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Comments 215

Summer Camp Hell lolaann1 June 23 2012, 12:39:18 UTC
I'll start...

The guys have to infiltrate a summer camp as counselors. Problem is, these are the crappiest/brattiest kids ever.


Re: Summer Camp Hell saberivojo June 23 2012, 13:22:50 UTC
“Dude, what is up with these kids?”

Sam attempted to shrug, “I don’t know. Excessive permissive parenting?”

“Permissive parenting? This has to be anti-parenting.”

Sam nodded, “I never thought, in a million years that I would agree with Dad’s dictatorial, authoritarian, I will kick your asses, boys methods, but I’m starting to think he may have had at least some of it right ( ... )


Re: Summer Camp Hell ficwriter1966 June 23 2012, 13:25:25 UTC
I love it! And wow, you were FAST!

Giggled at Dean wanting to make midget pie. And I didn't see the ending coming, with them tied up and taped! Great job. :)


Re: Summer Camp Hell saberivojo June 23 2012, 13:28:55 UTC
Well, they will get out fast enough I guess. They've been tied up by tougher bad guys.

Hee, saw the prompt and went crazy for like five minutes. How much fun is this?


ficwriter1966 June 23 2012, 13:20:27 UTC
Let's see...

Wee Sam and Dean go seashell hunting on the beach, and find a GIANT SCARY MONSTER. (A crab or some such thing.)


monicawoe June 23 2012, 13:37:32 UTC
You ever been to the Jersey shore during the annual horseshoe crab spawning? It looks like an alien planet. Also, they bleed blue.


ficwriter1966 June 23 2012, 15:59:52 UTC
Huh! No, I've never seen that. I imagine it could be a little...weird. Now I'm thinking of drunk!Dean passing out on the beach and waking up to find *that* going on around him...


dollysdoodles June 23 2012, 16:07:39 UTC
i wish i could see that hee hee


ficwriter1966 June 23 2012, 13:22:44 UTC
Here's another: Sam and Dean find a kiddie swimming pool stashed in Bobby's garage. (Bobby used to use it to give his dog a bath.) It's *crazy* hot out, and...well, it's a POOL.


Prompt filled dizzojay June 23 2012, 19:43:34 UTC
Sam sighed through the cloying heat as he stood at Bobby’s kitchen sink scrubbing his way through last night’s dishes. Job done, he carefully wrung out the threadbare blue dishcloth then looked up with a yawn through the grimy window ( ... )


Re: Prompt filled ficwriter1966 June 23 2012, 21:00:34 UTC
Awwwww, thank you, Dizz!! The prompt popped into my head this morning - my original thought was some crazy!Dean pulling some wacky hijinks, but I decided to let you guys tackle it, and I love this result! I feel Dean's mellowness there, just a moment of pure enjoyment, and I love that Sammy is gonna pull up a chair and join him. Thanks so much!!


Re: Prompt filled dizzojay June 24 2012, 07:29:39 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the boys cooling off for a moment of down-time :)


dizzojay June 23 2012, 13:28:29 UTC
Ok, I'm being greedy here, I have two prompts; don't shout at me ...

1. The boys are staying at a slightly better than average motel with a pool. Dean, maybe under the influence of alcohol - you decide, admits an embarrassing secret: he can't swim. Sam teaches him.

2. The boys on the beach; Dean gets stung by something (jellyfish/anenome - you decide - something highly uncomfortable/itchy/swollen but not life threatening) in an embarrassing place (again you decide exactly where and how embarrassing). Because of this he flatly refuses to go to hospital, so poor Sam is left to deal with it.

Thank you :)


purple_carpets June 23 2012, 13:39:39 UTC
aw, I adore the first one *_*


#2 Filled saberivojo June 23 2012, 14:16:38 UTC
"I swear I read that's how you stop a jellyfish sting ( ... )


Re: #2 Filled dizzojay June 23 2012, 14:23:58 UTC
Heehee *snort*

Oh poor boys, I'm not sure who that would have been worse for!
Sammy is so well read, even at his young age - although he's disastrously wrong on this one!

Thank you for a fab little story :)



purple_carpets June 23 2012, 13:38:26 UTC
They're suffering through a horrible, evil heatwave, the A/C is dead, Dean's leg is in a cast all the way up to his knee (he might have a couple of broken-off pencils stuck in there, too) and seriously Sammy, stop hiding the remote control and for the love of God, no, please don't read stories to Dean, especially not if you found them on your summer reading list.

Why yes, (pre)teen!Dean feeling sorry for himself is my idea of summer fun.


Filled: The Summer of Stupid -- PG mamapranayama June 23 2012, 18:11:02 UTC

The Summer of StupidSammy is stupid and this stupid summer is all his fault ( ... )


Re: Filled: The Summer of Stupid -- PG mamapranayama June 23 2012, 18:13:38 UTC
“Just turn it off, moron.” Dean grumbles. Now he’s hot and bored and the only things he can watch are the other kids in the apartment complex swimming in the stupid pool just outside their window ( ... )


Re: Filled: The Summer of Stupid -- PG mamapranayama June 23 2012, 18:19:18 UTC
Dean throws his head back and sighs while Sam mopes, walks away and grabs a book, flinging himself into the recliner and burying his face behind long bangs as he reads, but Dean knows he’s really just trying to keep himself from crying and feels like an even bigger asshole, because his brother is only 11 years old and he shouldn't have to feel guilty about Dean getting hurt.

“Hey … what ya reading?” He asks because he can’t think of anything better to say to keep his little brother from feeling any worse than he already does.

“The Hobbit.” Sam mumbles ( ... )


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