Dean Winchester - The Epitome of Awesome [1/1]

Jun 23, 2012 05:18

Title: Dean Winchester - The Epitome of Awesome
Author: strgazr04
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen. Humor, minor angst, H/C
Word count: 4,212
Author's notes: Independent fic that can be seen as a Dean POV companion to A Sensitive Secret. Takes place in S4 after DALDOM.
Warnings: Minor swearing

Summary: Dean's hair was a reflection of himself - practical, but awesome. It wasn't always this way though. For years it could be said that Dean's hair was anything but his.

Dean Winchester - The Epitome of Awesome

mary, rating: pg, season 1, dean, season 2, sam, fic: gen, schmoop, john, season 4

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