#027. Comment fic meme!

May 03, 2012 15:09

Pimp it!
http://spnhair-daily.livejournal.com/6961.html" href="http://spnhair-daily.livejournal.com/6961.html">spnhair_daily@livejournal.comhttp://i1158.photobucket.com/albums/p602/RebeccaLouiseLikesCheese/commentficcccopy.jpg" src="http://i1158.photobucket.com/albums/p602/RebeccaLouiseLikesCheese/commentficcccopy.jpg" >
click on the banner for more :)

1) Leave a comment here with your prompt. This is a hair-focused community, so the main theme must involve any of the characters/actors featured on Supernatural and center around their hair. For example: Sam washes Dean’s hair. Another would be: Jensen shows how much he likes Jared’s hair. It can involve haircutting, hair washing, or just general hair loving. Shaving and grooming are also very welcome.

2) There is no limit to how many prompts are allowed per person, but if you have more than one, please post each of them in a separate comment.

3) Prompts can be as broad or as specific as you like.

4) As well as no limit to prompts, there is also no limit to how many you can snag. Write as many as you like! The more the merrier, right?

5) If you pick up a prompt you like and you write something for it, begin your fill with the word ‘FILLED’ in bold capitals when you post the comment-fic. It’s also a really big help for people finding your fic if it goes longer than just one part, that you label each part. But don’t worry, no one will shout at you don’t bother with this step.

6) Do not post any underage (-18) prompts/fills involving any real life people. Any abuse of this rule and your post(s) will be deleted and you will be banned from the comm immediately.

7) Pretty please, if your fic includes potential triggers (non/dub-con, abuse, self-harm, etc.) please grey out your text using the following code and put a warning before.


8) Anon posting is enabled.

9) NO SPOILERS FOR UNAIRED EPISODES! (Use the grey out code above in this case.)

10) Be nice in the playpen - no bashing of characters/cast or other members of this community or you will be banned.

11) Comments are love! For everyone! *Group hug!*

12) Contact the mod if you have any questions.

13) Have fun! Enjoy yourselves!

14) ART and/or any other form of creativity is absolutely welcome!


Untitled written by mekina | Jared always gets sleepy when Jensen starts playing with his hair.

Nothing Better written by mekina | Sam is sick and Dean washes his hair.

Untitled art by smallworld_inc | Dean with long hair. Sad and anxious.

Untitled written by mekina |  One night, when John was drunk, he admits to Dean that he looks so much like Mary. Dean can't take it.

type: comment fic meme

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