Summer Fun!!! Comment Fic Meme

Jun 23, 2012 08:35

Since ficwriter1966 gave us permission to get the ball rolling on some fun stuff this summer... How about a new Comment Fic Meme?  The old one seems pretty dead and this one could have a theme:  Summer Fun!

These wouldn't have to be giant fics by any means, I realize we have a reverse bang coming up and many of you are probably super-busy writing for Summergen or one of the other bangs going on. Drabbles or ficlets that would fit inside a comment would be great (unless your muse really grabs hold).

So, how 'bout it?  I'd imagine the wee! and teen!chesters had some good times during summer breaks.  The guys may have even taken a trip or two to the beach during summer hellatus.  Can you imagine how excited crazy!Cas will be when the lightening bugs come out?  That's even better than bees!  And just because Dean's trapped in Purgatory this summer, it doesn't mean he can't have a little fun if your imagination is cracky enough.

How to Play: One prompt per comment would make it easier to navigate, but don't see a reason to put a limit on prompts per poster. The more the merrier.  Place your fill as a reply to the original prompt (or put a link to it there).    

comment fic

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