RPF Hurt/Comfort Meme!

May 16, 2010 11:45

Hey! There have been such wonderful h/c memes lately focusing on Dean and Sam, but with hiatus upon us, a few of us thought that this would be a great time for a RPF-specific h/c comment-fic meme. All prompts and fics should be focused on at least one actor or actress who has been on Supernatural. Other people like Chris, Steve, Chad, et al are fantastic--just make sure somebody from SPN is involved, too. :D

The rules, such as they are:

1) Comment to this post with prompts--you may want to specify particular pairings or characters or a genre like gen, slash or het. All prompt should involve some kind of h/c.
2) One prompt per comment--and please don't post more than five prompts all in a row. Posting more prompts as they get filled is awesome.
3) If you see a prompt you like, write something for it--ficlet or longer fic, whatever you like. Post the ficlet or a link to the fic as a reply to the prompt. Multiple responses to the same prompt are totally fine.
4) Tell your friends! The more people who take part, the longer the meme stays active, the better!

Pimping graphics:

PLEASE, for the love of Jared and Jensen, somebody make a better banner or banners than I have. Graphics are not my talent!

Banners from Weesta:

Put this code in your journal to pimp:

Put this code in your journal to pimp:

Thank you to rei17 for allowing us to host this meme on her community

Your RPF h/c meme hosts, embroiderama, sinnerforhire and jane_eyre

Masterlist of fics:
Prompt : Jared breaks down during an emotional scene, similar to Heart, but their new director isn't happy and won't let him take a break. Jensen doesn't take too kindly to that. --> Something to Prove by weesta
Prompt : The boys are driving somewhere and get into an accident - the car rolls and lands in a ditch filled with water. Jensen is trapped and Jared has to keep his head above water until help arrives. --> Death Trap and the sequel Life Force by sandymg
Prompt : Steve/Jensen/Chris. One week end Jensen comes back to LA to spend a few free days with his lovers, but unfortunately gets sick pretty soon (can be from exhaustion...). Steve and Chris take care of him. --> Feed a Fever by riyku
Prompt : So during the filming of BUABS when it looks like Sam might be assaulting Jo, Jared has flashbacks to when someone assaulted him. He finishes filming the episode but he's suddenly become super depressed and can't get his attack out of his head. Jensen is there to help Jared but first he has to find out what's wrong. Chad has the answers Jensen seeks. --> Illumination by faunaana
Prompt : While filming 5.22 Jared has to pretend to hit Jensen for the scene at the cemetery but one hit goes a bit awry and Jared really does hit Jensen...hard. --> Untitled by acquiescence_
Prompt : After very bad news, Jeff and jared help Jensen through this hard time in his life. I want hurt/jensen maybe getting sick because of it all, and very comforting Jeff/Jared --> As Long as It Takes by pedal_blur
Prompt : Either Jared or Jensen gets a migraine and the other takes care of him. --> 6:47 by Anonymous
Prompt : Jensen gets hurt on set by Misha by accident. Jared gets pissed. --> You Wouldn't Like Him When He's Angry by sinnerforhire
Prompt : Gen. Jensen's a little bit emotional after filming 5.22, and Jared has to calm him down. --> Phantom Hugs by Anonymous
Prompt : Jared is out walking the dogs and Harley gets into a fight with another dog. Trying to break them up, Jared gets quite badly bitten. --> Not Afraid of Dogs by embroiderama
Prompt : Jared/Jensen, Jensen gets sick and mostly just wants cuddles from his boyfriend. The only problem is that he doesn't know how to ask for cuddles without sounding like a girl. --> The Measure of A Man by sinnerforhire
Prompt: Jared and Jensen are doing a convention. Jensen becomes ill the morning of the convention, but is determined to stick it out for the sake of the fans. He needs a little TLC during and after the panels, photo ops, autographs, etc. --> Convention by hansons-angel
Prompt : Jensen/Jared. Jensen has epilepsy & collapses with a seizure in the middle of a scene. --> Under Control by sinnerforhire
Prompt : Jensen takes care of Jeff after he ripped his hamstring while filming "The Losers". --> Losers' Weekend by topaz119
Prompt : AU J2: Jensen's in a wheelchair and needs help reaching the book on the very top shelf. Jared is very tall. --> The Dangerous Book for Boys by faunaana
Prompt : Jensen/JDM, AU, non-AU, whatever floats your boat, just give me Jensen wrapped up in a blanket being looked after by JDM. --> Bagger by pedal-blur
Prompt : Jensen and Jared have a fight. Later Jensen gets hurt on set. --> Bump by peppervl
Prompt : Jared or Jensen take part in their usual daily heroics and jump infront of a moving car to save a child. --> Hero by 27_jaredjensen
Prompt : J2 AU. Jensen is a hard-of hearing art student, and Jared is the mumbling barista who always comments on Jensen's sketches while poor Jen is just trying to enjoy a cup of coffee. Jensen always mishears Jared, and thinks Jared is a complete and total asshole. Then somehow there is love. --> The Coffee House by dither_river
Prompt : Jensen/JDM, AU, non-AU, whatever floats your boat, just give me Jensen wrapped up in a blanket being looked after by JDM. --> The Rain Amid the Thunder by embroiderama
Prompt : Jared&Jensen kindergarten/elementary-school!AU. One of them gets sick and isn't at school, so the other one takes them a Get Well Soon basket. --> The day Jensen was not here, and other anomalies by Anonymous
Prompt : Jared and Jensen are doing a convention (include other SPN actors/actresses if you would like). Jensen becomes ill the morning of the convention, but is determined to stick it out for the sake of the fans. He needs a little TLC during and after the panels, photo ops, autographs, etc. --> Untitled by lausbub0402
Prompt : Jensen permanently fucks up his leg and as a result can't do Supernatural anymore, and is completely beyond terrified that Jared and Misha and all his buddies will hate him for ruining the show and never want to speak to him again. They prove him wrong. --> Murphy's Law by Anonymous
Prompt : Jensen and Jared go hiking and Jensen sprains his ankle. --> In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Vancouver by callistosh65
Prompt : Jared's used to getting over colds really quickly, so it's no big deal to him when he gets sick--until it gets unexpectedly nasty and hangs on for a really long time. Jensen is awesome at taking care of Jared through it all. --> Safari by triquetralmoon
Prompt : Jensen and Jared are on vacation--Jensen gets food poisoning. --> Food Poisoning by sandymg
Prompt : (J2 AU) Turns out Jensen's prettiness really IS mathematically impossible. He's a robot. Something goes badly wrong with his circuitry and mad scientist/professor/lab-coat-wearing Jared has to fix him. --> Winding Down by tru_faith_lost
Prompt : AU j2 slash- Jared owns a restaurant, Jensen is one of those secret critics that come in and rate establishments based on their level of accessibility. He's in a wheelchair (due to old injury and not illness, please), and Jared only has very high-top tables. Fighting and then not-fighting. --> Tables for a Sasquatch by neonchica
Prompt : J2 AU: Jensen is a chain-smoking sailboat builder. Jared is an asthmatic hydrophobe. --> The Ones that Can Swallow You Whole by embroiderama
Prompt : AU J2: Jared is a down-on-his-luck street magician, and Jensen works in a bank. Every time Jensen leaves the office for lunch or a cigarette break, he takes a moment to watch the card tricks (and the very attractive card-tricker). One cold evening, Jensen works late, and leaves to find Jared sleeping (with his magician's cape wrapped around him) behind Jensen's building. --> The Amazing Jared by blueeyedliz
Prompt : J3 - Jeff and Jared always have a hard time waking a sleepy Jensen. They're used to it, sometimes even enjoy it.....except when Jensen isn't only sleepy, but sick as well. --> The Cool Kindliness of Sheets by tanndell
Prompt : Jensen/Jared. During filming 'Bugs' Jensen gets stung by a bee and he's seriously allergic & almost dies. lots of Panicky/scared!Jared --> Stung by hansons-angel
Prompt : J2 AU -- Jensen thought he was signing up for cartooning, but accidentally signed up for ceramics, a class that's pretty damn tough when you've only got one working arm. It's worth it to suffer through it, though, because damn the shaggy-haired wheel-throwing teacher is fine... --> Twists and Turns by tcs1121
Prompt : J2. Jared trips over Harley on the steps and hurts his left hipbone and sprains his left ankle. Jensen totally dotes on him, mother henning him. Harley is very sorry and doesn't leave Jared's side for a second. --> Sleeping Dogs Lie by dontknowmyname
Prompt : Jensen/JDM, AU, non-AU, whatever floats your boat, just give me Jensen wrapped up in a blanket being looked after by JDM. --> Cold Comfort by sasha-dragon
Prompt : While filming 5.22 Jared has to pretend to hit Jensen for the scene at the cemetery but one hit goes a bit awry and Jared really does hit Jensen...hard. --> Fachay by timehasa-way
Prompt : He drank the wodka straight from the bottle, chucking it down in huge, greedy gulps as if it was water..., any pairing --> If You Ever Need Holding by calamitycrow
Prompt : Being overworked and overtired causes Jensen to collapse. Jared to the rescue. --> Perchance to Dream by sasha-dragon
Prompt : The boys are driving somewhere and get into an accident - the car rolls and lands in a ditch filled with water. Jensen is trapped and Jared has to keep his head above water until help arrives. --> Wreck of the Day by timehasa-way

author: dither_river, author: timehasa_way, author: blueeyedliz, author: tcs1121, author: hansons_angel, author: weesta, author: triquetralmoon, author: tanndell, author: topaz2119, author: dontknowmyname, author: calamitycrow, author: callisto, author: 27_jaredjensen, genre: slash, hurt!jared, author: embroiderama, author: peppervl, pairing: jeff/jensen, type: meme, author: sinnerforhire, author: lausbub0402, author: faunaana, pairing: jared/jensen, author: acquiescence_, author: riyku, author: sasha_dragon, author: sandymg, hurt!jensen

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