CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS // UNDERAGE Prompts Post // October 1-15

Oct 01, 2013 12:48

This post is for ANY AND ALL UNDERAGE PROMPTS. This means any pairing where one or both persons are under the age of 18.
They can not be aged up or mentioned in passing. Use OCs or someone else to fill the void.


prompt post, underage prompt post

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Comments 601

REQUEST: Jensen/Jared/omc (kid) anonymous October 1 2013, 17:23:42 UTC
I kinda wanna see a story with Jensen and Jared being in a loving, married relationship with a young kid who Jensen had been pregnant with. I want Jensen to essentially be the "mommy", being called mommy, being able to breastfeed, just anything like that. and then of course Jared being the daddy. and then I want to see their kid at whatever age I dont really care, it can be extreme underage or it can be up to the age of 18, being brought into the physical part of their relationship. dont really care what happens. Just want Jensen being called mom or mommy and jared being dad or daddy and them calling the kid a bunch of pet names also.


REQUEST: Extreme underage anonymous October 1 2013, 17:39:18 UTC
I have become obsessed with extreme underage. So I want that. maybe sam/dean or dean/john or sam/john or sam/bobby or dean/bobby. if its sam/dean I would like Sam to have to raise Dean because Dean gets de-aged to a baby and then cue the extreme underage stuff. And then basically, just go wherever with this. I just want more extreme underage. Just no bondage and if there is a d/s theme to it make it very light.


Re: REQUEST: Extreme underage anonymous October 6 2013, 14:58:48 UTC
What age do you consider "extreme underage"? And if it's de-aged Dean, does he still have his own adult mind or does he have the mind of a child?


Re: REQUEST: Extreme underage anonymous October 7 2013, 01:29:27 UTC
op here. anything under the age of three. i have read a lot in previous kink meme postings where they feature one of them as a baby and it has become a huge kink of mine. so i wouldnt go with dean having his adult mind but if you wanted to write a deaged dean fic where he does have his adult mind that is cool too!


REQUEST: extreme underage anonymous October 1 2013, 17:40:43 UTC
Jared/Jensen extreme underage. very young Jensen is Jared's kid, can be adopted, can be from a one night stand who left Jensen to Jared, I don't care. anything except for bondage and heavy d/s.


Re: REQUEST: extreme underage anonymous October 3 2013, 18:03:13 UTC


Re: REQUEST: extreme underage anonymous October 6 2013, 18:56:50 UTC


Request: alpha!Jensen/Jared, knotting, wooing anonymous October 1 2013, 17:54:30 UTC
Jared is a 15+ shepherd boy. The first time he sees a wolf come near his flock, he's scared but he chases it off. The next day, a very handsome guy who apparently lives in the woods comes to his field and just talks with him while he works. Jared can't imagine what the guy finds so interesting about watching a kid tend sheep, but he appreciates the company.

Jensen is a werewolf, and he was just looking for a quick bite to eat when he came across the flock. When he saw the shepherd boy, his interest went in a completely different direction. He comes back the next day in his human form, determined to win Jared over. He visits every day, and is overjoyed when he finally kisses Jared and Jared kisses back.

When Jensen reveals himself to be a werewolf, Jared's scared, but he knows he loves Jensen so he does his best to overcome it. Eventually Jensen knots and claims him. No bestiality, please.


Request: Jensen/Jared, capture, harness, non-con anonymous October 1 2013, 18:11:56 UTC
Some people are born with birthmarks that indicate that they are power augmenters for those with magic. Few of them have consensual bonds, others have arranged bonds, and a large quantity are kidnapped and sold in the slave market.

Jared (16 or older) has marks that identify him as a high level augmenter. His parents impressed on him at a young age to keep his marks a secret. While Jared is out in the woods one day, he gets caught by Jensen, a hunter mage, who tackles him to the ground and forces him into a full-body restraining harness.

Jensen usually just sells his catches off to a slave trader, but he thinks he'll keep this one for himself. He can't wait to train him into shape. Whether or not there is anything sexual is up to the author.


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