Title: Wasted Years Recipient: monicawoe Rating: PG Word Count: ~4,500 Warnings: Mild violence and language Author's Notes: Thanks to tumblr user angstyteenagesam for the beta
I am absolutely so thrilled to see Tracy here!!!!!!!! Apologies if the rest of this comment is incoherent, because I TRULY AM THAT THRILLED OMG. <33333 And I love this peek into a potential aftermath of current canon, and being able to see where Sam might go and with whom he might meet up again--and the prospect of the return of psychic!Sammy and those pieces of canon is just delectable--even if Sam isn't necessarily as thrilled. Anyway, I love the way you've characterized Tracy here, and how blase she manages to be about Sam's abilities--she's a hunter, and she's been around the block. But more importantly, I think, she knows enough about Sam (even if her opinion isn't exactly positive) to not be fazed by this, but remains enough a stranger not to be devastated/hugely concerned/deeply suspicious this, in all the ways Dean was during S2/4. And it just sets Sam and Tracy up here in a way that is very different from who Sam and Dean were together, at any point in their togetherness, in really cool and interesting ways.
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