A final gift for heidi8

Jan 13, 2008 22:43

We’re Not in Kansas Anymore a gift for heidi8
Author: gestaltrose
Title: We’re Not in Kansas Anymore 1/6 (complete)
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Jack/Harry/Ianto eventualy
Rating: NC-17, it doesn't start there but it gets there
Word count: 4,000 this part 19,000 or so total
Beta: My lovely 'biza, britpicked by quill_lumos and kuhekabir
Spoilers: Season One and Two of Supernatural then AU, Part of Season One of Torchwood then AU, AU Harry Potter but some spoilers I guess, oh and Season Two of the latest incarnation of Dr Who.
Warnings: Incest, Crossover: Supernatural, Harry Potter, and Torchwood. A bit of cursing for this part, Slash,
Disclaimer: This is just a story it came out of my own head. Sam and Dean belong to Kripke, Harry Potter and Company belong to Rowling, and Jack and the Torchwood crew belong to Russell T Davies and the BBC. No money is being made from this story... who would buy it?
Summary: *deep breath* Sam and Dean from my Don’t Touch story (which you don’t have to read to understand this one) find themselves in Wales and neck deep in trouble, like usual.
Notes: This was written as a pitch-hit for spn_holidays. heidi8 said, "(I am fine with Wincest, other slash, het or gen, and any rating is fine) Anything preseries crossed over with Heroes, Chuck, Pushing Daisies, West Wing, Doctor Who, Torchwood, the film Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, or Legally Blonde (film or musical). Oh, or Harry Potter! " Well it’s not pre-series but I already had part of this written since last year. I hope you like it. The rest of the story should be up in the next few days.

Link to the Story

2007, spn:wincest, final gift, spn:crossovers

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