering eases, but when he lifts his hand, Jensen speaks again.

"Still. We must remain quiet and still."

Frustrated, Jared says, "That doesn't mean you can't look at me."

"Quiet," Jensen hisses.

Jared feels as if he's been reprimanded by a school teacher. He curls his hand into a fist and brings it back to his side. His own gaze drops.

Minutes pass before the Binding song slows again. Jared allows himself to sway into the softness of the melody, the lullaby sweetness of the Lithian's voices.

"Our gift," Yevlyn says as the singing softens to a cool buzz.


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