Title: Wasted Years Recipient: monicawoe Rating: PG Word Count: ~4,500 Warnings: Mild violence and language Author's Notes: Thanks to tumblr user angstyteenagesam for the beta
I am absolutely so thrilled to see Tracy here!!!!!!!! Apologies if the rest of this comment is incoherent, because I TRULY AM THAT THRILLED OMG. <33333 And I love this peek into a potential aftermath of current canon, and being able to see where Sam might go and with whom he might meet up again--and the prospect of the return of psychic!Sammy and those pieces of canon is just delectable--even if Sam isn't necessarily as thrilled. Anyway, I love the way you've characterized Tracy here, and how blase she manages to be about Sam's abilities--she's a hunter, and she's been around the block. But more importantly, I think, she knows enough about Sam (even if her opinion isn't exactly positive) to not be fazed by this, but remains enough a stranger not to be devastated/hugely concerned/deeply suspicious this, in all the ways Dean was during S2/4. And it just sets Sam and Tracy up here in a way that is very different from who Sam and Dean were together, at any point in their togetherness, in really cool and interesting ways
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I love the Sam-Tracy dynamic throughout this. I love that by the end, there's a sort of rapprochement, but it's not like things have just been smoothed over.
Also, I didn't realize just how much I wanted the return of Sam's powers until just now. The idea of Sam treating the bunker like Bobby's panic room and sealing himself away inside - heartbreaking.
It's nice to see someone, especially someone like Tracy, who doesn't particularly like Sam, look out for his well-being while he's neglecting it in favor of trying to help Dean. It really highlights how bad things must be. I also like the sense of hope at the end that Sam can begin dealing with his abilities instead of just pushing them down and that they can be useful to him.
Comments 16
Also, I didn't realize just how much I wanted the return of Sam's powers until just now. The idea of Sam treating the bunker like Bobby's panic room and sealing himself away inside - heartbreaking.
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