A final gift for heidi8

Jan 13, 2008 22:43

We’re Not in Kansas Anymore a gift for heidi8
Author: gestaltrose
Title: We’re Not in Kansas Anymore 1/6 (complete)
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Jack/Harry/Ianto eventualy
Rating: NC-17, it doesn't start there but it gets there
Word count: 4,000 this part 19,000 or so total
Beta: My lovely 'biza, britpicked by quill_lumos and kuhekabir
Spoilers: Season One and Two of Supernatural then AU ( Read more... )

2007, spn:wincest, final gift, spn:crossovers

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Comments 3

: flails heidi8 January 14 2008, 17:00:26 UTC
: flails madly

Oh wow

A year ago this week, I read the list of SPN crossovers in crossover_news - they had a separate issue dedicated to crossovers of other 'verses with SPN. And Henry Jenkins was praising the show, and so were dozens of people on my flist, and I thought, huh, maybe I should give one of the fics a try, and maybe watch an ep of the show?

The first SPN fic I read, a year ago this week, was Dean/Jack (preseries for Doctor Who, actually) and I was completely enthralled by SPN. So I watched an episode - Playthings - and I was over the moon.

What all of this is meant to say is...

OMG! OMG! SPN *and* Jack Harkness *and* Harry Potter? All in one? Could there be anything more perfect? Could there be a better gift-fic for me to lovelovelove the day before my birthday than this fic?

It's such a gorgeous, wonderful, creative, and squee-generating story, and I can't wait to read more. Can. Not. Wait.

But, actually, am totally willing to wait if need be because the anticipation of the next part is yummy, too!

Oh gah, I just love


Re: : flails gestaltrose January 14 2008, 17:14:01 UTC
I was a bit worried by your request for pre-series... but I was hopeful that if I could pull all three groups together that it would make you happy if it wasn't.

*is gleefull* I'm so glad you love it.

Happy Birthday a day early too... I'd ask you if I could write something for you but.... ta da... I already have... I'll be getting the second part up today. Sorry it's so big.


Re: : flails heidi8 January 14 2008, 17:31:49 UTC
Oh, gah, absolutely happy! Beyond beyond happy! I really love it.

And heee, yes you already have! And never - please never - apologize for something being so big! :D


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